Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The ScoMo Government

Yes, and whose watch has this happened under ?

Hence the call by the opposition for more health spending funded by the NG and franking rebates,
It has happened under various state governments of both political persuasions, they're the ones running hospitals.

I'm not ideologically opposed to the concept of additional funding but I'd want to stop the waste first. And by waste I mean the ludicrous sums paid out for certain contracted services which aren't subject to competitive tender because they're wrapped up as an add-on to a bigger contract.

Both sides of politics are to blame there although ideologically the Liberals are keener on that sort of thing certainly. FWIW Labor would have good access to the details, in practice, via the unions who would almost certainly know.

I'd put the plug in the bath before turning up the taps though that's for sure and my comment stands no matter which party is in government. If I'm going to pay more tax then I want that to actually fix the hospitals not prop up overpriced deals. :2twocents
First Dog on the Moon may have used pictures and satire to skewer the poisonous dribble from this current government. But the reality behind his comments are still as pertinent and is absolutely worth understanding.
This government is mouldy toast.

Coalition rabble-rousing, on refugees or franking credits, is beneath contempt
Greg Jericho
A government claiming medical evacuees will swamp our hospitals doesn’t deserve respect, or votes

Sun 3 Mar 2019 07.31 AEDT Last modified on Sun 3 Mar 2019 07.33 AEDT



‘The latest base argument is a desperate attempt to engender hate towards a group of people and also towards anyone supporting their well-being.’ Photograph: Lukas Coch/AAP
It is now abundantly clear that the Morrison government regards the voters and our national institutions with complete contempt.

This contempt, of course, has been building as the Coalition gets more desperate to cling to power. It is now on full display. Sure their policies treat us like idiots, but the contempt goes deeper.

Peter Dutton highlighted on Thursday just how completely contemptuous this government is of voters when he suggested that the new laws to bring sick asylum seekers on Manus Island and Nauru to Australia would “see Australians who are in waiting lines at public hospitals kicked off those waiting lines because people from Nauru and Manus are now going to access those health services”.

What utter garbage.

And of course he was supported by the prime minister when he was asked about it on Friday, saying it was “simple math”.

Simple is right.

To suggest that our health system, designed for 25 million people, can’t cope with a few hundred people coming for a variety of medical reasons is to suggest that the system overseen by the Liberal party for the past five and a half years is in complete disarray.

That said, given Dutton was in charge of the health ministry for 15 months, I guess we should not completely rule out that possibility.

This utterly base argument is nothing less than a desperate attempt to engender hate towards a group of people and also towards anyone supporting their well-being.

It shows no respect for voters’ intelligence or even the ability of the institutions designed to keep Australians healthy.

So egregiously false is Dutton’s and Morrison’s claim that St Vincent’s Health Australia tweeted it was “baseless”.

“Public hospitals can accommodate the health needs of asylum seekers without disadvantaging anyone.”

In a further slap to the government they stated that “St Vincent’s is happy to make its hospitals available to provide care to asylum seekers without affecting waiting lists”.

This con for systems and institutions is no longer the exception but the practice.
A government claiming medical evacuees will swamp our hospitals doesn’t deserve respect, or votes

So apparently what the government is saying is that if there was a national disaster that injures a couple of hundred people then the health system couldn't cope ?

Well if Dutton/ Morrison are right then that's a pretty damning criticism of their handling of the health system over the last 6 years isn't it ?

What bs artists they are.
Well, like I've said before, I'm no fan of this government, and I think Labor are about to make some colossal mistakes.
The Liberals lost the plot a long time ago in my view but that doesn't mean I'm keen on Labor at the moment since nothing I see says that they understand the seriousness of the situation.

The proverbial chickens from the unconstrained housing boom and privatising / outsourcing pretty much everything, both of which were reasonable concepts to a point but then went way too far, seem to be coming home to roost and collectively it's a huge mess measured in tens if not hundreds of $ billions.

It's hard to see a way out of the mess that doesn't involve serious $ being written off in practice, either outright or via inflation, loss of investment returns and so on. There's just so much dubious allocation of capital, so many uncompetitively high costs locked in decades ahead and so on that there's no easy fix.

