Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Advice for a 15 year old first time investor

15 January 2014
My name is Ben I am a 15 year old man wanting to learn the entry point of how the stock market works and if anyone could provide good books or any websites that would be great. Or even if anyone has advice for me to get started that would awesome.

P.S since you are giving me advice ill try to give you some never settle for just average, have a vision and succeed higher than anyone and even if you fail remmember without failure there would be no success.
Re: Advice for a 15 year old frst time investor

My name is Ben I am a 15 year old man wanting to learn the entry point of how the stock market works and if anyone could provide good books or any websites that would be great. Or even if anyone has advice for me to get started that would awesome.

P.S since you are giving me advice ill try to give you some never settle for just average, have a vision and succeed higher than anyone and even if you fail remmember without failure there would be no success.


And welcome to ASF, Ben!

You can start here:
Re: Advice for a 15 year old frst time investor

If you're new to investing as a whole, I would read Taming the Lion by Richard Farleigh. The book is a general guide to investment in any market. It's not related to the stock market specifically but rather discusses things that you could use for any market. One of the big points is that it introduces you to the concept of trends in markets and provides evidence for the existence of trends. The stock market is discussed but so are other investment markets. It's a general guide to investing. Richard Farleigh doesn't like investing in stocks though so you may find you will end up disagreeing with some of his points when you read books more stock market orientated. He believes it's pretty dam hard to stock pick well and if he was bullish on stocks he would trade an index (which is exactly what Warren Buffet tells people to do since he knows it's hard to stock pick too). The book also considers wider economic factors to be aware of.
Re: Advice for a 15 year old frst time investor

... I would read Taming the Lion by Richard Farleigh ...
Hi Valued,

I asked for this book at the local library.
The librarian told me it was not in stock.

I smiled sweetly.
She said she would order it.

A few weeks later,
I received a letter to pick up the book.

P.S. It was an exceptionally good read.
Re: Advice for a 15 year old frst time investor

how the stock market works

Don't try to learn how the stock market works, learn how you can work yourself to make money from it.

After you can do that, if you still want to make sense of it, you can try.
My name is Ben I am a 15 year old man wanting to learn the entry point of how the stock market works and if anyone could provide good books or any websites that would be great. Or even if anyone has advice for me to get started that would awesome.

Hey Ben

The ASX site is a wealth of information, sign up and make some watchlist of stocks that interest you and check in daily, when a stock moves significantly over the short term and others don't, ask yourself why and seek answers..those answers can be found in the ASX sites announcement section, the business and financial media and in forums such as ASF.

Good luck
mate welcome!

check out I was once your age tryna learn all. Investopedia is really helpful

I'd also say that success in investing isnt so much a destination but a journey. You'll forever be learning

also try joining cmc stockbroking and creating a dummy portfolio. best way to learn ive found

try twitter for economic news, i know some people to follow if your interested

seekingalpha is good

Intermarket analysis and investing: Integrating Economic, Fundamental, and Technical Trends by Michael E.S Gayed is a good book. not too pricey either