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Nikki Haley President Material?

Zionist, or Marxist we are wedged between a shalom sandwich.
Funnily enough I'm sure the creators of each ideologies were friends at one stage.
Jewish univocality is a myth. They are not a hive mind like the Marxists.

There is no "The Zionists" or "The Jews".

Dude, you are getting trapped inside a narrative created by, ironically, the Marxists.
Zionist, or Marxist we are wedged between a shalom sandwich.
Funnily enough I'm sure the creators of each ideologies were friends at one stage.
Yep, they lived together for 100s of years right where they live now.

The trigger seems to be money, when oil wealth flowed into the region there were funds available for people to stop working and start fighting ☹️
Jewish univocality is a myth. They are not a hive mind like the Marxists.

There is no "The Zionists" or "The Jews".

Dude, you are getting trapped inside a narrative created by, ironically, the Marxists.
Had to think before posting this as its the great taboo. Normally nothing is off limits for me. But this subject brings in hackers, lobby groups and all types of headaches. That and I don't really want to be involved in it. I will go on a list and likely feel the heat. Oh yes it all gets logged.

I don't have animosity towards groups however I'll call out stuff if it's plain to see.

When you have the most brilliant minds, richest people, fanatical supporters and are currently blasting the crap out of original Semites out of outright ruthlessness because of their beliefs. Yeah Im a little concerned.

Yes they are diverse in thinking. I heard there were 150k soldiers of Jewish blood fighting for Hitler. Marx was anti Jewish. Whole can of worms we could open there

Jewish Bolsheviks and Lenin (I think quarter jew, obviously the commies weren't religious) and financed by who?
By the Schiff and Warburg banks, Oppenheimer, J. P. Morgan, and Rothschild.
How many millions slaughtered. Tsar killed via a Jewish led party. Whole lot of history both good(advanced the whole nation) and terrible.

First world war: Balfour agreement that shafted Germany and Palestine at the same time. Germans were winning and felt betrayed.
Germany and Israel actually had a deal where Germany would ship Jews to Israel during Hitler's time.

Germany was heading Communist before Hitler rose to power and it was very close in fact. In Marx's writing he actually seemed to admire Germany and I think the commies wanted their grubby hands on it. They wanted all of Europe at one stage but Germany attacked Russia once they noticed Russia was building an offensive military.

The history around WW2 is deliberately blurry. You have to question if we were actually the bad guys in a lot of instances. Churchill greenlit a lot of atrocities that forced the Germans hands.(I know how bad this sounds given what happened.

General patton didn't just have a car accident. Didn't like what was happening and wanted to take out Russia. Butted heads with Henry Morgenthau and Bernard Baruch. Take a good look at the morgenthau plan, it was genocide 1-2-3.

Then the massacres we managed to hide. WW2 was definitely rewritten by the victors.

All those Marxists that got chased out of the Frankfurt School in 1933, eventually ended up teaching in Columbia University and recruiting (does it make sense now how the US education system ended up).

How about the bomb?
Oppenheimer and heavy on Jewish scientists (all opposed it after).
A Jewish scientist stole the plans and gave it to the Russians. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg fried for it.

Who was bringing communism to the US at the time.

How about Israel stealing heavily enriched uranium from Portsmouth Ohio that was processed at a plant in Apollo Pennsylvania. That eventually gave Israel the bomb.

They have been the central players throughout history spanning thousands of years. The amount of posts I would need to cover just a hundred years of world altering events would be ridiculous. How many volumes on just the Rothschild's, media barons, blackrock, Hollywood. It's disproportionate to other races. But it can also be said of their achievements.
It's hard to ignore a lot of decisions turned bad with catastrophic outcomes (eg giving Russia the bomb to balance power).

I don't hate "Jews". There's admiration and fear. They created some of the most giant leaps for mankind. They were also instrumental to some of the worst atrocities. It's their ability to change the world that is frightening.

I'm worried the Palestinian thing will morph into something greater.