Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

What's your retirement asset allocation percentages?

don't really know how to answer that

since i am retired ( and will not be working the farm hard ) do i class it as my PPOR with a 200 acre pantry ??

say 60% property ( that includes a far-sized bundle of REITs ) about 30% shares , and maybe 10% 'collectibles'

rough figures and there is still some transitioning in progress
Rough plan with smsf is to end up with

- 40% ASX divie payers (almost completed)
- 20% international, probably 3/4 US and 1/4 India (Don't hold any as yet, looking at MFF for a start)
- 20% Gold, Silver, PGM. (The gold and silver are through dodgy ASX shares, PGM will have to be a physical ETF)
- 20% cash

Latest CPI makes me nervous though.
Thought I'd revisit.

Rough plan with smsf is to end up with

- 40% ASX divie payers (almost completed) -

Changed tack here, have come to the conclusion that some sections of the so called Blue Chip C-suite are very similar to junior miners, they just wear better suits. Have gone for 2 x LIC's and hold my 2 x coal shares(NHC, WHC) for the divie boost. Looking at an ETF or 2.

Now 50% ASX divies.

- 20% international, probably 3/4 US and 1/4 India (Don't hold any as yet, looking at MFF for a start)
Missed the boat with MFF and after looking at the Indian numbering system, realized I don't really know too much about India, so sold my IIND ETF. I see WHC as a type of proxy for India, they have Iron Ore, but not coking coal.

Now 0% international but will revisit US later.

- 20% Gold, Silver, PGM. (The gold and silver are through dodgy ASX shares, PGM will have to be a physical ETF)
Same, bought ETPMPT for platinum. Punting on gold/silver shares.

- 20% cash
Now 30% cash

Latest CPI makes me nervous though.
More things make me nervous.
More things make me nervous.
and i would suggest , rightfully so

so now you perceive increased risk .. make sure you get adequate reward for the risk taken ( many are over-paying for the returns they are hoping for )

30% cash ?

keep a watchful eye on what various LICs keep as cash reserves ( they vary from close to zero up to 40% ) and then assess the style of each LIC , some take much higher risk/higher portfolio turnover than others , that might be insightful ( don't just use Berkshire Hathaway as a guide )
One day I may get around to calculating the assets allocation. However, as all the holdings are held in my name, since the Tax Office isn't interested in the value or allocation nether am I at present. If I had to have a wild stab at it maybe around 45% international via VGS and 65% OZ. Cash is for consumption so I don't worry about it. No idea of the supposed value of my PPOR. It has a roof to keep the rain off my bed and four walls to stop the wind from whistling though so that's its value I guess.
I now have a SMSF with my partner in crime. We both cashed in our Super. I was with one of the better ones and it had grown very nicely, we put the cash into our newly created SMSF bank account.

Due to all the rules, regulations and the amount of cash, I have a financial advisor for advice and to help it all run smoothly, assess investing options for us, and because I am still working full time in my business.
We've invested about 30% of the cash, the remainder is in three different accounts for was of access or locked in for high interest. We're watching the markets, with the aim of investing slowly over the next 6 to 12 months and keeping 25% cash for opportuniies. As most of us know, the markets are extremely volatile at the moment, talk of a bigger crash is always whispered on the winds.

So far the SMSF has invested a small amount in the following -

Fixed Interest
Bentham Global Income
Australian Shares
Amcor Limited
Australian Eagle Trust
CSL Limited
Medibank Private Limited
Pengana Emerging Companies
Steadfast Group
International Investments
Magellan Global Fund (Open Class)
Talaria Global Equity Fund
Property Investments
APA Group
Aurizon Holdings Limited
Charter Hall Long Wale REIT

And then I have my own share portfolio that I have been building up for a very long time. A mix of Aussie and US companies, about 35/65 but mainly because Tesla and ARK when the price was low. I have a few small parcels of penny stocks, one of which was RACE. I'm planning on reducing my holdings by about half and re-investing in my current investment project.

