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Where is/can Donald Trump take US (sic)?

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Trump introduced paid parental leave. Apparently lobbied by his daughter. Business/Economy side he does seem to have pushed the US forward.

Dems are just a screaming mess. Similar to their voters. I do believe so called progressives have decided authoritarianism is the only way forward. We recently had one of Bernies high level of campaign staff suggest that: "gulags are a good idea and we need to re-educate Republican voters"
He said a bunch of other crazy communist crap on top of that. It's insane to think this guy could have a high level job to a man that has the potential to be President.
The Trump administration will strip federal pollution protections for rivers, streams, and wetlands. The new rule, which replaces the Obama administration’s “Waters of the United States” regulation, will remove protections from more than half the nation’s wetlands, as well as hundreds of thousands of small waterways. It also allows landowners and property developers to dump pollutants, such as pesticides and fertilizers directly into many of those waterways — or to destroy or fill in wetlands for construction projects. A government advisory board of scientists, many of whom were appointed by Trump, wrote last month that the new rule “neglects established science.” (New York Times / The Guardian / NPR / Axios)

Brilliant ... you can now dump as much untreated sewerage into any river in the USA ...

MAGA .... or Trump for jail 2020

Trump will become the first sitting president to attend and address the anti-abortion March for Life, an annual anti-abortion event in Washington. In 2017, Pence became the first sitting vice president to attend the event, and in 2018, Trump became the first president to address the rally by video. In his speech, Trump vowed that his administration would “always defend the very first right in the Declaration of Independence, and that is the right to life.” (Bloomberg / New York Times / CNN)

Yes the religious far right has won !!

I can grab your P ...
I have now 18 women accusing me of rape or groping ... but NO ABORTIONS.

Not even for any reason such as threat to life of woman let alone incest ... RAPE or other such crimes.

America is GREAT ....

And NO he does not profit off his residency ... whoops Presidency ...

Room rates at the Trump National Doral more than doubled just before the White House announced that Trump would address the Republican National Committee’s winter meeting. The rates raised from from $254 to $539, which is slightly below the maximum per-night rate federal government rules permit for a hotel in South Florida, and is triple the normal “per diem” rate employees are supposed to follow. (HuffPost)
The Trump administration will strip federal pollution protections for rivers, streams, and wetlands. The new rule, which replaces the Obama administration’s “Waters of the United States” regulation, will remove protections from more than half the nation’s wetlands, as well as hundreds of thousands of small waterways. It also allows landowners and property developers to dump pollutants, such as pesticides and fertilizers directly into many of those waterways — or to destroy or fill in wetlands for construction projects. A government advisory board of scientists, many of whom were appointed by Trump, wrote last month that the new rule “neglects established science.” (New York Times / The Guardian / NPR / Axios)

Brilliant ... you can now dump as much untreated sewerage into any river in the USA ...

MAGA .... or Trump for jail 2020

Trump will become the first sitting president to attend and address the anti-abortion March for Life, an annual anti-abortion event in Washington. In 2017, Pence became the first sitting vice president to attend the event, and in 2018, Trump became the first president to address the rally by video. In his speech, Trump vowed that his administration would “always defend the very first right in the Declaration of Independence, and that is the right to life.” (Bloomberg / New York Times / CNN)

Yes the religious far right has won !!

I can grab your P ...
I have now 18 women accusing me of rape or groping ... but NO ABORTIONS.

Not even for any reason such as threat to life of woman let alone incest ... RAPE or other such crimes.

America is GREAT ....

And NO he does not profit off his residency ... whoops Presidency ...

Room rates at the Trump National Doral more than doubled just before the White House announced that Trump would address the Republican National Committee’s winter meeting. The rates raised from from $254 to $539, which is slightly below the maximum per-night rate federal government rules permit for a hotel in South Florida, and is triple the normal “per diem” rate employees are supposed to follow. (HuffPost)
Obama made a mess of the regulations on water and farmers were getting caught out with no clarity. Even things like snow melt and runoff were causing problems. It's clarity for farmers and it's for smaller bodies of water. The other epa regulations are still in force
Trump is courting farmers and the religious. Obviously their vote will help him in upcoming elections.
Trump’s re-election campaign threatened the nonpartisan presidential debate commission that Trump may not participate if the process is not “fair.” Trump’s campaign manager, Brad Parscale, campaign operating officer, Michael Glassner, complained to Frank Fahrenkopf, the co-chairman of the Commission on Presidential Debates, that the board of directors and moderators were all against the president. Trump privately told advisers that because his television ratings are so high, he can exert more control over the debates. (Washington Post)

Fair being that Trump is declared president for life and all non white, non hetero people leave the country along with all non christian or those pretending like Trump to have a religion ... and those bloody hispanics especially those from Puerto Rico starting with AOC. Puerto Rico is of course according to Trump part of Portugal.

