Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum



In Memoriam
10 May 2005
Could members say what they understand by the term 'feminism'?

The meaning seems very different from that which characterised the movement back with Germaine Greer, Betty Friedan etc.

Julie Bishop recently said that she 'didn't find the term particularly useful' or words to that effect.

My own observations seem to include an increasing incidence of women I'd maybe describe as 'feminazis' becoming more strident, easily offended, seeing harassment when it's not intended etc.

As this is a male dominated community, I'd be really appreciative if some of you blokes could say what you think feminism is all about, whether there's any need for such a movement these days, whether there ever was, and any other comment that comes to mind.

With thanks.
Could members say what they understand by the term 'feminism'?

The meaning seems very different from that which characterised the movement back with Germaine Greer, Betty Friedan etc.

Julie Bishop recently said that she 'didn't find the term particularly useful' or words to that effect.

My own observations seem to include an increasing incidence of women I'd maybe describe as 'feminazis' becoming more strident, easily offended, seeing harassment when it's not intended etc.

As this is a male dominated community, I'd be really appreciative if some of you blokes could say what you think feminism is all about, whether there's any need for such a movement these days, whether there ever was, and any other comment that comes to mind.

With thanks.

I think feminism SHOULD be about women speaking their minds and expressing their points of view, not stridently but on an equal footing to men.

Unfortunately, the extreme version seems to involve a hatred or distrust/dislike of men, misandry being the official description. I think this attitude is less prevalent now as women are making up for an initial disadvantage and working on a more equal footing to men, although there is more work that could be done (the current Cabinet for example).

I don't think any fair minded man would begrudge women having an equal say in the affairs of the nation. Obviously their roles as child bearers must be taken into account as well.

There are some feminazis around who should be avoided if at all possible. I recall working in a government department years ago where there were a lot of silly rules about sexist talk. (We actually couldn't refer to a "manhole cover", it had to be "access hatchway") . Blokes had to take down pictures of girls in bathing costumes, but the women could still have their pics of blokes in budgie smugglers. I hope this sort of silliness has now disappeared from the workplace.
Could members say what they understand by the term 'feminism'?

The meaning seems very different from that which characterised the movement back with Germaine Greer, Betty Friedan etc.

Julie Bishop recently said that she 'didn't find the term particularly useful' or words to that effect.

My own observations seem to include an increasing incidence of women I'd maybe describe as 'feminazis' becoming more strident, easily offended, seeing harassment when it's not intended etc.

As this is a male dominated community, I'd be really appreciative if some of you blokes could say what you think feminism is all about, whether there's any need for such a movement these days, whether there ever was, and any other comment that comes to mind.

With thanks.

To me, feminism or feminist movement should strive to give women equal rights, equal access, equal say in every function of society they so choose. Equality for all, literally.

Women suffrage weren't allowed in the US until the 1930s [?], heard that American women weren't allowed as Juror until the 1950s or so... so the movement to get that right was welcoming.

Equal work should be equal pay; equal opportunities to any occupation if the candidate is just as qualified...

Then there are the extreme of feminism. You have women who doesn't like to have kids, or prefer work and climbing corporate ladders rather than staying at home mums... That's all fine and good but they then make it out as though staying at home mums are weak women, not brave enough, still being oppressed or should consider themselves failures.

Then there's the other extreme like what's her face that twerks and stick her tongues out... she probably think that is feminism too.
Could members say what they understand by the term 'feminism'?

Well to me it means giving women the same rights as men, I think we are colse to that now but there will always be fundamental differences in the sexes....

The meaning seems very different from that which characterised the movement back with Germaine Greer, Betty Friedan etc.

Yes it has been hijacked a bit lately. This is a shame but things tend to over correct even now and then. Germain Greer is generally a good person and I enjoy listening to her.

Julie Bishop recently said that she 'didn't find the term particularly useful' or words to that effect.

My own observations seem to include an increasing incidence of women I'd maybe describe as 'feminazis' becoming more strident, easily offended, seeing harassment when it's not intended etc

Yes this is especially true. There seems to be a lot of over-reaction to seemingly racist and sexiest comments some are warranted the majority are not.

As this is a male dominated community, I'd be really appreciative if some of you blokes could say what you think feminism is all about, whether there's any need for such a movement these days, whether there ever was, and any other comment that comes to mind.

What feminism is all about in today's society? basically women who don't get what they perceive to will more than likely turn to the feminism movement for support. There would be a need for the movement in any 1st world society but, I also perceive men just starting to get a but sick and tired of the word being used.
Like this comedian said its all fair for femals be treated fairly and equally etc but I mean men should get paid more at work. After all we take the tabs for dinner etc hahahaha
Well to me it means giving women the same rights as men, I think we are colse to that now but there will always be fundamental differences in the sexes....

Welcome Atari rose. Yes there will always be fundamental differences, and feminism gives women the right to emphasise those differences, while they are still young enough.:xyxthumbs

We have come a long way since the Bloomer Girls exposed their ankles. What rankles with the feminists is not that the girls are stripping off but that men are enjoying it.

