Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Is there a GOD?

Do you believe in GOD?

  • Absolutely no question--I know

    Votes: 150 25.6%
  • I cannot know for sure--but strongly believe in the existance of god

    Votes: 71 12.1%
  • I am very uncertain but inclined to believe in god

    Votes: 35 6.0%
  • God's existance is equally probable and improbable

    Votes: 51 8.7%
  • I dont think the existance of god is probable

    Votes: 112 19.1%
  • I know there is no GOD we are a random quirk of nature

    Votes: 167 28.5%

  • Total voters
It is ,and will always be ,difficult to introduce new truths to some groups or individuals.`Hand me down` beliefs passed through books ,parents or word of mouth (some going from recorded time) are ingrained to a large number of people.There is some good stuff in these beliefs/religions and there is some dead set bull dung.If only people could think for themselves more and control `small mind` then life would be better for all .
Thought processes i.e. reactions, i`m hungry ,i hate him/her ,vengeance, i`m right/you`re wrong, gotta have it, gimee gimee gimee, persecution, etcetera are all part of small mind too.
To master ones own mind is not practiced a lot and hence a reactionary world ,unaware of the content inside that drives them to do wrong or remain blind to better ways and present days.A bit like the tape recorder has a glitch.
Yes ,I have a lot to learn.
When you academically study the history of the idea of God, it is very clear that that God Christians worship today has no resemblance to the God of the Old Testament. The idea of God evolved in time to become what it is today. They are now totally unrecognisable. The God of Abraham is even different to the God of Moses. Abraham's God was a nice chap who even dropped by for tea, while Moses' God laid waste to anything He laid His eyes on. It's not physically, or even spiritually, the same being/beast/spirit when looked at objectively in historical terms.

The Kennas that goes to visit his nan is unrecognisable from the one that goes to the footy.And yet you're the same guy.Go figure.

Many people living hate God because he's too tough.Earthquakes,tsunamis,disease etc etc and yet it's the same God that created a scented rose.

How can we fully understand the character of God?
I don't hate God, there's nothing to hate

And a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet.. Unless it was a stench blossom or crapweed :p
Many people living hate God because he's too tough.Earthquakes,tsunamis,disease etc etc and yet it's the same God that created a scented rose.

How can we fully understand the character of God?

If there is no god these things would still happen!With or without humans!
I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.
C. S. Lewis
retrougogo, your proof is a CS Lewis quote? :eek:

I think I understand though. You can't prove it with customary logical 'proofs' but purely by 'feeling'.

Unfortunately, there is no coherent, logical, reasonable, objectionable argument to counter the argument of faith against the faithful. Thus, religion survives.
The Kennas that goes to visit his nan is unrecognisable from the one that goes to the footy.And yet you're the same guy.Go figure.
No, I am not. My biological and psychological make up is changing by the second. I am a vastly different person to the one I was yesterday in many ways. You should see me now compared to my Yr 7 photo! :)
If there is a god he is responsible for religion which has killed millions of believers and non believers so I think he is telling us to believe in evolution and get on with life and forget religion. For us there is only this planet Earth and maybe in the future the universe.
I would argue most strongly against what have bolded in your comment. Humans alone are responsible for religion, whether or not there is a God.

But if I were God, I would definitely agree with the bit in red. If God wanted us to worship him (using the masculine gender purely for convenience, because I'm sure he doesn't have a gender) surely he would show up somehow and say "worship me this way you dopey bastids!"

And before the religionists point to their scriptures.... puleeeeze... written by men folks.:2twocents
No, I am not. My biological and psychological make up is changing by the second. I am a vastly different person to the one I was yesterday in many ways. You should see me now compared to my Yr 7 photo! :)
You wait till you've been married a few years :2twocents
bet you there's absolutely no change ;) - that goes for after 30 years of marriage as well , lol.