Next he will be imposing more travel bans to distract you .... on as many nations as he can .... whoops he did that a few days ... ago ....

Please to announce Trump Tweeted 54 times in 6 hours. I thought he had a 13 year old son ?
The impeachment rolls on in the Senate.

Watching the defense lawyers defend the indefensible is Kafkaesque. Meanwhile critical parts of John Boltons book where he explicitly notes Donald Trump tied the approved Ukraine military aid to announcing investigations into his political opponent are deemed not evidence.

Only in Trumps America.

Trump linked Ukraine aid to Biden inquiry, Bolton book draft says – report
Manuscript written by former national security adviser details material Bolton could be expected to reveal if he were called in the impeachment trial

John Bolton’s account reportedly describes how Donald Trump wanted to delay US aid to Ukraine until the government agreed to investigate Joe Biden Photograph: Leah Millis/Reuters
Joanna Walters in New York
Published on Mon 27 Jan 2020 01.38 GMT

The draft of a book by former US national security adviser John Bolton reportedly describes how Donald Trump told him about his determination to delay US military aid to Ukraine until its government agreed to investigate his Democratic rival Joe Biden.

The explosive manuscript details the kind of material that Bolton could be expected to reveal publicly were he to be called as a witness in Trump’s impeachment trial now going on in the US Senate.

The account undermines Trump’s claims that the delay in aid to Ukraine last summer and the president’s efforts to persuade Ukraine to investigate US Democrats were unconnected, the New York Times said as part of its article on Sunday night revealing the Bolton manuscript.

The manuscript reportedly contains new details about the actions of senior cabinet officials including secretary of state Mike Pompeo, attorney general William Barr and acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney.
Trump’s spiritual adviser called for “all satanic pregnancies to miscarry.” Paula White said she was speaking in metaphor. White recently joined the White House Office of Public Liaison as a religious adviser. (Washington Post)

It begs a few questions but the obvious one .... Is this how Trump was created ?
Why you must side with Donald Trump on impeachment

First line ...

A classic

Since I was asked in a recent post about why we have been avoiding the impeachment story, let me say for myself that there is no there there to discuss.

Obviously full of intellect !! There there ? WTF ?

The rest a climate denial far right site of some delusional moron who would be well suited here. I suspect he is one poster here !!

One of the numerous drivel filled blogs ... title

The enemies of the environment: the Greens
Bolton a credible witness?
Yeah, right. Not just according to me but also video of him praising Trumps phone call. Schiff saying previously he wasn't a credible witness. And even Obama calling him dodge.
Added to that is that constitutionally Trump should never have been impeached for this.

Let the circus roll on...
The argument now being posited by Trumps lawyer is as follows.

"If a president does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment."

So, basically , he/Trump are arguing that anything Trump does to help himself get elected is in the public interest.
That's right. Put political opponents in jail, create false stories, abuse the Press, whatever, wherever, however he can do anything .

Divine Right of Kings I believe
The Questions and answers session in teh Senate are throwing some critical questions now and for the future of the US political system.

4:32 p.m. House manager Lofgren warns of consequences of obstruction
Democratic senators asks the House managers if there is any precedent for a president to refuse to cooperate with Congress on an investigation and the possible consequences if the Senate votes to acquit him despite those decisions to block witnesses and withhold documents.

House manager Zoe Lofgren calls the president's actions an "extreme measure" to hide evidence from Congress and that no other president has ordered a witness not to cooperate with an impeachment inquiry.

She argues if the Senate doesn't move strongly against that obstruction it could make it impossible for Congress to conduct oversight of future presidents.

