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Donald Trump SPEAKS

If you wish to find where the Donald mentions me it is possible by putting this Youtube through openaiChatGPT and using any of the following words or phrases and putting Search: before them.

All American or
Amazing or
Spectacular or
Where is Garpal Gumnut?
He is so popular thank you Garpal
He's here somewhere in this big crowd.
Communist maniacs.
China virus.
Want to abolish your borders and persecute Christians.
He's from Townsville.
Townsville, a great city, thank you Garpal.

Amongst other phrases from this maniac who supports the random killing of innocents at schools and shopping centres all over the great US of A.

What an absolute turd of a clueless man who will in all likelihood be the next President of the United States if the Democrats don't move to the centre or centre right with a sensible candidate.

The trumpet as usual completely out of tune playing the wrong note.
The reason Trump wins is because he's smarter than the Democrats or the Republicans.

Even when he loses he wins.

Until the Democrats or the Republicans realise that, he will keep on winning and drive the West to a disunited, greedy, dog eat dog rump and the world to a dangerous place.

Until the USA can get a Democrat or Republican who is smarter than he is at getting the ordinary voter who is sick and tired of the politically correct rubbish that is pushed down their throats by a left wing media, and elites who are obscenely richer than their fellow Americans he will continue to lead in any polls and in all likelihood win the next election.

He is a smart scrawny hyena without principles nor concern for his fellow Americans, the ultimate in a TV culture which manipulates via Murdoch the common people.

The rest of the media because of their left wing bias is complicit in aiding Trump by turning off the average voter with their nonsense.

Trump is the ultimate manipulator.

I don't want him to win but he will unless some miracle candidate arises from either the Democrat or Republican parties.

If you wish to find where the Donald mentions me it is possible by putting this Youtube through openaiChatGPT and using any of the following words or phrases and putting Search: before them.

All American or
Amazing or
Spectacular or
Where is Garpal Gumnut?
He is so popular thank you Garpal
He's here somewhere in this big crowd.
Communist maniacs.
China virus.
Want to abolish your borders and persecute Christians.
He's from Townsville.
Townsville, a great city, thank you Garpal.

Amongst other phrases from this maniac who supports the random killing of innocents at schools and shopping centres all over the great US of A.

What an absolute turd of a clueless man who will in all likelihood be the next President of the United States if the Democrats don't move to the centre or centre right with a sensible candidate.

Is it safe to walk around Townsville at night?
Walking around the city at night is considered unsafe. Try not to appear on poorly informed streets, and use a taxi to get around at night. If you are traveling in your own or rented car, be sure to leave it at well-guarded parking lots and securely close it.
' average temperatures ' ???

would stuff like that erode confidence in the rest of the article
Is it safe to walk around Townsville at night?
Walking around the city at night is considered unsafe. Try not to appear on poorly informed streets, and use a taxi to get around at night. If you are traveling in your own or rented car, be sure to leave it at well-guarded parking lots and securely close it.


Donald Trump Speech Today Live | Trump Mocks Joe Biden In Houston | Trump Rally In Houston | N18L​

The Bronze Loon is the inevitable Republican Candidate for the election for POTUS.

The decision by state Democrat Attorneys General to prosecute him for January 6th looks more unwise by the day. A conflict between the political and judicial cornerstones of American democracy is in nobody's best interest.

Trump will win no matter what the outcome of the courts.

The Bronze Loon is the inevitable Republican Candidate for the election for POTUS.

The decision by state Democrat Attorneys General to prosecute him for January 6th looks more unwise by the day. A conflict between the political and judicial cornerstones of American democracy is in nobody's best interest.

Trump will win no matter what the outcome of the courts.

but will the courts survive ??

it is clear certain levels of the justice system needs intense scrutiny/revision

do you remove/rebuild or selectively target and face claims of 'witch-hunting '