Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Who are you voting for in the Federal election?

Who do you intend to vote for?

  • Labor

    Votes: 59 37.3%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 75 47.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 13 8.2%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 11 7.0%

  • Total voters
but they haven't learnt... via the 45m contrib. to the Mersey Hospital and now their stupid plan for local boards... How the hell are local boards going to be able to look at the big picture. All they are going to be interested in is their own patch...

Rafa, I'm curious why you think the re-introduction of hospital boards, in Qld at least, won't work.

While not expert in the field, I can recall when we had local hospital boards and I think most people I know who can remember them, will say it was a better system. As I have heard it described, if they were re-introduced, the local boards would be made up of local medical professional, business and community members. This does away with most of the central bureaucracy and puts the responsibility for running the local hospitals as well as being accountable for any problems on the local community. The way I understand it they put in their applications for funding which is still largely decided at state and federal levels.

Personally I couldn't give a flying f(*k who won, why? Because I am not stupid enough too have my job as my only form of income.

I am sick and tired of people saying that interest rates are causing you too struggle on your home repayment, this is what i have to say:
"If you didn't at least have the first year mortgage repayment when you first applied to get a house. Shut the bloody hell up", no one give a crap about what you have to say because people like you are going to struggle regardless who is in POWER.

Tell me this when the new workplace relations came into work, answer this. Did you just listen what the union has to say about it. Or did you actually do your own bloody research to see what it is all about. Or was more important to sit on your **** and watch TV.

If you are smart and NOT bloody lazy, trust me. It doesn't matter who is in power, you will make enough money. It happened under the keating and Hawk governments and it happened under the Howard government, and it will continue to happen if Rudd gets into power.


Rafa, I'm curious why you think the re-introduction of hospital boards, in Qld at least, won't work.

While not expert in the field, I can recall when we had local hospital boards and I think most people I know who can remember them, will say it was a better system. As I have heard it described, if they were re-introduced, the local boards would be made up of local medical professional, business and community members. This does away with most of the central bureaucracy and puts the responsibility for running the local hospitals as well as being accountable for any problems on the local community. The way I understand it they put in their applications for funding which is still largely decided at state and federal levels.

The mental health system works like this and it is an abject failure.

Client's records are not easily passed through, and if you are taken to a hospital outside of your area, you can potentially wait for a week before a psychiatrist will agree to see you.
Rafa, I'm curious why you think the re-introduction of hospital boards, in Qld at least, won't work.

So far, reading articles in the Australian, most doubt that this will fix anything... because the biggest issue is funding... with the liberal commonwealth govt being found out to be significantly short changing the states over the last 10 years.

Cant comment on QLD whiskers, don't live there... From what i know in the other states at least, this is how the system was run many years ago and it didn't work and the boards were getting highly politicised.

With local hospiital boards, decisions won't be made in the best interest of the region, rather its highly politicises the whole process, and like the mersey hospital, those in the marginal seats or those with the most political clout will get the funds from the pollies.

Having boards, only allows more blame shifting... imagine that now... howard can blame not just the states, also the boards... and vice versa.

Secondly, the board simply adds another layer of administration... and as Julia said in her post,
Where do you think the problem lies?
Well, for a start reducing the number of bureaucrats. I can't recall the actual percentages but Qld Health has about twice as many bureaucrats/administrative staff as they do health workers.

You can't run health in a silo'ed structure, where each area is only focused on itself... Just like a corporation that is heavily silo'ed up, its inefficient, but whats worse, it competes against itself and eats into its own profits... Its gotta be run as one corporation...

With health, its about servicing the whole of region needs most efficiently.
It is very sad. No matter who I vote for I still just get a politician. I have come to detest both sides of politics. I need to ignore the splinter groups as they cannot govern.

So what happens? It comes down to 16 or so marginal seats. In other words my vote counts for absolutely nothing and I have to put up with whatever the various Kaths', Kims', Kels' and Sharrons' place on their ballot sheet.
It is very sad. No matter who I vote for I still just get a politician. I have come to detest both sides of politics. I need to ignore the splinter groups as they cannot govern.

So what happens? It comes down to 16 or so marginal seats. In other words my vote counts for absolutely nothing and I have to put up with whatever the various Kaths', Kims', Kels' and Sharrons' place on their ballot sheet.
That is true. But every vote does count, unless you live in the USA. You could say the lesser of two evils... eh?
Anyway I don't trust the Ruddsta, just like any poli.
For what it's worth Johnny's done ok... I guess....
I was sponsored by his surfing team for 2 years (paid to surf that is, just like a sponsorship ;) ). Now my CGT pays for others like myself, what a vicious circle.
There is no relevance here to Australia ok?
nor to any party (Greens or otherwise) as such.
they are talking about matters Irish ;)
but it's still an interesting message
Political Broadcast 2007 (Irish)
Time to bin conspiracy theories
Hedley Thomas | October 12, 2007

ALL the conspiracy theories, inquisitions, cries of "cover-up" and attempts to link a document-shredding fiasco in Queensland in 1990 to the alleged rape of a teenage girl in 1988 and the political aspirations of Kevin Rudd can be consigned to the bin.

The disclosure today of documents, obtained under Freedom of Information laws, should silence the paranoiacs, some of whom have clung for 17 years to a beat-up known as the Heiner Affair/Shreddergate.

Their efforts have redoubled in recent weeks in a bid to make a connection to the Opposition Leader on the eve of a federal election.


Lindeberg has made hundreds of wild and woolly claims about top-level corruption which, he asserts, motivated the shredding. He and his boosters have shamelessly exploited the girl by claiming, falsely, that the shredding was linked to the alleged rape. They have pretended that the destruction of the documents thwarted her chance for justice.

But as today's disclosures show, the documents relating to the alleged rape were not destroyed. They were not even part of an incompetently constituted inquiry that former magistrate Noel Heiner was asked, in late 1989, to conduct into the staffing problems at the youth centre.

And when the alleged rape occurred, Rudd, who had been a diplomat for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, was still a month away from starting in a new job as private secretary to the then Labor opposition leader in Queensland, Wayne Goss. Neither Rudd nor Goss had anything to do with a cover-up of the abuse of children.

But if Lindeberg and the assorted conspiracy theorists, among them Liberal and Nationals lightweights such as NSW opposition legal affairs spokesman Greg Smith and Queensland senator Barnaby Joyce, are determined to apportion blame, they could examine the government that was in power in 1988. It was led by a National Party premier in a coalition with the Liberal Party...

Full article here...,25197,22571930-11949,00.html