Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Useless Labor Party

29 December 2004
Always have been a swinging voter ..... always will be.

This time I'll vote Labor only because Sophie Panopolous is my sitting Liberal member and I wouldn't give her the steam off my vote if my life depended on it.

That aside, when is the Labor Party going to sort out their mess? They are a joke, but the bigger joke is that they will probably get 48-49% of the vote. Shows how stupid we are (unless you've got a gripe like me) to vote for a party that is so damn fragmented it's frightening.

Bring on Julia and Simon.
idribble said:
Always have been a swinging voter ..... always will be.

This time I'll vote Labor only because Sophie Panopolous is my sitting Liberal member and I wouldn't give her the steam off my vote if my life depended on it.

That aside, when is the Labor Party going to sort out their mess? They are a joke, but the bigger joke is that they will probably get 48-49% of the vote. Shows how stupid we are (unless you've got a gripe like me) to vote for a party that is so damn fragmented it's frightening.

Bring on Julia and Simon.

Well idribble that was funny , thanks for the laugh mate ! :D

Meanwhile in Tasmania, the state Liberal party is still on about creative accounting with the finances, extracting extra profits from government businesses rather than reinvesting in the future, big spending and so on. They haven't learnt from the last two times they were in government and virtually sent the state broke...

It's not good to have a weak opposition no matter who you would rather have in government. At best it leads to the government being slack and getting away with things they otherwise wouldn't (regardless of whether the government is Labor or Liberal).
idribble said:
Always have been a swinging voter ..... always will be.

This time I'll vote Labor only because Sophie Panopolous is my sitting Liberal member and I wouldn't give her the steam off my vote if my life depended on it.

That aside, when is the Labor Party going to sort out their mess? They are a joke, but the bigger joke is that they will probably get 48-49% of the vote. Shows how stupid we are (unless you've got a gripe like me) to vote for a party that is so damn fragmented it's frightening.

Bring on Julia and Simon.

Are you seriously suggesting a return of Simon Crean to a/the top job?

Julia said:
Are you seriously suggesting a return of Simon Crean to a/the top job?

Hullo Julia,
I think dribble is pulling our leg :D .

But as the fat bloke seems to not have it? who will be the next ? :rolleyes:

I must ask sports bet !.

Bobby said:
Hullo Julia,
I think dribble is pulling our leg :D .

But as the fat bloke seems to not have it? who will be the next ? :rolleyes:

I must ask sports bet !.


Hi Bob,

Yes, must be re Crean. But wouldn't Julia Gillard be a genuine contender at some stage, given the paucity of choice in the party? She seems to have had some coaching and has modified her voice to a more ear-friendly level.
Kevin Rudd obviously sees himself in the position but imo would need to find a way of appearing less pompous and humourless.

Any other contenders?

The Libs must be smiling at the disarray!

Julia said:
Kevin Rudd obviously sees himself in the position but imo would need to find a way of appearing less pompous and humourless.

I hate that guy :p:
"idribble's' decision to vote for the ALP whom he considers 'fragmented' and 'a joke', simply because he dislikes his local Liberal member, is perplexing, to say the least.
Sorry dribble, but you're not making much sense from where I'm standing.

If Crean was brought back as ALP leader (which he will never be) he'd have no chance of leading his party to an election win.
Ditto for Beazley, whose days as ALP leader are clearly numbered.

Kevin Rudd.... too dour, too humourless, not enough public appeal.

Steven Smith....I thought he would have been knocking on the leadership door by now, but it hasn't happened so far. I thought he might have gone OK as ALP leader.

Gillard is their best prospect in the foreseeable future, and she'll probably oust Beasley in the not too distant future. But I doubt if Australians are ready for a woman PM just yet.

The one to watch is Bill Shorten. The ALP is obviously grooming him for the top job, and it won't surprise me if he goes all the way.
I shudder to think of an ex - ACTU boss as our PM. Former ACTU boss Hawke was a disaster as PM and I doubt if Shorten would be any improvement.

I just hope Howard stays in the job and continues to run the country as well as he's done so far. And that the Libs don't start in-fighting as a result of Costello's Prime Ministerial aspirations. And that when Howard decides to step down, his replacement can duplicate Howard's excellent performance.
When you're on a good thing, stick to it.

bunyip said:
I just hope Howard stays in the job and continues to run the country as well as he's done so far. And that the Libs don't start in-fighting as a result of Costello's Prime Ministerial aspirations. And that when Howard decides to step down, his replacement can duplicate Howard's excellent performance.
When you're on a good thing, stick to it.

Just wondering why you say "Howard's excellent performance"?

I'm not disagreeing (or agreeing) with you as such, just wondering on what basis you consider his performance to have been excellent?