"If the president can say, you're not sending any witnesses. We are not sending documents. We don't have to. We don't like your processes. We have a wholesale rejection of what you are doing. That is not the way our constitution was created. For each body has responsibility. There is a sharing of power. I, and I know you cherish the responsibility that we have. That will be eviscerated if the president's complete stonewalling is allowed to persist and be accepted by this body," she says.
The Questions and answers session in teh Senate are throwing some critical questions now and for the future of the US political system.

4:32 p.m. House manager Lofgren warns of consequences of obstruction
Democratic senators asks the House managers if there is any precedent for a president to refuse to cooperate with Congress on an investigation and the possible consequences if the Senate votes to acquit him despite those decisions to block witnesses and withhold documents.

House manager Zoe Lofgren calls the president's actions an "extreme measure" to hide evidence from Congress and that no other president has ordered a witness not to cooperate with an impeachment inquiry.

She argues if the Senate doesn't move strongly against that obstruction it could make it impossible for Congress to conduct oversight of future presidents.

"If the president can say, you're not sending any witnesses. We are not sending documents. We don't have to. We don't like your processes. We have a wholesale rejection of what you are doing. That is not the way our constitution was created. For each body has responsibility. There is a sharing of power. I, and I know you cherish the responsibility that we have. That will be eviscerated if the president's complete stonewalling is allowed to persist and be accepted by this body," she says.
He shouldn't have been impeached in the first place.
White House Spiritual Adviser Paula White Commands 'All Satanic Pregnancies to Miscarry

Are they serious .... Impeach ? I would send anyone near this person to the loony bin !!

Leader of the USA .... its chilling !!
The argument now being posited by Trumps lawyer is as follows.

"If a president does something which he believes will help him get elected in the public interest, that cannot be the kind of quid pro quo that results in impeachment."

So, basically , he/Trump are arguing that anything Trump does to help himself get elected is in the public interest.
That's right. Put political opponents in jail, create false stories, abuse the Press, whatever, wherever, however he can do anything .

Divine Right of Kings I believe

At least you have moved on from the Brexit thread.:roflmao:
A wrap-up and reminder of total loss of integrity by the Republican Party in the US.

Republicans march over the impeachment cliff – taking their self-respect with them
Richard Wolffe
How can Republicans pretend to the world that their vision of America – where a president can happily use military aid to coerce a foreign government to smear his political rival in an election – is the model for democracy?
I wonder what the fall out will be as Trump is now Caesar.

Still it is the US but then I doubt the founding fathers would ever think it would get this crazy.

Given the amount of options that Trump gave for impeachment I wonder what the next 4 years will bring.
Why Democracy's Fail

The title of a new book, an historical tome on why Democracy's fail the last chapter being about Modern USA.

I heard the writer speak. He was fascinating. Why Argentina failed which had a democracy almost word for word based on the USA, Weichmart in Germany etc.

It was scary when he started talking about the USA.

For instance: there used to be protections against Demogogues that have been removed. Ford of Ford motorcars for instance (a last century demogogue) tried to become President but he couldn't get past the systems.

Other sections of the Constitution can also be bypassed easily. For instance if the President loses a vote in the high court he can just stack on more judges of his choosing. He can add another 10 if he wishes. In his opinion, the USA is in danger of losing democracy. We are lucky it is an old guy like Trump at present, not some young Adolf running the country.

I am going to buy the book as it was quite interesting.

From the review:

If you listen to conservative discussion and debate, it’s hard to miss the rising tone of skepticism about democracy—and increasing impatience with the claim that everybody should have convenient access to the ballot. The pessimism about the society and the weakness of the party have left Republicans vulnerable to an authoritarian populist like Donald Trump. Party rules that would once have screened out a Trump have given way to partisan antagonisms that empower him.

Some conservative intellectuals attribute Trump’s ascendancy to a betrayal of conservative ideals. That’s true so far as it goes. But the more relevant truth, as Ziblatt teaches us, is that Trump arose because of the hollowing out of conservative institutions. The Republican party could not stop him. Now it cannot restrain him. And this weakness of the Republican party—and its craven subordination to the ego, ambition, and will-to-power of one man—now stands as the gravest immediate threat to American democracy: a lesson from the 19th century of frightening immediacy to the 21st.
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