Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

What makes you really angry?

Will you getting angry bring them back to life?

If we all got angry enough at the perpetrators it may discourage others from doing the same. Unfortunately they will probably be regarded as "misguided youth" and let off with a slap on the wrist.
If we all got angry enough at the perpetrators it may discourage others from doing the same. Unfortunately they will probably be regarded as "misguided youth" and let off with a slap on the wrist.

That is the way the system works......Government make the laws and the judges have to follow.

So what will YOUR anger achieve?
Yeah. Demand they go to gaol for life. What are you going to do ?

So who are you going to place your demand with that they go to jail for life and will they take any notice of you??

There is little I can do personally...Perhaps write a letter to my useless state Labor MP....They never reply....Probably will go in the "TOO HARD BASKET". I have been waiting 4 months for a reply to a letter from our Local Labor Council.....I have given up waiting.

You could probably show some more anger if that releaves you of your frustrations with politicians.

You could vote to change the government in the hope they will listen to you......But unfortunately the Palaszczuk Labor government is relaxing the laws on criminals in this state.

We did have a good Federal MP here in Townsville who called regular meetings for voters to vent their problems and frustrations but I don't expect the same from this useless Labor MP we now have.
Here is a change for a general tirade. What makes you really angry ?...
When you get to a certain age..everything! Rorting of the social welfare safety net is a big one atm, I don't think I need to provide examples. Another one is the creeping tide of political correctness, it's enough already.
Injustice in all its forms. I think it's something that's hard to completely understand until it happens to you. Once it does, you never think about it the same way again.
The nomination of Putin as times magazine person of the year is a poor reflection of humanity. Someone who gives the go ahead to crush, burn, maim and kill the innocent children caught in Aleppo, Syria. How does that f... sleep at night.
Getting ANGRY can cause all sorts of problems including increased blood pressure and heart stress......So it is wise to control one's anger to avoid even further events of violence.

Anger is an emotional reaction that impacts the body. A person experiencing anger will also experience physical conditions, such as increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and increased levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline.[4] Some view anger as an emotion which triggers part of the fight or flight brain response.[5] Anger is used as a protective mechanism to cover up fear, hurt or sadness. Anger becomes the predominant feeling behaviorally, cognitively, and physiologically when a person makes the conscious choice to take action to immediately stop the threatening behavior of another outside force.[6] The English term originally comes from the term anger of Old Norse language.[7] Anger can have many physical and mental consequences.

Anger can potentially mobilize psychological resources and boost determination toward correction of wrong behaviors, promotion of social justice, communication of negative sentiment and redress of grievances. It can also facilitate patience. In contrast, anger can be destructive when it does not find its appropriate outlet in expression. Anger, in its strong form, impairs one's ability to process information and to exert cognitive control over their behavior. An angry person may lose his/her objectivity, empathy, prudence or thoughtfulness and may cause harm to themselves or others.[10][16][17] There is a sharp distinction between anger and aggression (verbal or physical, direct or indirect) even though they mutually influence each other. While anger can activate aggression or increase its probability or intensity, it is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for aggression.[10]

Why manage anger?

Anger is not usually a good solution to problems, even if it seems helpful in the short term. Unmanaged anger creates problems - sometimes for you and often for others around you. People with poor anger management are more likely to have problems with personal relationships or work, verbal and physical fights and/or damaged property. They can also experience anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, psychosomatic illnesses and problems with alcohol or drugs. It is important to manage anger before it leads to other serious problems.

Some people used to believe that venting anger was beneficial. Researchers have now found that ‘letting it rip' actually escalates anger and aggression and does nothing to resolve the situation. On the other hand, sitting on your anger and not expressing it may lead to the pressure cooker experience that many people are familiar with. Expressing some feelings of anger in a controlled way, rather than bottling it up, gives you an opportunity to release some of your underlying feelings, so that you can start to tackle the issues that are making you angry.

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What is anger management?

Anger management is about understanding your anger and why it happens. It is about learning and practising better ways of expressing anger, and knowing how to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Specifically, anger management is about knowing the triggers and early warning signs of anger, and learning techniques to calm down and manage the situation before it gets out of control.
Getting ANGRY can cause all sorts of problems including increased blood pressure and heart stress......So it is wise to control one's anger to avoid even further events of violence.

Anger is a part of life. It provides impetus for change as long as it's channeled in the right direction. That's probably why anger is anathema to Conservatives when things happen to other people. They are comfortably off and therefore see no desire for change. But if their houses get burned down by arsonists, then they get as angry as anyone else if something affects them personally and threatens their comfortable lives.