At a political level I don't think either side has answers really and it will take a clear and undeniable recession to force action.

At a personal level - invest accordingly. :2twocents
More blatant lies from the Liberals.

Angus Taylor again falsely claims Australia's greenhouse emissions are falling
The energy minister repeats PM’s line that emissions fell by 1% when the government’s own figures show the opposite

Amy Remeikis

Sun 3 Mar 2019 11.59 AEDT Last modified on Sun 3 Mar 2019 12.22 AEDT



Angus Taylor repeatedly stated emissions had decreased by 1% in an interview on the ABC’s Insiders program. Photograph: Lukas Coch/AAP
The energy minister has again insisted Australia’s emissions are going down, when the government’s official figures show emissions continue to increase, as the government struggles to sell the latest incarnation of its energy po
The latest greenhouse gas emissions data is out, and YES, another record (and a new graph)


7:44 PM - 27 Feb 2019

The Liberals lost the plot a long time

The proverbial chickens from the unconstrained housing boom and privatising / outsourcing pretty much everything, both of which were reasonable concepts to a point but then went way too far, seem to be coming home to roost and collectively it's a huge mess measured in tens if not hundreds of $ billions.

it will take a clear and undeniable recession to force action.


Who was it that said 'the situation is hopeless, we must take the next step'

Collectively 25 million of us own a continent; not a bad asset.
For a little too long the management of the sovereign components of those assets overseen by our Political representatives has had very limited 'checks' and certainly no commissioned statuary body keeping a eye on things for the benefit of the greater population.
little things like Alexander Downers contracts with Woodside post his shunt of East Timors LNG.
Ian McFarlands Half a Million a year $eat on the Minerals council for turning up and having a cup of coffee.
Why Qatar will receive $24.5 billion in royalties 2022 for selling less of the same commodity sovereign asset than we do; and yet we only receive $800 million. LNG for those not paying attention.(in a short 4 years there's a $100 Billion Smurf)

A National Integrity Commission... to long coming .

The strength of a country isn't it's Political Parties It is the strength of its Institutions. The institutions that hold those in power to book.
See you in the Federal Court Michealia.

What's the difference between a 'pocket call' and a robo call from Scott Morrison? Nothing They're both an earful of jangling jarring bollocks.
Well said orr, but take care, if you start to infer that our country belongs to us all from conception and that our children's future is being sold down the drain you will be regarded as a lefty, communist or socialist my Comaarraaarrde, so there GRASSHOPPER
should the royalties go to welfare? 158bil/pa spent there already

Welfare spending basically fits into 4 broad categories:

1. Those who spent all they earned and didn't provide for their own inevitable future needs.

2. Middle class welfare for the sake of it.

3. Those who suffered some sort of misfortune.

4. Those who rort the system.

With the vast majority of spending being on the first two - the elderly and families with kids.

Politically, well neither party seems likely to reign in middle class welfare anytime soon and we've got one major party pushing everyone toward the pension anyway so it's a given that welfare spending is going up not down.

For what's left, well nobody's going to target the disabled (fair enough) and the other things (eg unemployed) are too few $ to be worth worrying about. :2twocents
should the royalties go to welfare? 158bil/pa spent there already
It should be described as Community Support and in essence we are one human family.

The amount required is insignificant compared to the unpaid taxes of multinationals, the money wasted on gambling and now even sport. A home and food and medical for all she be first cab off the rank.
Well said orr, but take care, if you start to infer that our country belongs to us all from conception and that our children's future is being sold down the drain you will be regarded as a
You will be treated fascist, far right etc as you believe 26 millions Australians have alright not to bring in billions of less fortunate to the party.
One side pretend to defend australia from foreign corporation but let the foot soldiers in, while the other side do the opposite
In both cases, we are screwed
The major party you are referring to made superannuation mandatory to get people off the pension, the other party turned it into a tax avoidance scheme.
They made super mandatory to get people partly off the pension that is true, it's not enough to get them off completely but it reduces it, but they're proposing to give a pretty decent kick to anyone who took their own action to keep themselves off it plus the dole, disability or other welfare completely.

Given that most will use one of the various ways to avoid paying the tax it's all a bit pointless really. :2twocents