Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

A white perspective of Racism and White Privilege in the US

30 June 2008
This is an very thoughtful insight into how the US treats blacks. Well worth taking the time to read in full.
Thoughts ?

When the police break your teammate’s leg, you’d think it would wake you up a little.

When they arrest him on a New York street, throw him in jail for the night, and leave him with a season-ending injury, you’d think it would sink in. You’d think you’d know there was more to the story.

You’d think.
But nope.
I still remember my reaction when I first heard what happened to Thabo. It was 2015, late in the season. Thabo and I were teammates on the Hawks, and we’d flown into New York late after a game in Atlanta. When I woke up the next morning, our team group text was going nuts. Details were still hazy, but guys were saying, Thabo hurt his leg? During an arrest? Wait — he spent the night in jail?! Everyone was pretty upset and confused.

Well, almost everyone. My response was….. different. I’m embarrassed to admit it.

Which is why I want to share it today.
Oh God! I wanted to self harm after reading that shyte :rolleyes:
Oh God! I wanted to self harm after reading that shyte :rolleyes:

That's so sad...:( but totally predictable ..:rolleyes: We all know how you roll Wayne.

Of course I can empathize with you. Whenever I read any of the poisonous dribble posted by/about Saint Thomas Robinson and co I feel twitchy and want to reach for something solid .


But is there anyone else (who doesn't froth at the mouth at the suggestion that the US might have "a teensy weensy" problem with racism) who has read the story and have a thoughtful comment to make about the content ?
I think it's you with the racism problem, bas.

Think about it.
That's so sad...:( but totally predictable ..:rolleyes: We all know how you roll Wayne.

Of course I can empathize with you. Whenever I read any of the poisonous dribble posted by/about Saint Thomas Robinson and co I feel twitchy and want to reach for something solid .


But is there anyone else (who doesn't froth at the mouth at the suggestion that the US might have "a teensy weensy" problem with racism) who has read the story and have a thoughtful comment to make about the content ?

Incidents like that happen everywhere I'm afraid, outback Australia for one.

Sometimes it's deserved, other times not. Better police training is is one solution, but it should not be a license to misbehave if you are part of a minority group.
Incidents like that happen everywhere I'm afraid, outback Australia for one.

Sometimes it's deserved, other times not. Better police training is is one solution, but it should not be a license to misbehave if you are part of a minority group.

Actually the basbetballer who had his leg broken never misbehaved. Whatever reason the police were called and ended up breaking his leg was specious. One can't even say that he somehow "deserved" it because he was "doing something wrong".

A few months later, a jury found Thabo not guilty on all charges. He settled with the city over the NYPD’s use of force against him. And then the story just sort of….. disappeared. It fell away from the news. Thabo had surgery and went through rehab. Pretty soon, another NBA season began — and we were back on the court again.

Did you read the full story Rumpy ?
Bit more from Privilege

But as disgraceful as it is that we have to deal with racist hecklers in NBA arenas in 2019? The truth is, you could argue that that kind of racism is “easier” to deal with.

Because at least in those cases, the racism is loud and clear. There’s no ambiguity — not in the act itself, and thankfully not in the response: we throw the guy out of the building, and then we ban him for life.

But in many ways the more dangerous form of racism isn’t that loud and stupid kind. It isn’t the kind that announces itself when it walks into the arena. It’s the quiet and subtle kind. The kind that almost hides itself in plain view. It’s the person who does and says all the “right” things in public: They’re perfectly friendly when they meet a person of color. They’re very polite. But in private? Well….. they sort of wish that everyone would stop making everything “about race” all the time.
Actually the basbetballer who had his leg broken never misbehaved. Whatever reason the police were called and ended up breaking his leg was specious. One can't even say that he somehow "deserved" it because he was "doing something wrong".

A few months later, a jury found Thabo not guilty on all charges. He settled with the city over the NYPD’s use of force against him. And then the story just sort of….. disappeared. It fell away from the news. Thabo had surgery and went through rehab. Pretty soon, another NBA season began — and we were back on the court again.

