Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Who are you voting for in the Federal election?

Who do you intend to vote for?

  • Labor

    Votes: 59 37.3%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 75 47.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 8.2%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 11 7.0%

  • Total voters


Beware of Dropbears
12 October 2006
Aussiejeff being one of the smarter amoungst us made this comment in the other election thread ...

"It would be interesting to see how this threads "old" poll results would shape up if it started from today.... most votes were cast some time ago and of course, you can't revote!"

Very good point Jeff, so ive started another one as alot has happened since that thread was started and people change there minds !
Re: Who are you Voting for in the Federal Election ??


liBeRal pArTy - jOhN hOwArD


Cheap imports will stuff my families business up... Wait a sec... It already has :mad:

Sorry to hear that @ But it can hardly be blamed on one single political party can it ?

Your family are in the Jewlery game i remember you saying ? Surely quality Jewelery would eat the cheap chinese stuff ?
I'm surprised to find I'm the only fence sitter at the moment.

I'd normally consider myself on the left, but the idea of an opposition party rolling back the reforms of the government when they get to power makes me nervous.
I'd normally consider myself on the left, but the idea of an opposition party rolling back the reforms of the government when they get to power makes me nervous.

That's one of my concerns also, Doctorj. Also just the complete inexperience of the whole Labor team.
Libs because I say no to cheap chinese imports

Isn't it the libs that gave us the cheap Chinese imports. As for voting, Vote for an independant first if there is one worth voting for, particularly in the Senate. Put the sitting member LAST, that will give them a message and try to get new faces.
That's one of my concerns also, Doctorj. Also just the complete inexperience of the whole Labor team.

Everyone and thing has to start somewhere.

Steve Bracks had only been in Parliament a short time when he took over from Kennet and did well

John F Kennedy was regarded as young and wet behind the ears when he became US President and in his short time history says he did very well

Chip Good year came from nowhere to BHP and wow, solid family backgound in the industry of course.

Look at what Hitler mustered up and he gave the appearance of mad from the beginning but his war machine almost took control of the lot at one stage.

Rudd, well some say that he was a major force behind Bettie in the early years.

Politics is like the stock market, there has to be ups and downs and there has to be change and there will be.

On relations between our near nabour trading partners which for national security and trade are vitally important I think a blind horse could do as well as what Johnney has been up to lately
Also just the complete inexperience of the whole Labor team.

The "whole Labor Team"?:cautious:

Full marks go to Labor for keeping it together this far. This time last year Wayne Swan couldn't stomach Kevin Rudd who in turn couldn't stand Julia Gillard!! It's amazing what a sniff of a political victory will do.

But at the moment it's better the Devils I know.

Julia Gillard on Lateline tonight was a joke as usual. I loved the argument that it was OK for Steve Bracks and Peter Beattie to go to an election, ask for a full term and then retire one third the way through - yet John Howard is fooling the Australian people by advising them upfront that he will retire late into the next term.

At least tonight Julia spoke about something she and the Labor party are extremely experienced about. I just loved the comment about how much time will be spent by the Coalition on leadership issues and how it takes away from the real role of Government. It was priceless.....pure gold. And she delivered the line without any hint of irony or tongue in cheek. Over the past 11 years the Labor Party has had 4 different leaders, countless factional fighting, disasterous leadership coups and an imploded Opposition Leader that will never have portrait hanging on the wall of with other "Labor Greats".....and yet Julia is concerned about the time the Coalition will be spending on "leadership".

All I can say is - Kevin..... keep Julia on the box. She's one of the best assets Johnny has......and I love her... "Thaaanks foorr having moii Toe-neee". I think she is subconsciously turning into "Prue" from Kath and Kim :D
All I can say is - Kevin..... keep Julia on the box. She's one of the best assets Johnny has......and I love her... "Thaaanks foorr having moii Toe-neee". I think she is subconsciously turning into "Prue" from Kath and Kim :D
She's one of the other reasons I'm unsure. Can't stand her!
Hey Number Cruncher yes but you'd also be surprised at the quality you can get... But you can't blame a party for the flood of cheap imports... Our world is getting smaller by the day so it was bound to happen... I've decided to vote for Pedro instead :)
Gee. Given that Mr Howard has just announced in the media that if re-elected he will retire sometime in his next term and "hand over the reins" to his best buddy Peter Costello, are all the Howard supporters now feeling just a teensy bit of unease about that prospect?

Given this announcement, I will be MOST surprised if the polls for the Liberals over the coming weeks get any better than the last few *horror* ones. I predict that they will in fact get far worse.... I also sense that the Howard Camp is not receiving much favorable press reaction ATM across the mainstream media outlets either. Most of the news is negative.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm fairly certain that a slew of previous polls have indicated that less than 20% of voters thought Peter Costello would be their preferred PM. Honestly, I can't see Howard's now-silenced *glove puppet* making any more impression between now and the looming election/wipeout (cross off according to whichever party you support). I wonder how the inevitable polls of Costello vs Rudd will pan out?

Interestink, verrrry interestink few weeks ahead....


Isnt it a scary thought, if the Liberals win again, this Muppet is the next Prime minister.

JOHN Howard's decision to hand the reins to Peter Costello during a fifth term in office would not have impressed undecided voters, who do not want the Treasurer to lead the country, exclusive polling for The Age shows.

Although undecided voters in key marginal electorates in Melbourne and Sydney believe Mr Howard's time is up, they appear unhappy at the prospect of Mr Costello as PM, labelling him "sinister", "arrogant" and "treacherous".

Just check this smooth operator out why dont you ....

Cute Button nose

Thin wavy hair

Firm round buttocks erm i mean cheeks

(Ive really got to stop watching Shrek i think)

But seriously this champion of the people is sure to deliver an Australia we all want.

Better than the other teams plan whatever that maybe? Perhaps liberating the middle east and providing Oil security or something?
