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What's with the new Vegemite?

No better example of the bastardisation of food than the move in NY to "all you can eat" sushi & sashimi FFS!!! Talk about missing the point.

Hey TH are you just back from holidays from the US? Did your stomach supersize from their food
Hey TH are you just back from holidays from the US? Did your stomach supersize from their food

Yep just back. I didn't gain weight but since i clocked up about 80Ks in overnight walks in the mountains + about 60 ks of running training + the usual tourist on the feet all day it would of been a big achievement.

What I did find ridiculous was the sizing of serves. The quality is still good if you take the time to find it, as applies anywhere I guess, but the size of everything just stupidly big. Its like order 1 dish for two people. No wonder there is such a **** fight over public funded healthcare. I wouldn't want to pay the bill either.

I dont really like Vegemite(original), though my kids do

Mixed with cream cheese - sounds just smashing

According to Choice Vegemite contains 3380mg of sodium per 100g.

Thank heavens other foods are lower in salt content as our kidneys can only neutralise 100 mg per 100 g.

Hope people are not surprised to have high blood pressure with all the fun from that, or kidney failure.

Hey Tech, my hubby submitted that name in the Competition. He couldnt believe that no-one else has submitted it! If a name had already been submitted then you couldnt re-submit it.

My son hates vegemite. But we were in Sydney for the 2000 Games, and on Darling Harbour there were cameras everywhere doing stories. He was with two other kids when a TV crew approached them and asked them to eat this stuff called Vegemite. So never one to shirk a good picture, Son scoffed the lot and said he loved it. But has never eaten it since!

The new version of vegemite tastes like creamy vegemite without the salt. We prefer the original.

OK I'll come clean--8000 posts and you've sprung me.

Meet you in the kitchen in 10.

It's not banned in USA but I do recall reading somewhere today that Kraft don't put their brand name on the product in the USA.
Isn't vegemite banned in USA?? You cant take it through customs!

Our constitution says that we have the "right to bear arms"...It does not say that we have the right to "bear vegemite".

OK I'll come clean--8000 posts and you've sprung me.

Meet you in the kitchen in 10.


Hell You are supposed to be facilitating a training session at Football Park right now!

Wouldnt that be funny though, two partners in a forum and both spilling their guts and neither knowing the other is a participant.
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