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What would you do with $500,000?

It was , of course, just a thought, was something I was definitely looking into it just because of the pop growth in both cities, am going to make a real estate/commodity/index fund investment around August, what I actually invest in, no god or man knows.

Currently making my way through Sir.O's newbie guide (probably should have read it all first).

I sell when a company announces something fundamentally detrimental to ongoing growth and profit.Failure of a mine site, flooding in a local area destroying crops, aka something catastrophic.I do not sell based on technical data as I believe a good company is a good company, regardless of current SP.

I'm going to lose alot of money aren't I?
What would you do with $500,000?
Well I was going to be flippant and say pay the electricity bill.

But if you want a serious answer, I'd say go over to the Gold Price and Silver threads and follow the rationale therein, noting especially the physical holdings possibilities, now more streamlined than ever.

Just a few thoughts about Perths 'pop growth' that I have 'heard'. These may be worth thinking about and looking into these markets a bit more.
- Perth median house and unit prices have fallen for 3 consecutive quarters
- Sales during first half of this finanacial year were the lowest in a decade
- 75% more houses on the market than this time last year

These are general figures and I am sure there will be areas of value but doesnt sound like a great time to jump in without knowing a bit more.

Although it does mean that it is a better time to get in than 3 quarters ago Will probably be able to say the same thing in another three quarters though..

Brisbane is having its own issues as well and again probably best to look into to this in more detail before cracking on

Its something I am seriously considering, especially with the current situation with silver, but for everyone person yelling buy, buy, buy!There's another yelling sell, sell, sell.Its hard to separate the coherent thoughts from the noise.

Plus nothing seals the deal with the ladies then them walking into your bedroom to see 12kg's of gold propping the door open :.
Even if its likely to be missing in the morning.

I guarantee that I will not act on any advice or idea without doing months of research first, when it comes to money it PAYS to do your research first.
Christ I haven't looked into property prices in my hometown yet, let alone Perth or Brisbane.Its just an idea floating around in my mind at this stage.
The only thing I see supporting my idea on perth/brissie so far is the ABS saying both have had positive growth the last 3 years, combined with the mining boom for perth and the tourism/entertainment boom for brissie.
... I'm going to lose alot of money aren't I?
"OCTOBER: This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks in. The other are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August, and February."
Mark Twain

I believe you are positioning yourself in the path of Mr Opportunity !

And you can correctly spell "lose".:

Just think positive thoughts.There will never be another GFC.Pen stocks will climb 9000000% percent tomorrow morning and very morning for the next year.I will win the lotto.Jessica Alba has an interest in 20 year old Australians with little financial experience.
I've got this!
Half a mil is hardly a large amount anymore, especially in WA. Chuck it all on black
Half a mil is hardly a large amount anymore, especially in WA. Chuck it all on black

In my piss-ant town, you are the next bill gates if you have half a million in liquid assets.Thus why no-one must ever know I'm not a broke personal trainer living with my mother.

Strangely enough the more I read on financial options and the state of the current share/real estate/commodity market the more confused I get.Investing is one large can of worms to open up.

Easier to just put it on black caviar in the next race shes in.
No doubt if I put any money on her she will unfortunately snap every ankle, run into a guardrail,get hit by the following ambulance then likely struck by a falling meteor.
For her sake I'm just gonna invest somewhere else.
Well the best thing a 20 year old with 500k could do is not loose it.
I thought this was a hypothetical situation? Sure sounds like somebody is getting/about to get some bad advice and lose.

Hypothetically speaking I give this 20 year old who didn't earn this money and sounds like has no idea how to mange asking for free advice from people he can't even see face to face or their motives about 10% chance of making a profit, 20% chance of breaking even after some hard self taught lessons and 70% chance of making a loss and saying its too hard.

Easier to just put it on black caviar in the next race shes in

Ye do that at least its a quick win or loss

Well so far cutting a profit, likely to change any second though.What you are telling me is to bet it all on black caviar yes?Maybe put my money into buying a foal of black caviars?Genius!
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