More through good luck than skill I am in the position where I have too much cash in AUD as opposed to Stocks and Property.
Most of it is readily available.
What do ASF members in a similar situation plan as strategies for short, medium and long term?
I didn't win Powerball btw., but expect to on Thursday which will aggravate my dilemma.
I'm happy and comfortable, few needs, will travel os but not this year, dislike banks intensely understanding they are a necessary evil, don't want to buy property and my family are not in penury. I have no debts and enjoy playing with stocks in a small trading account and most of my assets are in a reasonable SMSF. I give my fair share to charity and don't expect to live for more than 20 years more going on my ancestors, the last 3-5 in Lala Land. If there is a heaven I will ask for a recount should I not get in and don't fear death.
I do have a plan but would be interested in other ASF members' thoughts.