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Will Craig Thomson finally give us some relief?

"We are going to set you up with hookers"
"You can send as many as you like I will politely turn them away".

How hard is that???

Hear, hear! The whole thing is absolutely appalling and he should never have been allowed to speak for AN HOUR! He can't defend the indefensible and he should be somewhere under a rock. I don't know how he has the gall to show his face. Ok, he did whatever he did and the Labor party is actually culpable now for failing to deal with this in an appropriate way. How could they stoop SO low? They don't have a clue about what is right and wrong - they have to go and the sooner the better!
I am deeply embarrassed that my country and my country's governing Parliament has been displayed in this light.

It was shameful.

I think at least 75% of the Australian people would agree with this statement, and there are billions around the world hoping it does not happen to their country.

Our politicians have to get themselves of the gutter first, in the first step to rectify the overall problem !!

I think he's basically shot himself in the foot.

Allegations without proof is not a good look.

But can he be held up for misleading Parliament if its his word against someone elses ?

That should be tested in court under oath.
Thomson spoke about someone cloning his phone. According experts, this can only be done by top soies.

I have an app on my iPhone that lets me make calls or send text messages as if I'm doing it from another phone number. So for instance I could ring person A from my phone but when I ring them it will show up as though I am person B. It's pretty fun to use down at the pub after a few beers.

and that app is ?

So whose account does the call appear on ? Yours or Person B ? Would be neat if you could get someone else to pay for your calls.

It does not go on their phone records

Does the app. withdraw the $400 - $500 from the atm as well.??
Does the app. withdraw the $400 - $500 from the atm as well.??

And the person receiving the call thinks it is coming from the different number, but no doubt

the bill still goes to the op account.

A senior Australian elder statesman is entitled to a bit of harmless fum for goodnesss sake when he's on an arduous fact finding mission overseas away from the loving arms of the missus.

Now that you remind me..didnt a very tall, Very senior liberal find himself without wallet and pants in mysterious circs in the USA back in the 80's
We can assume anything we like. Forget about "presumption of innocence". That condition applies only in a court of law during a trial. Just follow your nose
Yet it's sanctimoniously uttered several times every day lately.

"You can send as many as you like I will politely turn them away".

How hard is that???
Excellent point.

It does not go on their phone records

That's true.

So doesn't the fact that the calls appeared on his phone bill eliminate the possibility of such a transfer of calls?
There is a move afoot to paint the Opposition as the villains and Thomson as their victim. Anthony Albanese has said he will go all the way to protect Thomson, including getting enough dirt on their front benchers to refer them to the privileges committee. As Labor has the numbers in the committee this is not an empty threat.

The independents are also seeing an opportunity to attack the hated opposition;

I suppose Oakeshott sees Thomson's vote no more tainted that his own.

The Tasmanian MP (Wilkie) also backed calls for a parliamentary committee to examine whether MPs or members of the community had "intimidated" Mr Thomson, which would be a breach of the Crimes Act.

The Independents hatred for the Coalition far exceeds any disquiet they may have over the Thomson affair.

All those MPs who are concerned about Thomson's mental health from Abbott's "harassment" fail to see that the solution is in his hands.
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