I can think of quite a few areas where he's done a good job, others where he hasn't IMO.
Smurf1976 said:
Just wondering why you say "Howard's excellent performance"?

I'm not disagreeing (or agreeing) with you as such, just wondering on what basis you consider his performance to have been excellent?

I can think of quite a few areas where he's done a good job, others where he hasn't IMO.

The proverbial drovers dog would have looked good in the last 10 years... even Beazley woulda. It's almost nothing to do with management, it's liquidity in the world economy. You should thank one Mr A Greenspan for that, if indeed, one thinks it is a good thing.

I don't.

we are currently in election mode in SA, and its fascinating to see the federal ministers lambasting the SA labor premier for claiming the credit for the booming economy...

yet, i recall the libs running similar ads claiming the credit for keeping interest rates low... when anyone with half a brain would realise we really have no control over it!!!

politicians never cease to amaze me in taking all the credit for the good things and saying its out of their hands when things go bad...

PS: this goes for both sides of politics...

now that most of the economy is deregulated, I beleive the things politicians should be judged on are things where they actually can make a difference in... tax policy, social policy, health, and education...

i think much more could be done in those areas... what do others think of howards record in these areas... (fail, pass, credit, distinction) I would give him a pass for most of it...
tax policy,- swapped one crap, complicated, unfair system for another - fail

social policy, what social policy? - fail

health, - treading water, failed to improve it.. it's actually very expensive. I wouldn't say fail, but wouldn't pass either.

and education... - don't know

Rafa said:
we are currently in election mode in SA, and its fascinating to see the federal ministers lambasting the SA labor premier for claiming the credit for the booming economy...


I think everyone is just so sick of 'good news Mike' or 'media Mike', and that includes the media! On 102.3 radio the other day after the long weekend they were saying things like "great weather yesterday for the Adelaide Cup - oh yeah, Mike Rann arranged that" and similar lines. Didnt see him for smoke when the airport wasnt happening. And seriously, there is no way he had any influence over the Submarine Corp contract, yet he is using it as a major platform. I just dont understand why the Libs havent rebutted his claims of positive economy when it was the sale of ETSA that gave them the money to improve their credit ratings. And why did the Libs sell ETSA, because media Mike and his crew almost bankrupted us from the State Bank. Short memories.

I won't go into detail, but briefly, I like Howard's handling of the economy, his getting rid of the huge defecit that he inherited, and the fact that he took measures that have been effective in blocking the flood of illegal boat people who were invading us.

I could point out other positives too, and also some negatives. I won't elaborate further - politics is to me a boring subject.

Prospector said:
I just dont understand why the Libs havent rebutted his claims of positive economy when it was the sale of ETSA that gave them the money to improve their credit ratings. And why did the Libs sell ETSA, because media Mike and his crew almost bankrupted us from the State Bank. Short memories.
ETSA = Electricity Trust of South Australia, equivalent the old SECV, SECWA etc.

Must thank the SA government for selling it since doing so has created some nice opportunities for Tasmania's state-owned electricity companies to make a profit doing business there. :)
bunyip said:

I won't go into detail, but briefly, I like Howard's handling of the economy, his getting rid of the huge defecit that he inherited, and the fact that he took measures that have been effective in blocking the flood of illegal boat people who were invading us.

I could point out other positives too, and also some negatives. I won't elaborate further - politics is to me a boring subject.


Howard and Australia are regarded well by our Asian neighbours. That has to be a big plus.

We often complain about what the politicians have or have not done. This is according to our own expectations. The same things are often considered as wise moves by others. Maybe we judge too early.

If you don't like Sophie vote for the Nats. 49% Labor vote is unlikely because that's just what the poll's indicate. They don't count undecided votes.
bunyip said:

I won't go into detail, but briefly, I like Howard's handling of the economy, his getting rid of the huge defecit that he inherited, and the fact that he took measures that have been effective in blocking the flood of illegal boat people who were invading us.

I could point out other positives too, and also some negatives. I won't elaborate further - politics is to me a boring subject.


You have to be joking right? There are more immigrants coming into this country than ever, and heaps of them may as well be illegals, because they don't speak english, have no formal qualifications and will become a major burden on this society in years to come. The country is based on huge personal debt and personal tax. Thats how he has managed to eliminate the deficit. It's a no brainer, tax to the max and of course the government looks good. What a farken joke this place has become, highest personal income tax and a GST, not to mention stamp duty etc etc etc. No wonder there is a such a demand for accountants.

Does this country actually produce anything of worth anymore other than houses and raw minerals? Answer: nope. It is well and truly time for him to depart. In fact it really does not matter what jokers run the country now, the place is a dead loss.