Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Why do forums attract wankers and Dheads?

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21 April 2005
There are so many silly threads and comment s by W's and DHeads.
You get good posters but so many fools looking for TIPS etc. Get the drift it aint about tips and ramping your favorites.
It's Snake Pliskin said:
There are so many silly threads and comment s by W's and DHeads.
You get good posters but so many fools looking for TIPS etc. Get the drift it aint about tips and ramping your favorites.

This website is much better than most.

One thing I have noticed is that when you pick up on a nice undervalued stock and people miss the boat they tend to get very nasty.

Even reading between the lines the jealously shines through!
crazyjimsmith said:
This website is much better than most.

One thing I have noticed is that when you pick up on a nice undervalued stock and people miss the boat they tend to get very nasty.

Even reading between the lines the jealously shines through!

Crazy Jim Smith,

It seems you have it sorted. Happy New Year.
It's Snake Pliskin said:
There are so many silly threads and comment s by W's and DHeads.
You get good posters but so many fools looking for TIPS etc. Get the drift it aint about tips and ramping your favorites.

It was 'Late when you started this thread and you were prob suffering from sleep deprevation, so I'll be as nice as possible....

IMO forums as a excellent place to hear different & sometimes biased views, good, bad & sometimes ugly, but they as long as it's within the forum guidlines I sure it's considered acceptable by most..

Agreed, Getting tips from strangers and ramping stocks that they hold is common place, but that happens in Life, Like Listening to your Accountant, Solicitor, School Teachers, Mates without truly knowing their Wealth & Life Success.

Attitude & Perception is Everything.... "Attraction" there another one, which is maybe what's happening to u... :D

I think your being a bit harsh on the greater forum community to start a thread like this, and perhaps some will see your thread as Silly (There that word Perception)

p.s hope my response wont see you grinding that axe, searching down SevenFX on a latter post :p: , but hope it gives you a different pov.
It's Snake Pliskin said:
There are so many silly threads and comment s by W's and DHeads.
You get good posters but so many fools looking for TIPS etc. Get the drift it aint about tips and ramping your favorites.

pot, kettle, black... :cool:
They have no friends so they come here. And they have no friends for the reason ya mentioned. :eek:
Maybe there should be an IQ test before you can join that way you'll filter out most of the Dheads because its too much trouble and you won't get people that say:

This formula is great but how do i use it in my trading system to make losts of money?
i find that many tips are actually quite valuable and can bring a stock to my attention that i might otherwise have never heard of.

the trick is to take a tip and do your own research and buy or sell based on that.

without this forum i would not have found JML, CBH, MTN, SMM, JMS, UMC.

i have found that combining other peoples opinions and my own research has led me to select a range of (originally) very undervalued stocks.

i am very new to trading and originally i bought into EXT and AEX without any research whatsoever, i bought in based on other peoples opinions and lost money. since that experience i have changed my tune and done my own work.
The only D..Head I've come across on this forum was the person who posted the Paris Hilton thread yesterday. It was pornographic and sleezy indeed. I wish there was more respect out there for women. This is largely a share forum, not a pr0n website.
P.S. I reported that thread yesterday.
Were you on the turps when you decided to post this forum......:eek:

Not you too Snake......doh!

I hope I don't come under this classification.....I recon it's mostly the comedians out there having a bit of a giggle....and you've been reeled in a touch.

Happy new year anyway......:)
It's Snake Pliskin said:
There are so many silly threads and comment s by W's and DHeads.
You get good posters but so many fools looking for TIPS etc. Get the drift it aint about tips and ramping your favorites.

What are the other options? Read the paper and get info on the shares they're ramping?

I like to use the rule of inverse interest (like that? I just invented it). If a share hasn't been touched on the forum or in the papers for a decent period of time then it's worth looking at. If everyone is talking about it here it's probably too late.
It's Snake Pliskin said:
There are so many silly threads and comment s by W's and DHeads.
You get good posters but so many fools looking for TIPS etc. Get the drift it aint about tips and ramping your favorites.
Hello Snake,

I think some missed your satirical message within the above quote ! :D

Good one
Bobby said:
Hello Snake,

I think some missed your satirical message within the above quote ! :D

Good one


It ain't hard to see who doesn't think and who does.
SevenFX thinks it is silly and his opinion is simply an opinion. He needs to understand I had a belly full of red but was aware of my actions.

I am glad you spotted the message. :)
theasxgorilla said:
What are the other options? Read the paper and get info on the shares they're ramping?

I like to use the rule of inverse interest (like that? I just invented it). If a share hasn't been touched on the forum or in the papers for a decent period of time then it's worth looking at. If everyone is talking about it here it's probably too late.


Good point about the papers. You show some thought in your comments.
SevenFX said:
p.s hope my response wont see you grinding that axe, searching down SevenFX on a latter post :p: , but hope it gives you a different pov.

I will still PM you with some stuff.

"Attraction" there another one, which is maybe what's happening to u...

That was in NY and LA.
SevenFX said:
I think your being a bit harsh on the greater forum community to start a thread like this, and perhaps some will see your thread as Silly (There that word Perception)

I actually think it's a bit harsh, but others may think it's a bit Silly...

Anyway Each to Their Own. and back to why I'm on here..

GOOD Morning :p:

EDIT: OH and Snake I try to keep my glass half Full. :eek:
dj_420 said:
i find that many tips are actually quite valuable and can bring a stock to my attention that i might otherwise have never heard of.

the trick is to take a tip and do your own research and buy or sell based on that.

without this forum i would not have found JML, CBH, MTN, SMM, JMS, UMC.

i have found that combining other peoples opinions and my own research has led me to select a range of (originally) very undervalued stocks.

i am very new to trading and originally i bought into EXT and AEX without any research whatsoever, i bought in based on other peoples opinions and lost money. since that experience i have changed my tune and done my own work.
See...I feel a forum gives BETTER long as one is prepared to do some research...then, anything the brokers send you...I have made quite a bit of money through this forum and others...after all look at SBM...9cents now 59cents ZFX $2.15 now $ we all learn from each other....and anyone who thinks otherwise must be one of the deadheads I have come across some of the posters....and where are they now..I wonder, as they have missed a golden opportunity in making some money..I have and I hope some of you others did your homework and made a $$$$$ :2twocents
SevenFX said:
I actually think it's a bit harsh, but others may think it's a bit Silly...

Anyway Each to Their Own. and back to why I'm on here..

GOOD Morning :p:

I think your conversation wit N Radge was compelling in another thread. So, it seems we can all judge.
Good Morning too.

EDIT: OH and Snake I try to keep my glass half Full

That's nice. Mine were full last night.
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