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Where is/can Donald Trump take US (sic)?

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I'll bet you guys 10 grand that the USA won't become a communist country if Biden gets in. Honestly feel like you are wearing tin hats.

Come on! All that may happen is some of the citizens may get some healthcare. Bidden hasn't even promised universal healthcare. The only socialism that happens in the USA is towards large companies.

And its not a given the Republicans won't get in. It may not be Trump they will be voting for, they will have 10 times the money to spend and still have the ability to make it difficult for blacks and Hispanics to vote as well as using gerrymandering. I still think its 50 50. Those billionaires aren't wanting to lose their Trump given tax cuts.

I want Trump to stay in and watch him do more damage. Then I want the USA people to willingly change the constitution so the President isn't effectively a King and the country is run better in the future so a dictator does not happen and we in Australia have a strong democratic friend.
I think you and Moxjo are right, the continual push to rewarding complacency and indolence, striving for mediocrity and punishing endeavour can only end in a socialist country.
Where everyone is equal, regardless of effort, that leads to everyone doing nothing as has been proved over and over.
It will take a couple of generations, but the slide is well on its way IMO.

It depends.

If the neo-liberals have control of the party then you will be largely correct.

I'm not so sure that neo-liberals have control of the Party though.

But I am looking at is who runs as vice President. This will be the actual de facto president as in in no way shape or form will b Joe able to maintain control bearing in mind his dementia.

Shheeit, on November 8th Biden will not even be able to remember who won.

This is how I totally f***** up the American system is.

The deep state rules, and till that changes the Western world is screwed.
One of his best ideas yet. Counters all the b#llshit woke demands of the left.

Trump Announces Attendance At Next Rally Will Be Mandatory

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Trump has announced that attendance at his next rally will be mandatory, with everyone in the country being required to attend.

"My rallies aren't optional. That's in the Constitution," he said. "The president has tremendous power. Most tremendous. You could even say total. You could. Perhaps the most total of all time. Ever.”

Fact-checkers and legal experts around the country immediately began scouring the founding document of the nation to see if the commander-in-chief really had such authority to require all 329 million citizens of the nation to congregate in one sports arena.

"No one has ever claimed to have such a power and there's a lot of words in the Constitution. It might be in there. Who knows?" said Justice Neil Gorsuch.
US becoming left wing.......unhinged, there is no left in the US, for starters you need a very strong union movement to mobilise the workers, they don't exist in any numbers the Dems screw them every time when in office.

Why because the Dems are not left in any sense.

Talk about bat crazy, unhinged devoid of any sense of reality .........
Left authoritarians.
Trump is stopping all testing supplies in the following states to slow testing:
  • Texas
  • Illinois
  • New Jersey
  • Colorado
  • Pennsylvania
Didn't we just get told he wasn't doing this?
Ted Cruz is not happy. Look it up yourselves. Tell me why this is a good thing. Sheep.
Say what?

et al

But you are so right, the left have screwed their working class constituency, same here, UK, Canada etc
Say what?

et al

But you are so right, the left have screwed their working class constituency, same here, UK, Canada etc

Those names hold no power or influence none nada zip, both sides in the US are run by vested and corporate interests starting from the very beginning you need funds to get elected then you are in the pocket of who stumps you up but you all ready know this and ignore..

The Harvard paper that looked at acts passed were north of 80% vested interests nothing to do with people.

The US hourly rate sums up the Democrats and morally bankrupt Republicans no left politics there?

In Australia its been clearly the LNP that have bent the working class over removal of working conditions, penalty rates just recent examples Labor is blocking further attacks on nurses and fireman unions etc BTW your comments lack substance and examples.
I don't think the hourly rate was much in Soviet Russia, Komrade... And I don't see the Venezuelan workers supping Dom Perignon and dining on lobster an caviar .

Come on man, socialism is not for the workers.
I don't think the hourly rate was much in Soviet Russia, Komrade... And I don't see the Venezuelan workers supping Dom Perignon and dining on lobster an caviar .

Come on man, socialism is not for the workers.

Alexandria (AOC) is not a bad sort, it is a shame that she is a bit of a commie.
He is stopping federal funding from what I read. What's stopping the state's paying?
Tell me why this is a good thing. Sheep.
The other thing would be infection rates, attendance rates and all those kinds of things. Australia would be well down on testing from what it was. Truth is I don't really care. And if I did go to the effort, do you really care?
The other thing would be infection rates, attendance rates and all those kinds of things. Australia would be well down on testing from what it was. Truth is I don't really care. And if I did go to the effort, do you really care?
You still defended him. No I don't really care.

But obviously I should as if Biden gets in China wins and the USA goes socialist according to this thread.

The next news story coming is that the money to help small business has been siphoned off. Trump is trying to block an investigation by the Senate.

Don't worry the Attorney General is looking into it. Oh, he got sacked, must be part of deep whatever conspiracy.

