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Where is/can Donald Trump take US (sic)?

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Maybe you have changed.
I wouldn't be quoting Krugman if I wanted my credibility intact. In fact, just WTF has happened to Mish.

This Mish is a different Mish than the Mish I once read.
Just on the quiet, Chinese business is feeling the pinch. China will go broke before the US falls. Unfortunately we will probably get one hell of a recession. I'm hoping it gets resolved quickly.
If Chins falls, and so far, US is winning economically, we indeed will pay the price.Maybe it is a bit of karma: associating with the bully ends not well for the minions when justice fights back.
We lost everything and became a Third world economy selling sun,language,farm goods and dirt in the progress
What Trump is doing is good for the West and for democracy but indeed terrible for us
What does this mean for Australia actual position?
Maybe we are not really a western democracy anymore ?
Food for thoughts
China needs to drop in line, it will reduce their growth, but guarantee continued growth. They can't just expect the World to stand by, while they decimate every Countries industries, by dumping their product everywhere at a reduced price.
That policy was fine and accepted, while there was a marked difference in the quality of the product they were selling, then the first World product could hold its own on the 'you get what you pay for' basis.
The problem now is, China's product and manufacturing standards are improving, but they aren't changing the price of it to reflect the added cost. For World trade to work there has to be a situation where countries manufacturing costs, are reflected in the price of the product, otherwise inefficient use of raw materials and energy are encouraged.
China really does need to come to an agreement, otherwise it will end badly.
Just my opinion.
By Reid Latham (A must read)

1. Cory Booker says he wants to punch our President.
2. Joe Biden says he wants to beat up our President.
3. Maxine Waters says to get in Republicans' faces out in public.
4. Jimmy Kimmel and other late night hosts joke about assassinating our President.
5. Snoop Dog makes a video of a fake assassination of our President.
6. Kathy Griffin poses with a severed bloody head of our President.
7. Johnny Depp jokes about assassinating our President.
8. Madonna says she wants to blow up the White House.
9. Black Lives Matter chants they want dead cops and fry 'em like bacon.
10. Antifa routinely assaults Conservatives.
11. AOC calls our border agents Nazis and refuses to condemn violence against them.
12. The so-called "Squad" supports terrorists of Palestine and Hamas and routinely spews anti semitic rhetoric.
13. Congress refuses to call out Ilhan Omar for making anti semitic remarks.
14. Rashida Tlaib calls our President a motherf**ker.

Yet President Trump is the one inciting hatred and violence? SMH....
By Reid Latham (A must read)

1. Cory Booker says he wants to punch our President.
2. Joe Biden says he wants to beat up our President.
3. Maxine Waters says to get in Republicans' faces out in public.
4. Jimmy Kimmel and other late night hosts joke about assassinating our President.
5. Snoop Dog makes a video of a fake assassination of our President.
6. Kathy Griffin poses with a severed bloody head of our President.
7. Johnny Depp jokes about assassinating our President.
8. Madonna says she wants to blow up the White House.
9. Black Lives Matter chants they want dead cops and fry 'em like bacon.
10. Antifa routinely assaults Conservatives.
11. AOC calls our border agents Nazis and refuses to condemn violence against them.
12. The so-called "Squad" supports terrorists of Palestine and Hamas and routinely spews anti semitic rhetoric.
13. Congress refuses to call out Ilhan Omar for making anti semitic remarks.
14. Rashida Tlaib calls our President a motherf**ker.

Yet President Trump is the one inciting hatred and violence? SMH....
They can't all be wrong.
They're all talkers, blowhards.
It takes a proper Alt Right person to actually go out and do a bit of killing.
Well if we looking at the situation in Toto over the last say, 100 years, the extreme rights got a hell of a long way to go to catch up with the left

They are tens of millions behind
They're all talkers, blowhards.
It takes a proper Alt Right person to actually go out and do a bit of killing.
And what is it, three days? Since you forgot that the Dayton shooter was an antifa supporter?
And what is it, three days? Since you forgot that the Dayton shooter was an antifa supporter?
Exactly, the far right and the far left are two sides of the same coin. Same bully philosophy same result. They both dress like storm troopers.Just different tribes.

I dislike Nazis and Communists and Pol Pot types equally.

Like to find out his thinking for killing Mexicans and how that serves his cause.
Here's what I find troubling @Knobby22 , exactly what we are calling the extremes?

There are actually very few at the the extremes. White nationalists anf the true alt right are very small in number. Those mostly accused of being alt right, aren't.

The extreme left is a bigger tribe, but still a small minority, relative to everyone else.

There are s whole bunch being sucked in the the narrative however, by the highly visible players and the media, desperate to gain revenue.

Topical - Raheem in no extremist, just and ex muslim conservative. On the right for sure, but in no way extreme, ore alt-right.

Kennealy is simply politicking in the most egregious way for her own agenda, usung the current divisive lunacy to try to benefit (might backfire on her though).
The Alt Right and Far Left don't really have any core beliefs in my opinion, it's all culture war to them and a chance to form tribes and bash each other on the media and in person if possible.