PS I don't recall anyone commenting on either Dawkins ( last Sunday) or Denton (last Monday) - ABC 9.30pm in each case.
Both were terrifying (to me at least). USA has seriously gone off the deep end !!
And World peace is at stake. (and we should tone down the religion stuff before we start burning each other at the stake).
Dawkins is on again this Sunday - recommended viewing if you want to see the world avoid self destruction.
You wait till you've been married a few years :2twocents bet you there's absolutely no change ;)
LOL. You might be right. I have actually already had a run at this marriage game, and I think I was exactly the same at the end. No, hang on. I think I lost some hair, got fat, and lost about $100K. :eek: God was not smiling on me! Not enough faith perhaps.
Lol, sure thing m8, I know plenty in your shoes then ;) "From richer to poorer etc"

Re Dawkins and "Root of All Evil", (as I posted on Aunty thread) ..

I think the thing that most terrified me was the small group of American "freethinkers" who believe in evolution and who are forced to gather in small meetings - risk of not being employed etc . (terrifying)

And of course he goes on to point out the connection between faith and current trends to war. (ditto)
Dawkins is on again this Sunday - recommended viewing if you want to see the world avoid self destruction.
Thanks, I must put that in the diary. I did like 'The God Delusion' although there were a few holes in his arguments at times. Plus, I got the feeling he was as dogmatic about philosophy, as the book bashers are about God. Good read though. All religious people should take the time to read it and open up to the possibilities of no God. Or, many Gods....:)
You wait till you've been married a few years :2twocents
bet you there's absolutely no change ;) - that goes for after 30 years of marriage as well , lol.

PS I don't recall anyone commenting on either Dawkins ( last Sunday) or Denton (last Monday) - ABC 9.30pm in each case.
Both were terrifying (to me at least). USA has seriously gone off the deep end !!
And World peace is at stake. (and we should tone down the religion stuff before we start burning each other at the stake).
Dawkins is on again this Sunday - recommended viewing if you want to see the world avoid self destruction.


I saw the last bit of Denton... it's confirmed my worst fears.

Fundamentalist Muslims? Oh man they just have a few Kalashnikovs and a sling shot. Those creepy insane Christian Fundamentalists have the capacity to destroy the planet.

A long time ago I said on this forum that the USA is the most dangerous country on the planet! Many were incredulous that I could say that.

Does anyone believe me now?
I would argue most strongly against what have bolded in your comment. Humans alone are responsible for religion, whether or not there is a God.

If God wanted us to worship him surely he would show up somehow and say "worship me this way you dopey bastids!"

All done by private appointment.

How much fun that meeting will be depends on you.
All done by private appointment.

How much fun that meeting will be depends on you.
I'm looking forward to it. But I don't think the "fun" will depend on whether you are a Christian, Muslim or whatever.

There's something in the Bible about the path least traveled... well I'm slashing through the undergrowth with my machete... creating my own path. I don't trust the one with the welcome sign on it. FWIW ;)
Oooo, you're going to firey hell Wayne! :evilburn:

Just where is that in the street directory anyway? :confused:

I don't know exactly, but it must me somewhere here in Geraldton. :eek:

Can't wait to get out here!
May be the question should be: Can it be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is not a God?
If the dot below is everything that we know. And the space surrounding it (not limited to this page) is everything that we are yet to know, is there a possibility that God may be found in that sphere outside of our current knowledge and understanding...

I saw the last bit of Denton... it's confirmed my worst fears....A long time ago I said on this forum that the USA is the most dangerous country on the planet! Many were incredulous that I could say that....Does anyone believe me now?
Wayne, I have to admit, I probably thought you were exaggerating at the time - but now I am firmly of the view that the USA religious fanatics must be ignored at all costs. If Bush owes 40% of his votes to them, then all the more reason to do so.

I recall Nellie posting a youtube link on "Religion preying on our youth" - ( )
but sadly that particular youtube has been taken off. That was a mind-blowing experience to see those Jesus camps telling kids to die for Jesus etc. (etc).

Recent posts on this subject (Jesus camps) have probably been censored (as that one apparently has been) - who knows what they say to kids behind the camera.

The whole thing is based on fables, fellas , fables. NO ONE has the right to hurt anyone else based on all this mumbo jumbo.

Such pathetic and disastrous leaders!. Such misfits preaching to kids!. We should seriously question anything American for a while.

PS I find the following type of youtube more relevant - certainly we don't want "god" to intervene - with man's obvious inability to interpret what god is saying, that can only lead to disaster. .