A thought struck me last night; a rare occurrence.
Seems the move is towards having everything online; documents, spreadsheets, banking details, accounting packages, even operating software.
So what happens when you die and the executor of your Will has to sort the mess out?
A morbid question but it is one which will face each and everyone of us or rather those who have to sweep up the tailings.
I answered my own question by typing out, printing and leaving it close to my Will each and every detail of my access codes passwords and the like. No doubt the security pundits will reel back in horror but I haven't seen anywhere where this issue has been addressed but maybe I haven't looked hard enough.
In any event, should some despicable bugger ransack my home, I strongly doubt they with bother all that much with a crumpled envelope at the bottom of my underwear drawer.
Seems the move is towards having everything online; documents, spreadsheets, banking details, accounting packages, even operating software.
So what happens when you die and the executor of your Will has to sort the mess out?
A morbid question but it is one which will face each and everyone of us or rather those who have to sweep up the tailings.
I answered my own question by typing out, printing and leaving it close to my Will each and every detail of my access codes passwords and the like. No doubt the security pundits will reel back in horror but I haven't seen anywhere where this issue has been addressed but maybe I haven't looked hard enough.
In any event, should some despicable bugger ransack my home, I strongly doubt they with bother all that much with a crumpled envelope at the bottom of my underwear drawer.