The very idea the global warming may be occurring makes Conservatives angry because people may abuse them for driving large cars and wasting fuel, and that anger turns into rants against the messengers who bring the bad news. There is plenty of anger by Conservatives on this forum, so don't try to pretend you are a cool dude that is worried by nothing.
Anger is a part of life. It provides impetus for change as long as it's channeled in the right direction. That's probably why anger is anathema to Conservatives when things happen to other people. They are comfortably off and therefore see no desire for change. But if their houses get burned down by arsonists, then they get as angry as anyone else if something affects them personally and threatens their comfortable lives.

The very idea the global warming may be occurring makes Conservatives angry because people may abuse them for driving large cars and wasting fuel, and that anger turns into rants against the messengers who bring the bad news. There is plenty of anger by Conservatives on this forum, so don't try to pretend you are a cool dude that is worried by nothing.

I learned to control my anger many years ago.....There is no point in showing anger when one can do little with the situation that makes some people show their anger in the first place.

It is a pity you have to bring politics into this discussion.....But I guess that is you...You just cannot resist the temptation.
Yeah, "really angry" may indeed imply losing control and hitting out - something I try to avoid, as we all should.
Let's rephrase the question then and ask for things that frustrate or "Totally p1$$ You Off".

Under that heading, I am on Joe's wavelength: Spammers, Scammers, and Trolls rate very high on my list. Personally, I can deal with them, be aware when they hit me, and delete or ignore. But I despise the mindset that causes people to limbo under a snake's belly.
And tech/a's "sweating the small stuff" strikes a chord with me in the same context, inasmuch as it comes from pedants, know-it-alls, and attention-seekers.

With cruel people, arsonists, pedophiles etc I am not so much angry or frustrated. Sure, I hate the effects and the damage they do to our society, but I'm more frustrated by the bleeding-heart do-gooders that find excuses for their evil deeds and demand they be treated "humanely" and "with dignity". Just because someone is a member of a common gene pool doesn't make him a sacrosanct human being, to be kept alive and in a comfortable prison cell at all cost.

Oh, and I'm very frustrated by people who stand up for free speech as long as the contents of the speech does nor clash with their own prejudice. Ditto Governments that don't do their job, but bicker among each other and then blame everybody else for not supporting them.
Spot on Pixel

Not everyone is from our Tribe!

Too many soft ccoccks
Take a dose of concrete and toughen up.

Look after your own back yard
Your welcome to join me in mine
But don't make me angry!

Over in Perth Soon Pixel
Will catch up for a drink!
Character asssination/malicious gossip and wilful ignorance ticks my box atm... and I see plenty of it in my profession.
"Really angry" is such a fleeting thing:

1) I would suspect none of us like being made the fool by snide, deliberately insulting sarcasm from he lips of necessarily half intelligent toxic opportunists ..... despair and disappointment are added when others in the conversation laugh at the character assassination.

2) Being taken to task for outcome failure by the walking imbecile who caused the mess

3) Liars who enjoy the consequential destruction of people's reputation and esteem.

There's one action that really annoys me, not so much angers me ....... when you become aware you are being disparagingly talked about and when you bale up one of the gossipers for an explanation the response is something like "I'm not getting between you and xyz" ....., xyz being the other poor devil who doesn't know he has a problem with you. I have sacked a few gossipers in my time :D

Don't sweat it Tech ..... I forgot you live in a duck pond:rolleyes:

Care to elaborate Tisme?

Its true tech, someone very close to me suffers from anxiety and what seem to be small things to many people, are show stoppers for them. Took me a long time to understand this, as well as how not to exacerbate the moment....

Exactly Can .... Severe Anxiety is often a form of mental illness and is a lot more widespread than some people are aware of.
People who do not return phone calls. :mad:

The new way of doing business. I have noted that they just do not get back to you. Make the call and leave a message asking for a phone call back. No return phone call. Oh well, you do not want my business then. On to the next one. Rinse and repeat. Very bothersome !!
People who do not return phone calls. :mad:

The new way of doing business. I have noted that they just do not get back to you. Make the call and leave a message asking for a phone call back. No return phone call. Oh well, you do not want my business then. On to the next one. Rinse and repeat. Very bothersome !!

In the domestic world we get a lot of business due to this strange attitude adopted by contractors.
In fact the biggest issue at quote time for our clients is "Your going to actually turn up?"

On countless occasions we find that they have called the standard 3 people which turns into 7
and we are the only ones to even bother coming! Worse----some actually get there talk the talk and disappear off the planet----worse again some get the project ask for money to "Pay for materials" get it--THEN disappear off the face of the earth!


DONT EVER EVER pay up front for materials----pay progress claims for goods that arrive or work completed satisfactorily .

As you say even a courtesy call would be nice. We even call when on route.
But then I'm an -----OLD----DUCK