Personal tax rates from 1984
Taxable income
Tax on this income
30 cents for each $1 over $4,595
$4,471.50 plus 46 cents for each $1 over $19,500
$35,788 and over
$11,963.98 plus 60 cents for each $1 over $35,788
Electricians in 1984 were getting around $18k. Supervisors were on around $30 - $35k. Also there were no baby bonuses. Our four children were born between 1976 and 1985, so no bonus.
So it is obvious, either we were paying too much personal tax in 1984. Or we aren't paying enough personal tax now.
I agree with your conclusion, welfare needs to be focused, also personal tax rates need to be adjusted.
If as you say you are near the top 10% of wage earners, you would have been paying 60% tax on a large proportion of your wage.
This in turn payed for a more robust welfare system.