Did you read the full story Rumpy ?

Yes I did. It's a sad case, but it happened elsewhere. There is also this stuff going on in this country, not just racial violence, but police violence in general that may or may not be reported.
Back in 1991, a friend of mine threw a grand opening party at his new real estate office, it was pretty tame but the grog was flowing freely. One of the guests, a friend of mine (a local middle aged businessman), noticed a couple of plain clothes coppers in their car in the carpark. Being friends with some of the copper brass, hw wentover to say gday.

Coppers told him to F off, which my friend verbally protested about, no physical moves whatsoever. Coppers got out, worked him over right in front of us all, chucked him in the car and then really belted the crap out of him on the way to the nick... broke teeth and ribs.

Released without charge later. It was a disgraceful display of unfair treatment by the cops

Here's the damning thing, my friend was bla.... errr, white.

Unfortunately, there was no media mileage for being a whitefella.
I know a guy who has a business in the USA. He is of Russian background, makes electronics.
Anyway he and his wife lived there for years but he didn't join the local church and he employed many Europeans in his factory. this meant he was not protected by the community.

His house was raided a few times but as he was honest nothing was found.
One day he was driving home the cops waved him over and got him to follow them to the station.
they demanded $200,000 or they said they would pin something on him and he would rot in jail. he paid up. He decided to move to Australia.

They call themselves the land of the free. Not really true.
They are becoming another tin pot Latin American country.
Ruled by the very wealthy, corrupt police, gun culture etc.
Back in 1991, a friend of mine threw a grand opening party at his new real estate office, it was pretty tame but the grog was flowing freely. One of the guests, a friend of mine (a local middle aged businessman), noticed a couple of plain clothes coppers in their car in the carpark. Being friends with some of the copper brass, hw wentover to say gday.

Coppers told him to F off, which my friend verbally protested about, no physical moves whatsoever. Coppers got out, worked him over right in front of us all, chucked him in the car and then really belted the crap out of him on the way to the nick... broke teeth and ribs.

Released without charge later. It was a disgraceful display of unfair treatment by the cops

Here's the damning thing, my friend was bla.... errr, white.

Unfortunately, there was no media mileage for being a whitefella.

Good of "you all" to let your mate get bashed.
Good of "you all" to let your mate get bashed.
What would have been your suggestion, Horace? Interfere wirh the police in the "execution if their duty"? Bash the coppers to death and hide the bodies? Phone channel 9 to get their cameras down to Beaudesert at 11PM (pre mobiles bro)?

What would have been your suggestion, Horace? Interfere wirh the police in the "execution if their duty"? Bash the coppers to death and hide the bodies? Phone channel 9 to get their cameras down to Beaudesert at 11PM (pre mobiles bro)?


You said they were plain clothed, so according to you they could have been hoodlums bashing up your mate.
Is this thread going to lead anywhere?
Are we going to have an Australian class action against the U.S police, maybe we could bundle a deal and have one against Trump as well.
Jeez give me a breack, as if we don't have enough problems in Australia, without trying to fix other Countries problems. Some people have way too much time on their hands. IMO
Maybe the thread could be, "people with an interest in discussing the U.S racial problems, PM me"
You said they were plain clothed, so according to you they could have been hoodlums bashing up your mate.
We knew they were coppers, that's why my friend went over, I would've thought that was clear.

Handcuffs were a further clue.
We knew they were coppers, that's why my friend went over, I would've thought that was clear.

Handcuffs were a further clue.

Well without knowing the details of the case, maybe the coppers thought he was going to blow their cover. He was told to shove off and had the chance. What came afterwards though was unjustified. Did the victim make a complaint ? As I said he had plenty of witnesses.
Well without knowing the details of the case, maybe the coppers thought he was going to blow their cover. He was told to shove off and had the chance. What came afterwards though was unjustified. Did the victim make a complaint ? As I said he had plenty of witnesses.
Yes, complaints made. It was an exercise in futility. This is Queensland after all ;)