What I understand by the term feminism is unlikely to be the same as what Anne Summers understands!

Angela Shanahan's article is interesting in the Spectator today.
Feminism: no longer a Left/Right divide - 22 November 2014

Now the Right have set up their own Feminist Club, much like the Left have. Ordinary women need not apply

...But the most important reason I have no time for Peta and Julie’s club, any more than Jane and Anne’s, is that whether they are called old or new feminists, anti-feminist, or even anti-feminist feminists, is that the women of Australia who really need help are no more going to get it from this lot than they did from the old lot...
Thanks very much, fellas. I'm so reassured that to all of you the term just signifies equal opportunity for women with men. That's how I've always seen it. Completely different from women becoming so precious that they squawk at every implied insult, even when none was intended.

I asked the question partly prompted by Julie Bishop's comment, and also the remarks of a childhood friend of mine now living in Canada, who grew up in the same male dominated society that I did. She quoted in a recent email a number of instances in Canada where men were being "held to account" for their harassment of women. Reading the details, I thought, heavens that's hardly harassment! And if we women are now equal, which I believe we are in terms of opportunity, why can't these women deal with some unwanted remark from a bloke themselves, without running to the lawyers?

I'm also glad that some of you have responded to the question: I thought after posting that some men might even have been so intimidated by the feminazi brigade that they'd be reluctant to even voice their thoughts.

Discrimination can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you look for it, you'll surely find it. But expect to be treated equally, and imo that is what will happen.

Any other thoughts would be much appreciated.
I see feminism as a term meaning, "the empowerment of women". I am all for it, especially in places where women still have a long way to go before they could be seen as equals.

When we get there the term will become redundant i guess, but for now I considered myself a feminist.
I think this girl is discussing the feminazis your describing Julia.

I think this girl is discussing the feminazis your describing Julia.
Yes, VC. She largely nails it.
The problem I do have with it is that all this exaggerated shrieking devalues genuinely serious instances of abuse. I heard one of these women recently claiming that a woman was entitled to say she was raped if she'd gone out with a bloke, had too much to drink, so had sex with him voluntarily but would not have if she'd not been drinking.

Such claims devalue the women who really are raped including the children.

Some of the worst offenders are not young women, but the older 'original feminists' like Eva Cox whose attitudes seem to be an extension of their militant political attitudes.
Unlike exploited starlets of yesteryear, Kim appears to be calling the shots. If we feminists truly believe in the adage, “My body, my choice”, then surely Kim has a right to drop her dacks for some easy bucks if that is what she really wants to do.

Anyone prudishly huffing and puffing about sexual exploitation is totally missing the point. Kim K is the P.T. Barnum of booty. She is giving (i.e. selling) the masses what they want. It says as much about us as it says about her.

The new face :)D) of feminism!
Actually it is "the sisters" who are "buying this sort of stuff". "PAPER" is a women's fashion mag and its sales went through the roof. They say it will become a collectors' item.

Kim struck a big blow for feminism. I doubt that there is any male body on the planet that could achieve this...not even Putin riding a bear.:D
Anyway, there has to be cause for cynicism when some women accuse males of sexism for buying this sort of stuff, it's their "sisters" who are letting their side down by flaunting themselves in such a manner.
The sisterhood is a joke. It's not at all about supporting women who are experiencing genuine disadvantage.
It's all about trying to paint men as sexist, patriarchic and domineering, all adjectives that in reality are more appropriately used about the sisterhood (exchanging matriarchic for patriarchic, of course).

If a woman chooses to work her way through her tertiary education by engaging in prostitution, for example, that's her business, unless there's some force involved. The sisterhood would insist that such a choice would not be made if men were not so prepared to exploit women. I'd have said the choice was more about that woman exploiting the men for her own purposes. But there you go.
If a woman chooses to work her way through her tertiary education by engaging in prostitution, for example, that's her business, unless there's some force involved. The sisterhood would insist that such a choice would not be made if men were not so prepared to exploit women. I'd have said the choice was more about that woman exploiting the men for her own purposes. But there you go.

Yeah, if your version of feminism is more about telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies, then your not really fighting for women's rights.
The sisterhood would insist that such a choice would not be made if men were not so prepared to exploit women. I'd have said the choice was more about that woman exploiting the men for her own purposes. But there you go.

Yes, there are reasonable views on each side.

Unfortunately the feminazis only see one side. If a woman enjoys sex and and can get paid for it, why argue with them ?

On the other hand if they don't particularly enjoy making money that way but do it through lack of other alternatives, then that is a social problem that needs to be addressed.
On the other hand if they don't particularly enjoy making money that way but do it through lack of other alternatives, then that is a social problem that needs to be addressed.

Lots of people work in jobs they don't particularly enjoy, we have lots of safety nets in society, at the end of the day it's your choice what you do, outside of sex slaves, I don't ghink anyone is forced into prostitution.

I mean is it a social problem that needs to be addressed when you have a woman working a cleaning job or changing nappies in an old folks home they she doesn't particularly enjoy, but has a lack of other alternatives?