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X64 - Ten Sixty Four


hi brer

thanks for the reply.
first put MML on the board august 7 2004, sp then was approx 33c.

this company has a lot going for it and will advance to much higher levels from here in a short period of time, and i also believe it will be able to maintain those levels.

having spare cash available to invest in an opportunity when it comes along is always a problem but not the end of the day. you can't be in them all.

to me MEDUSA is a winner i first bought in @ 20c and picked up the oppies @ 1c. if i was entering right now i would be concentrating on the oppies MMLO and at 20c maturity they are well in the money right now with still over 12 months to run.

this stock is definetly worthy of consideration imho

regards croc

The following from Mining News only adds to the value of this company.

"MEDUSA Mining says it has signed a memorandum of understanding with Pyro Copper to acquire the Barlo copper-gold-zinc project in the Philippines.

The company said the acquisition, covering 4360 hectares, adds to the portfolio of projects held by the Medusa-BacTech joint venture, which is focused on projects with difficult to treat mineralisation and ores with high penalty elements.

Barlo was an open pit mine for a 10 years until 1984, during which time it produced approximately 3 million tonnes of ore grading 1.5% copper and 1% zinc.

Medusa said gold was not routinely assayed during previous exploration and mining but previous assays from waste dump samples indicate samples of up 5 grams per tonne. Mineralisation is described as Kuroko style massive sulphides exhibiting zoning in copper, gold, silver and zinc.

The MOU will allow JV partners BacTech and Medusa an Option to undertake work at the site until 31 December 2006 with a MOU signing fee of $US10,000 to be paid to Pyro immediately. If the option is exercised, Medusa, BacTech and Pyro Copper will vend the project into a new entity.

Medusa said its primary focus is still the Co-O gold mine in Dizon, in the Philippines."

I bought into these at 64cps, so so far so good!

by the looks of things the outlook is still good too

hi all
roadshow starts in the UK tomorrow.
team will be back in PERTH march 15.
yesterdays announcement confirms a futher extension of the vein at the
Co-O mine.
everything looks very good for the future.

regards croc

Is that your 10000 @ a $1.10, dont you think they will go higher. Jokes aside the way it is going looks like a $1.00 at easter, looks like its getting ready for a little run again.

mml has three figures written all over it.
very big things to come in due course.
excellent leverage in the oppies mmlo

Ok what's going on with the stock?

There is no trading. It hasn't tanked has it?
Re: Medusa Mining Ltd

MML has been suspended from trading while the finalisation of a deal with Philsaga is being completed.
it's all in the reports have a read.
deal should be finalised in about two weeks
big things to come shortly

regards croc
Re: Medusa Mining Ltd

So it hasn't tanked?

Thank god. I got worried when I found out it was suspended.
Re: Medusa Mining Ltd

ok what's going on now?

It's been completly removed from comsec. Does it have a new trading name/ code?
Re: Medusa Mining Ltd

does anyone here know any more news regarding MML and their trading halt? when will they begin trading again?

I've tried searching here and google, as well as their website but have found nothing. I have emailed them as well and await a reply

any news or a point in the right direction would be great!
Re: Medusa Mining Ltd

I checked the list of companies which changed ASX Code in 2005, MML not in the list,it should still have the same asx code.Don't have any information about the halt.
Re: Medusa Mining Ltd

hi all
there has been a few beaurocratc problems with philipinne govt but all is slowly being soughted out. the deal with phisaga will take place, unfortunately it has been a lot longer than all would like.
most of the problems have been with the use of explosives in the mine.

regards croc
Re: Medusa Mining Ltd

any press releases/information on when the deal will be finalised and MML will be allowed to be traded again?
Re: Medusa Mining Ltd

nothing has changed since my last post except the day is getting closer

regards croc
Re: Medusa Mining Ltd

hi all
report just out
MML executes lease option to purchase phisaga's plant
must now be getting closer relisting

regards croc
Re: Medusa Mining Ltd

good news!

what is everyones thoughts on what will happen once they begin trading again? I think given the amount of time they have been suspended a majority of investors will be frustrated and sell, so I'm thinking a fall in sp.

Will this new deal be large enough to offset any large sell off by current investors?
Re: Medusa Mining Ltd (MML)

relisting date is september 26 after placement of shares @ 60c is complete.
those that are not fully taken up have been underwritten.

once the mpsa is complete this will explode
good luck to those who hold

Re: Medusa Mining Ltd (MML)

crocdee said:
relisting date is september 26 after placement of shares @ 60c is complete.
those that are not fully taken up have been underwritten.

once the mpsa is complete this will explode
good luck to those who hold


sorry to sound stupid but what is the mpsa?

and when you say explode, does that mean you think the new deal is a good thing?
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