For instance the Conservatives such as Mish are up in arms with regard to introducing tariffs which are more a left wing philosophy and counter productive. The Alt right just cheers it on uncritically.
The Far left just like to turn up at rallys to taunt the alt right.

I think in the USA the far right is larger but I suppose it's definitional.
I don't call people wanting a decent healthcare system far left, just informed.
The Alt Right and Far Left don't really have any core beliefs in my opinion, it's all culture war to them and a chance to form tribes and bash each other on the media and in person if possible.

For instance the Conservatives such as Mish are up in arms with regard to introducing tariffs which are more a left wing philosophy and counter productive. The Alt right just cheers it on uncritically.
The Far left just like to turn up at rallys to taunt the alt right.

I think in the USA the far right is larger but I suppose it's definitional.
I don't call people wanting a decent healthcare system far left, just informed.

Health care is an interesting conversation in the US. It is not truly a private system, even if not universal.

Equally interesting, I was just with a client who works in healthcare here, reckons it's a fracking mess.

For me and my family, experiences in the public system here have ranged from really quite good to absolutely horrendous.

My wife had excellent grounds to sue (but we chose to just move on). It is astonishing my mum is still alive due to the incompetency in the public system.

If I'd relied on the public system years ago, I'd be an invalid.

So, just don't know mate. There are no easy answers there for the US.
Health care is an interesting conversation in the US. It is not truly a private system, even if not universal.

Equally interesting, I was just with a client who works in healthcare here, reckons it's a fracking mess.

For me and my family, experiences in the public system here have ranged from really quite good to absolutely horrendous.

My wife had excellent grounds to sue (but we chose to just move on). It is astonishing my mum is still alive due to the incompetency in the public system.

If I'd relied on the public system years ago, I'd be an invalid.

So, just don't know mate. There are no easy answers there for the US.
Public system here can be horrendous. And the doctors will still make you pay. We seem to have some of the worse doctor's and nurses in the world here.

Some of the private hospitals are very good.

There just seems to be a lot of clueless wads in the health and educational system. Both have needed an overhaul for yeas.
Public system here can be horrendous. And the doctors will still make you pay. We seem to have some of the worse doctor's and nurses in the world here.

Some of the private hospitals are very good.

There just seems to be a lot of clueless wads in the health and educational system. Both have needed an overhaul for yeas.

Clearly we have had different experiences.
I have used many public health hospitals as a patient and through family or friends.
The quality has ranged from outstanding to very good. As yet I can't remember a really bad practitioner.

Private Hospitals ? Yes they are better looking. Nicer features. I would hope they treat people well.
But I do know they come with a heavy price tag.
I'm aware that a significant motivator is profit and that this , too often, has an adverse impact on the types of treatment offered. I'm thinking here of some cancer treatments I have been aware of in private hospitals

I also know that, generally speaking, the best treatment for many challenging conditions is undertaken in Public Hospitals. That perspective comes from doctors I know who work in both systems. Private hospitals tend to focus on relatively optional treatments. :2twocents

But I also see people have their own experiences and perspectives.
Clearly we have had different experiences.
I have used many public health hospitals as a patient and through family or friends.
The quality has ranged from outstanding to very good. As yet I can't remember a really bad practitioner.

Private Hospitals ? Yes they are better looking. Nicer features. I would hope they treat people well.
But I do know they come with a heavy price tag.
I'm aware that a significant motivator is profit and that this , too often, has an adverse impact on the types of treatment offered. I'm thinking here of some cancer treatments I have been aware of in private hospitals

I also know that, generally speaking, the best treatment for many challenging conditions is undertaken in Public Hospitals. That perspective comes from doctors I know who work in both systems. Private hospitals tend to focus on relatively optional treatments. :2twocents

But I also see people have their own experiences and perspectives.
Public in nsw is shocking. I haven't seen it in the last year. But they have killed a few acquaintances of mine.

One went in for a simple procedure and they botched it. Killed him, resuscitated him and he ended up slightly brain damaged. Got a huge payout though.
This was about a year ago.

And then a long list of botched surgeries. People don't realize that the surgeons will operate if you need it or not. And will often make it worse than before.

They even tried to cut off my fathers leg due to a staf infection. They argued with me until I told the surgeon his next operation would be removing his head from his ass. My mother and I ended up tending to him at home and he is still walking around roughly a decade later.

And then the dodgy diagnosing. Some shocking, shocking calls.
One doctor said I wouldn’t be able to work again after hurting my back. Nothing anyone could do to ease the pain except take drugs (which I never take). I thought "f you" kept working and within a year my back was better.

Another mate had a tumor on his spine the size of a pineapple, complained for a year to doctors and finally they ran some tests and found it. Too late....

And lets not talk about the idiots in a Sydney hospital that killed my unborn child with medications that should not have been prescribed.
I could literally write a book.
They are scary stories Moxjo. With those sort of experiences one would be totally gun shy.

I would hate to be on the receiving end of poor or dangerous doctors. As I have said my personal experience based on around half a dozen significant events has been particularly (possibly unusually) positive. In fact I can recall one doctor making a late decision not to operate on a kidney stone issue becasue he thought with reason it was breaking up of its accord.

Some really terrible medical events in your life moxjo. Sorry..:(
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