Australian Shares
Australian Ethical Investment Limited
Bapcor Limited
BHP Billiton Limited
Dicker Data Limited
Electro Optic Systems Holdings Limited
Euro Manganese Inc
Hastings Technology Metals Ltd
Infomedia Ltd
Jervois Global Limited
Lbt Innovations Limited
Lithium Australia Nl
Lynas Rare Earths Limited
Macquarie Group Limited
Noumi Limited
Piedmont Lithium Ltd
Province Resources Ltd
Pure Hydrogen Corporation Limited
Race Oncology Ltd
Service Stream Limited
South Harz Potash Ltd
Strategic Elements Limited
South Harz Potash Ltd
Woodside Energy Group Ltd
International Investments
Apple Inc
Tesla, Inc.
ARK Innovation ETF

And then there is property. I started investing in property in the mid 1990's, there were some headaches along the way, like tenants that destroyed one property and luckily I was young enough to renovate it saving me a fortune. And another property that tenants started to do the same but we caught them in time.
I knocked down one and built two modern homes, sold one to pay the debts and go on an overseas holiday.
We recently sold both our rentals to our children and their partners, at family rate.
About three years ago we purchased an apartment in a beach town, enjoyed it for a couple of years and now we have a holiday rental company looking after it and giving us excellent returns.

The new property; we purchased a land and build package in a beach suburb about an hour from the city. The build will be completed in 12 months, we will enjoy that one for a while and hen do the same as we have done with the apartment, holiday rental.

That's about it, typing it all out puts a different light on things for me. A lot of hard work, good choices, luck, and an upbringing from my parents have lead me here. I figure that I have 10 good years of full time work left in me, but I'm not planning on a full retirement after that. When I have a few grandkids I will keep enjoying my growing family and help them as our family helped us. For what is life without family?
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This may be of interest to some. Chose your unlisted managed fund wisely and get out before Year 5 for Global and Year 15 for Australia.

View attachment 188299

Use index for large cap Aus & Global, and AREITs.

Go active for Small/mid Caps, EM, Bonds (could go both index & active here) and G-REITs.

The Aussie small cap index is dog-**** and easy to beat. Don't use an index fund here.

The question then is Asset Allocation. Can use diversified index and outsource that to Vanguard, or make active decisions based on markets & investment philosophy.
Where does everyone put their gold allocation? I have 5% in PMGOLD and GDX and allocate them to my defensive bucket alongside cash and fixed interest. Does that sound right? Or is gold an alternative asset in the growth bucket?

Overall I'm 80% equities and 20% defensive, 55 years old and looking to retain this allocation from now until RIP
my portfolio gold exposure is via gold miners ( producers ) selected with mixed success over more than a decade ( some have done nicely , some have failed anyway , and some taken over )

in the last 5 years i have gone more towards miners extracting multiple minerals ( not just gold/copper/and silver ) ( like say ZIM where they produce SOME gold/copper but other commodities are the big income )

what i DO worry about is the exploding cost of production in the miners , some seem to be hell-bent on expansion at whatever the cost .
my allocation is flexible , NORMALLY changed by new cash ( profit-taking and div. cash ) injections rather than rotating out of one sector/stock into a different one

but gee what i used to consider 'defensive ' have often become higher risk ( without the compensating reward )

interesting times i hope your plan works for you
I am 80% cash and 20% equities. I am worried about the US economy imploding because of Trump's policies and stocks crashing this year. Before Trump was inaugurated I moved more than half of my super back to cash to try and protect my profits. Last year I were 91% equities through my super fund, I have been using shares to try and boost my super balance, I'm up about 35% with my super returns so far for this financial year because of shares, I was more comfortable being invested under Biden than Trump.

Call me a radical left wing lunatic but I am more conservative with my retirement money this year, nuff said.

I've been using member direct through Aus super to buy and sell shares
Although I am diversified in equities having Australia with some LICs and and an ETF v International ETF, I am not really diversified across uncorrelated asset classes. Yes, I have cash and a fair bit of it but not sure whether this should be considered defensive due to inflationary aspects.

Let's face it, as I am over 70 years of age, all things considered, I don't believe it is useful for me to change my structure or approach now.