Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum


I think Aldi is brilliant. The thousands of grocery options in other supermarkets are mostly false choices. They overwhelm you and make it harder to just get what you want.
The Aldi home brands I find are good to very good quality. The center isle products are spawn of the devil.:cautious: Seductive, intriguing, very well priced. Just dangerous alround. A great source of addiction to "stuff".

Try the corn fritters in the freezer section, with bit of mash potato and gravy.
I reckon Aldi coming into Australia is the best thing that has ever happened in the grocery industry. The other 2 big supermarkets have been overcharging us for years. Like others have said, cheese and butter is way cheaper and top quality too. Also their "Crofton" branded non stick frypans are one of the best I have ever used, lasted me for years, yep another centre isle bargain. And in NSW, every Aldi sells alcohol too, making it a one stop shop. I like it a lot.

Edit: I even bought a top of the range desktop PC there several years ago at 1/3rd the price of major electronic stores, very nice unit and lasted as long as my old Dell PC.
Black Douglas isn't really high quality though.
I was referring to the black labeled whisky sold in Aldi. Certainly not black douglas (which I have never tried)
Add my vote to Aldi. Good across the range, but especially dairy, biscuits, confectionary and alcohol. Good specials too, from garden tools to ski wear to televisions. Some interesting Euro sourced grocery products too. And keeping the majors honest.
Called in to Aldi on my way to Officeworks to buy a paper shredder.

Well guess what I found in the center aisle at Aldi? Yep, a paper shredder.

Probably the only shop where you can buy chicken, nuts and a paper shredder in a single transaction. :xyxthumbs

and beer... guess where I'm heading off to today?

My wife have always said I'm a cheap drunk 'cause I go to sleep after a can. Little does she know I'm about to become a lot cheaper.
I reckon Aldi coming into Australia is the best thing that has ever happened in the grocery industry. The other 2 big supermarkets have been overcharging us for years. Like others have said, cheese and butter is way cheaper and top quality too. Also their "Crofton" branded non stick frypans are one of the best I have ever used, lasted me for years, yep another centre isle bargain. And in NSW, every Aldi sells alcohol too, making it a one stop shop. I like it a lot.

Edit: I even bought a top of the range desktop PC there several years ago at 1/3rd the price of major electronic stores, very nice unit and lasted as long as my old Dell PC.

When Aldi first started in Australia, I remember reading in the press they were compared to a Nazi invasion of sort. I think it was Dick Smith saying that. Didn't use the word Nazi, just "German".

I rarely shop there as I hate buying grocery bags and packed the items myself. Then a $2 for the trolley. That's changed.
Bit of a love fest for Aldi. No surprise really. Does demonstrate the value of their business model.
I'm a fan of Aldi too, but let me add some negatives, just to balance up this thread.

  • Many items come in bulk multi-packs: several flavours in the one box. For instance, last week: no crystalized ginger left. But lots of uncrystalized, which clearly customers weren't buying. Why? Because Aldi puts the same quantity of each type in the one box, with no regard to how popular each item actually is. Often enough, the item I came to buy just isn't there, so they've lost a sale.
  • There are certainly items that Aldi just doesn't stock. Like floss! Even if I religiously bought every Aldi brand I could, I'd still have to immediately shop at another supermarket to buy the items they simply don't stock, and that we buy every week.
  • I do contactless payments everywhere! For free! But at Aldi, you get charged a fee for tapping. So by the time I insert my card, go through their menu system and enter my PIN to do EFTPOS, it takes time. They pay the cashier's wages to sit and watch me. Other customers stand in line inconvenienced. Give me free tap and I'll be done in 2 seconds.
There are always negatives. Yes one has to go to other supermarkets for some items. (But then you don't have to wade through a millions stock lines looking for what you need.)

As far as fees for paying. I thought they charged a small fee for every electronic banking service ? Must check this out.
EFTPOS is free. Anything that goes via the credit system isn't.
Yep, I just tap my card with no fee. If I want to withdraw some cash then I have to insert and there is a tiny fee but saves calling at Teller Machine.

My Aldi is next to Coles, so go there, get a small Coles trolley with my plastic key, buy a paper and other bits, into a cloth bag. Aldi stuff just put loose in the trolley then pack it at the car. Fast and efficient.
Yep, I just tap my card with no fee.

Tap goes via the credit card system. There will be an automatic fee. I'm beginning to think I'm the only one who knows how all this works.

Zaxon is correct.

My latest shopper docket for net $14.43, using Paywave, had:
- Credit surcharge GST A 0.01
- Credit surcharge GST B 0.06
- Total surcharge 0.50% 0.07

Visa charge: $14.50
Many items come in bulk multi-packs: several flavours in the one box. For instance, last week: no crystalized ginger left. But lots of uncrystalized, which clearly customers weren't buying. Why? Because Aldi puts the same quantity of each type in the one box, with no regard to how popular each item actually is. Often enough, the item I came to buy just isn't there, so they've lost a sale.

I've noticed this too, especially with the toilet blocks.
The citrus ones always go and Aldi are left with the blue and blue+white ones which no one seems to really buy.
Maybe they should do a 50/25/25 mix instead of 33/33/33 (citrus/blue/blue & white).
I would have thought that Aldi would be ontop of this??

About the tap and go - l got caught out once years ago and now just insert card. No worries.

I purchased a clear plastic shower soap/bottle holder that hangs off your top rail. Waiting for it to come back in stock so l can hang another one in my shower. One of my best Aldi purcahses so far.

Also, the fetilizser that they sometimes put on sale l find good value. $10 for a huge tub. :)
I've noticed this too, especially with the toilet blocks.
The citrus ones always go and Aldi are left with the blue and blue+white ones which no one seems to really buy.
Maybe they should do a 50/25/25 mix instead of 33/33/33 (citrus/blue/blue & white).
I would have thought that Aldi would be ontop of this??

I've just figured out what's going on! Aldi sell potato salad, pasta salad, and coleslaw. There's always heaps of coleslaw there, but often the potato or pasta salads are gone. Now you think Aldi, like any other supermarket, knows from its barcode scanning at the checkout precisely what's being sold, and could therefore match their mixed-packs to the customers' actual buying habits.

I check my receipt: "Salads Prepared". So no, Aldi doesn't actually care about the ratios. They're not even monitoring them!
Feels like my local Woolworths is trying to copy Aldi displaying their products. What do you think??

(Sorry for the potato quality of the pics)


Feels like my local Woolworths is trying to copy Aldi displaying their products. What do you think??
I guess you're referring to the boxes on the shelves. If that was actually Aldi, you wouldn't have near as many brands, and in most cases, just the house brand. Secondly, when it comes to flavours, you'd get a multi-pack with all the flavours in one box, and the flavour you wanted would have run out :)