Honestly I find it amusing, it's black humour which I love.
Calling people sheep because they don't follow the media's narrative usually means you are dipping into emotional rah rah.
There are reasons for a lot of decisions, but to tell you the truth I don't really care.

Biden is too weak. And the radicals seems to be grabbing the direction of the party.
You only have to look at democrat run state's to see they are turning into shtholes. It's already happening. So it's not a far stretch (not that I think they would turn the country socialist). More likely let it devolve some more.

As far as I'm concerned Trump is doing exactly what I was hoping for. Pull manufacturing away from China and holding the blowtorch to their feet. And also weakening the US/Australia bond.
25 reasons to want to see Trump Out of Office.
This is an excellent summary of the corruption and destruction Trump has wrecked on the US .

The man has no limits.

Donald Trump’s re-election playbook: 25 ways he'll lie, cheat and abuse his power
Robert Reich

Donald Trump will do anything to be re-elected. His opponents are limited because they believe in democracy. Trump has no limits because he doesn’t.

Here’s Trump’s re-election playbook, in 25 simple steps:

1) Declare yourself above the law.

2) Use racist fearmongering. Demand “law and order” and describe protesters as “thugs”, “lowlife” and “rioters and looters”. Describe Covid-19 as “kung-flu”. Retweet posts from white supremacists. In your campaign ads, use a symbol associated with Nazis.

3) Appoint an attorney general more loyal to you than to America, and politicize the Department of Justice so it’s lenient on your loyalists and comes down hard on your enemies. Have it lighten the sentence of a crony convicted of lying under oath. Order investigations of industries you dislike.

4) Fire US attorneys who are investigating you.

5) Fire independent inspectors general who are looking into what you’ve done. Crush any whistleblowers you find.

6) Demean and ignore the intelligence community. Appoint a director of national intelligence more loyal to you than to America. Demand that the head of the FBI pledge loyalty to you.

7) Pack the federal courts with judges and justices more loyal to you than to the constitution.

8) Politicize the Department of Defense so generals will back whatever you order. Refer to them as “my generals”. Have them help clear out protesters. Order the military to surveil protesters. Tell governors you’ll bring in the military to stop protesters.

9) Purge your party of anyone disloyal to you and turn it into a mindless, brainless, spineless cult.

10) Get rid of accumulated experience and expertise in government. Demean career public servants. Hollow out the state department, the Departments of Justice, Health and Human Services, and public health.

11) Reward donors and cronies with bailouts, tax breaks, subsidies, government contracts, regulatory rollbacks and plum jobs. Put their lobbyists in charge of your agencies. Distribute $500bn in pandemic assistance to corporations in secret, without any oversight.

12) Coddle dictators. Don’t criticize their human rights abuses. Refuse to work with the leaders of other democracies. Withdraw from international treaties.

13) Create scapegoats. Demonize migrants and lock up asylum seekers at the border, even if they’re children. Put a white nationalist in charge of immigration policy. Blame Muslims, Mexicans and Chinese.

14) Denigrate and ridicule all critics. Describe opponents as “human scum”. Attack the mainstream media as purveyors of “fake news” and “enemies of the people”.

15) Conjure up conspiracies supposedly led by your predecessor and your opponent in the last election. Without any evidence, accuse your predecessor of “treason”. Fabricate a “deep state” out to get you.

16) Downplay real threats to the nation, such as a rapidly spreading pandemic. Lie about your utter failure to contain it. Muzzle public health experts. Urge people to go back to work even as the pandemic worsens in parts of the country.

17) Encourage armed supporters to “liberate” states from elected officials who disagree with you.

18) Bribe other nations to investigate your electoral opponent and flood social media with lies about him.

19) Use rightwing propaganda machines like Fox News and conspiracy-theory-peddling One America News to inundate the country with your lies. Ensure that the morally bankrupt chief executive of Facebook allows you to spread your lies on the biggest media machine in the world.

20) Suppress the votes of people likely to vote against you. Intimidate voters of color. Encourage Republican governors to purge voter rolls, demand voter ID and close polling places.

21) Seek to prevent mail-in ballots during the pandemic. Claim they will cause voter fraud, without evidence. Threaten to close the US postal service.

22) Get Vladimir Putin to hack into US election machines, as he did in 2016 but can now do with more experience and deftness. Promise him that in return you’ll further destabilize America as well as Nato. Let him even place a bounty on killing US troops in Afghanistan.

23) If it still looks like you’ll be voted out, try to postpone the election.

24) If you’re voted out of office notwithstanding all this, refuse to leave. Contest the election, claim massive fraud, say it’s a conspiracy, get your cult of a political party to support your lies, get your propaganda machine to repeat them, get your justice department to back you, get your judges and justices to affirm you, get your generals to suppress any subsequent rebellion.

25) Declare victory.

Memo to America: beware Trump’s playbook. Spread the truth. Stay vigilant. Fight for our democracy.
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