Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Who would you invite to dinner?

Actually, who am I kidding? I'd like pretend I'd invite intellectual types, or great musicians or so forth, but who I'd really like to gather around the table would be:

George Clooney
Brad Pitt
Matt Damon
Matthew McConaughey
Johnny Depp

I wouldn't be able to eat a bite, as I'd be too busy drooling, but what the heck!
L.Ga Ga,
E.Clapton. (To teach my missus some riffs later on.)
Andre Rieu
Jason Bourne
Daniel Craig
Max Walker
Eddie Maguire

great topic!

You are only allowed 5 mate.

May I be the one to execute one of these, or does anyone on asf have any favourites for an ass full of lead.?

You are only allowed 5 mate.

May I be the one to execute one of these, or does anyone on asf have any favourites for an ass full of lead.?


:eek: i was going to mention Cher in this context you propose but thinks the way i thought of wording it would have been inapropriate . so bugga it shoot the rest and keep cher for the table;)
Lets do it by exclusion,

Those we'd leave

Cher ... chance of a legover a legend and a read of her tats
Max ..... a good bloke
Daniel Craig... can't tell James Bond to p o.

that leaves
Andre Rieu
Jason Bourne
Eddie Maguire

You've got some great dinner guests coming Julia. I'd like to come to all of a fly on the wall...but then again I'd probably get swatted if Bunyip is getting his tools out of the shed.
A dinner party with traitors.

Jane Fonda
Wilfred Burchett
Anthony Blunt
William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw)

Just to find out why they did what they did.

Toss up between Eddie McGuire and Cher........screw it - McGuire
Absolutely not, Fishbulb. As organiser of this mighty dinner party, I flatly refuse to admit Eddie McGuire. Now Cher, that's quite another matter.

A dinner party with traitors.

Jane Fonda
Wilfred Burchett
Anthony Blunt
William Joyce (Lord Haw Haw)

Just to find out why they did what they did.

gg, I think that should be a sub-dinner party, or maybe a 'coffee later' group for those aligned to that particular interest.

The numbers are getting a bit out of hand, not least because you've had several goes at putting forth your nominations. This hardly seems fair when e.g. Fishbulb and Gumby have elected to bring either a mother or a dog only.
Perhaps you could review your multiple nominations and select the five as originally suggested.

Alternatively we will have to have multiple dinner parties, in which case the vote is now open as to whether the guests should be from a single interest group, i.e. all hunky blokes as described by DocK, all beat generation poets/writers, all novelists perhaps combined with composers, etc etc.
Or would you prefer multiple dinners with a representative from the different categories of guest?

Anyone with views on the above, or anyone who has not yet submitted a guest list?
You've got some great dinner guests coming Julia. I'd like to come to all of a fly on the wall...but then again I'd probably get swatted if Bunyip is getting his tools out of the shed.

You'd be welcome in any capacity, Harleyquin. We could offer you a special commendation for continuing good humour in the face of significant adversity.
You are only allowed 5 mate.

May I be the one to execute one of these, or does anyone on asf have any favourites for an ass full of lead.?


I'd like to hold a politicians dinner party.....Whitlam, Hawke, Keating, Rudd, Gillard.
And I'd love to include Anna Bligh as well, even though she'd be one more than what's allowed under Julia's guidelines.

I'd put something very interesting in their food!

Shane Warne
Kerry OKeefe
Jeremy Clarkson
Richard Branson
Charlie Sheen

Adventurers/ Tough Guys

Riaan Manser
Jon Muir
Some SAS soldiers

Political Types

Peter Schiff
Ron Paul
The Founding Fathers
Hugo Chavez
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Barnaby Joyce
Billy Joel - love his music
Charlie Sheen - he's hilarious, wouldnt mind drinking some scotch with him
Sam Newman - offensive
James Hird - great footy player
Brendan Fevola - too see how his brain works because i dont get it
Righto I'll bite (pardon the pun):

Hermann Hesse
Marlon Brando
Henry Kissinger
Heidi Klum (dessert)
well one person I'd invite would be Peter Costello -
and ask him - seriously - why someone so enraptured with private enterprise, would take a government job :rolleyes:

strange days indeed, most peculiar mumma
well one person I'd invite would be Peter Costello -
and ask him - seriously - why someone so enraptured with private enterprise, would take a government job :rolleyes:

strange days indeed, most peculiar mumma

You have to invite 5 people mate, so you've only got 4 left.

You have to invite 5 people mate, so you've only got 4 left.

ok lol -
#2 Brendon Nelson - and ask him to tell me why I should believe him when he tries to sell Australia's commitment to "action on GW" to the EU - when he clearly doesn't believe a word of it :eek:
#3 Marilyn Monroe - to add some intelligence to the discussion lol.
#4 Paul Keating - to liven up the discussion especially with Costello ( really used to enjoy their stouches)
#5 Tim Costello - ditto

Then for the next weekend , Since this is obviously hypothetical ... Assuming I have access to a timewarp machine ...
#1 John Fitzgerald Kennedy
#2 Jacqueline Kennedy
#3 Lee Harvey Oswald
#4 Jack Ruby
#5 Jim Garrison

Then maybe
#1 Captain Cook
#2 Captain Bligh
#3 Galileo
#4 Carl Sagan
#5 Chief mapmaker, Googlemaps

etc ;)

hell then there's Weary Dunlop, Winston Churchill, John Curtin, etc etc