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What is GDP?

5 October 2011
Can someone please give me a detailed run-down of exactly what gross domestic product is, how the value is obtained, what relation it has to an economy, why it is so important, and exactly what it's an indicator of. Also if someone could give me examples of good and bad gdp and maybe some current levels. I read about it everywhere and understand its very important but i just dont have a good understanding of the ins and outs of it.

Thanks in advance.
Re: GDP???

Can't you just research it yourself, and then if you have an opinion on it or have an interesting discussion idea then start a thread.
Re: GDP???

Can't you just research it yourself, and then if you have an opinion on it or have an interesting discussion idea then start a thread.

Ohhhhh I'm sorry. And here I was thinking I was in the beginners section! My apologies. Perhaps in future you can make me aware that my question may not be the best, and direct me to a good website that I can research myself, as opposed to posting useless comments and trying to make others out to be stupid. Not all of us are as educated as yourself.

Thanks for your help champ
Re: GDP???

Lol. The way you questioned deserves the answers you received.

Re: GDP???

The above from Wikipedia, but too simplistic so you do need to dig deeper. There was a good article about a week back on the current elements of GDP caculations but for the life of me cannot back track it. Perhaps someone else saw it too.

The article in short points out that the GDP numbers being put out now, as with the inflation rates, are well out of whack with reality. Will keep sifting and hopefully get you a reference.

I consider your question important in today climate so good on you for putting it up.
Re: GDP???

Welcome to the real world, where things don't get handed to you on a platter and you need to work to achieve any sort of semblance of results.
Thanks explod.. I know my question may not have been the clearest but your response was the sort I was after. And to jay..If your not interested in lending some obviously simple advice that you clearly have then why reply with what you did? Last time I helped someone im fairly sure it didn't hurt me.

I'll go and research now and hopefully I can bring something to the forum that meets your post-able requirements.

Don't be too concerned YG ..... The pecking order on ASF becomes quite bearable once you work out which posters are bona fide Roosters .... and which ones are old Boilers: ..........

Occasionally you will find a Rooster who can also lay eggs .... few and far between, but definitely worth listening to

Cheers ... and welcome to ASF.

ps My post was not directed at any chickens in particular!!

This is pretty good simple advice imo.

Welcome to the real world, where things don't get handed to you on a platter and you need to work to achieve any sort of semblance of results.
This is pretty good simple advice imo.


Everyone else has to learn these sort of things and you'll get a far better understanding by researching it yourself not just being spoon-fed.

Everyone else has to learn these sort of things and you'll get a far better understanding by researching it yourself not just being spoon-fed.

I didn't post with the intention of getting barraged with lectures. I read plenty and Im sorry everyone is interpreting my questions this way. The basis of my post was to either have someone give me their own description of it, or to perhaps point me in a direction where I can learn more about it.

OK, so what have you read about it that you don't understand? Or put another way, what do you understand it to be?
Re: GDP???

Welcome to the real world, where things don't get handed to you on a platter and you need to work to achieve any sort of semblance of results.

The idea of a site like ASF is to help and to in fact hand the platter around otherwise what would be the point.

I have asked and proferred some rediculous things over the years on ASF and still do. However with many others I have got to know we are all the richer in knowledge, spirit and our equity base.

So, and not just you in isolation jaystar86, but I think many of the newbies ought to be a bit more tolerant and flexible towards each other.

A stupid answer to what is considered a stupid question is also stupid

Re: GDP???

Yep. Someone offers you the opportunity to open your heart and help them and instead you attack like a shark. Hate to live in the same house as some of these grumps.
OK, so what have you read about it that you don't understand? Or put another way, what do you understand it to be?

I'm struggling to post off my phone, but in a nutshell my understanding of GDP is that it's a general gauge of economic growth. I understand that it's obtained several different ways which should all arrive at the same figure.. But I don't understand how they calculate it? As in do they keep a record of everyone's spending? Or do businesses have an obligation to hand over figures to whoever it is in charge of working it out? I just like to know in depth about what I'm reading but most sites only give a brief GDP description. I may be wanting to know more than I need to about this topic.

Ahh OK, that's much better.

GDP is the value of everything a country produces and the change in that number being "economic growth". As you said there are three different methods (production, income, expenditure) of measuring and they should all arrive at the same number, but because of the estimation involved they usually won't. You don't really need to know how the three arrive at a GDP number.

Essentially the ABS estimates the number by surveying thousands of large businesses, which is why it's prone to revision. They might also use things like BAS reciepts.

There's a bit here about how they do it: 2011&num=&view=

GDP is the gross value (not volume) of production within an economy. Used to be called Gross National Product...
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