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Will Craig Thomson finally give us some relief?

I heard a sound bite re this on the radio this morning. Basically he was saying anyone could have stolen his CC and driver's licence details. I don't buy it. Even if it were true, doesn't show the HSU in any better light does it? (Lack of security, dishonest individuals who would steal things, threaten people and set them up with prostitutes ). As I have said before, well and truly over it all
He better come up with a very convincing explanation in Parliament, but if he doesn't what can be done ? No one can force him to resign unless he is convicted of a criminal offence.

Isn't being caught lying to parliament some sort of serious (parliamentary) offence that can result in expulsion? I don't know what the penalties are, but it is not taken lightly. Note: I did say being caught lying as opposed to just lying, which is par for the course.
This will, as do all sexual scandals, get very messy.

If he is innocent, who in the HSU was getting a free legover at the expense of the poorly paid Hospital and Ambulance Services workers who were unfortunate enough to be members of this union?

Is this happening in other Unions?


As laurie oakes pointed out they would have had to have stolen his mobile as well. He must be some sort of sociopath to think he can run with this bull**** story.

Either the guy is innocent or he is incredibly stupid.

"A Fair Work Australia investigation found Mr Thomson's credit card and driver's licence details were on escort agency receipts, but Mr Thomson says someone could have been impersonating him when making the transactions."

Can you imagine anyone that stupid to leave an audit trail sticking out like dog's balls straight to an escort agency ?

From his wiki

"Thomson was educated at the University of New South Wales, where he obtained a Bachelor of Commerce. Thomson later completed a law degree at University of Technology, Sydney. He also attended a trade union education programme at Harvard University.[4]"

As a lawyer and Bachelor of Commerce he should have known the consequences of leaving personal details that could be traced back to him.

There may be something fishy going on here involving other parties that bears investigation.

Abbotts right you know, I was wondering how a man can bare face lie in a situation like that where he's obviously guilty.

The reason is of course that he has to for the survival of the Gillard Govt, so no matter how far fetched his excuses are it has the effect of stalling his departure and saving Gillard........and thats all that matters.
As laurie oakes pointed out they would have had to have stolen his mobile as well. He must be some sort of sociopath to think he can run with this bull**** story.

I believe there are records held at a motel where phone calls were made to escort sevices.
Did Thomson leave his room unlocked to allow someone else to go in and make those calls?
Just maybe, Gillard is working in the back ground trying drum up an alibi for him. Given her record of recent events, she would be cunning enough to try it.
The plot will thicken in this fiasco.
The CBA are saying what about the $20 million we loaned you if there are talks about administration.
A debt free property was mortgaged for $4.5 million.
etc. etc.
The Craig Thompson fiasco is only the tip of the iceberg of the corruption in the HSU, and Kathy Jackson has opened up a "can of worms". The problem is the "can" is pretty big.
3500 union members have pulled out, and you can only imagine how many will not renew.
And "Little Billy Shorten" was using this union as his foundation to push him towards being PM of Australia.
Sorry Billy I do not think so. I think Billy might be caught with his fingers in the cookie jar.
The Labor government have been chasing the documents the QC got his hands on.
God only knows what that is all about.
In the weekend AFR an article states,"HSU rorts go back to the 60s".
This is not about Craig Thompson at all.
Its about those who want to push the limit.
I almost believe it has turned into a contest.
Not being a constitutional lawyer, but does the parliament have power to act against a person telling what can be proven to be bare-faced lies in parliament ?

I think they may have powers, that exist, other than criminal or civil action matters, to deal internally by procedure with certain behaviours.

Thompson may need to consider that (before his parliamentary address)...every time he opens his mouth, he digs a deeper hole.

Reckon he will end up in jail (eventually)

its a bit puzzling why there hasnt been an outburst of " I was Craig Thompsons mole" worth a pretty penny on 60 Minutes
People I know are now saying they want Gillard to stay and take the full humiliation of the election rather than be replaced.....I bet she jumps first.
I bet the other unions are watching with keen interest there is a lot of shifty bastards I know of first hand. Labor seems to be having a hard time with the instant information era. Back in the day they could hide their rorts or stuff up without much consequence. Now however everything comes to light. Too many rats in the ranks, they need a clean out.
Either the guy is innocent or he is incredibly stupid.

Can you imagine anyone that stupid to leave an audit trail sticking out like dog's balls straight to an escort agency ?
No. But I guess this gross abuse of funds had been going on for so long and he'd apparently got away with it, he became over-confident and felt untouchable.

Is it possible that he can insist on his current claims, i.e. that someone else incurred all the charges, made all the phone calls, and - unbelievable though it is - it cannot be proven otherwise, and he is therefore able to continue in the parliament?

If so, isn't the stench surrounding him, including that enveloping the government and the Independents, going to cause their standing to deteriorate even further on the basis of their knowing support of a corrupt individual?

I agree he thought no one would ever check, they're been getting away with this for years.
If so, isn't the stench surrounding him, including that enveloping the government and the Independents, going to cause their standing to deteriorate even further on the basis of their knowing support of a corrupt individual?

True IF he is actually corrupt (only allegations made so far), and if the support extends to people saying he did nothing wrong. The Parliament may well censure him, but they can't throw him out unless he is found guilty of something, and they can't stop him voting. If Labor votes in support of a censure motion, that would indicate they don't support him.

Do you believe there is any chance Thomson did not in fact do what is alleged?
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