white swans need love too
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I have been noticing people lately saying "my bad" and I keep waiting for them to finish the sentence! Been wracking my brain as to how this slipped into our vocab. and then extrapolated that maybe it was an acronym for "bad ass decision". Anyone know this one?
Not sure either, but I initially found "my bad" being used on US forums and it seemed to be in the general context of "my mistake - or my fault" ...
In order to communicate with teenagers, don't you have to, like, insert 'like' every few words?hey what about
too easy
I've had to become a linguistics prof. raising teenagers and still have more to come
this bloke is high school teacherIn order to communicate with teenagers, don't you have to, like, insert 'like' every few words?
In order to communicate with teenagers, don't you have to, like, insert 'like' every few words?
It's been around a while now. Means that the person saying it was wrong / made a mistake.I don't know, but I've always assumed it was short for "my bad luck".
Whatever, just another sad degradation of the language.
PI Per Inquiry
PI Politically Incorrect
PI Private Investigator
PI International Protocol
Pi Ionized Phosphorus
PI Istiqlal Party (Independence Party, Morocco)
PI Pacific Institute
PI Pacific Internet (Internet Service Provider)
PI Package Insert (medications)
PI Packet Interface
PI Paducah & Illinois Railroad
PI Paedagogisches Institut (Vienna, Austria)
PI Page Impression (Internet advertising)
PI Page Interleaving
PI Paging (assembly language ASM51 assembler control)
PI Pampers Institute (UK)
PI Panicle Initiation
PI Paper Insulated
PI Par Intérim (French: Deputizing)
PI Paradigm Infinitum (Singapore)
PI Parallel Interface
PI Parameter Identifier (ITU-T)
PI Parameter Indicator
PI Paranoid Ideation
PI Paranormal Investigator
PI Parent Initial
PI Parents for Inclusion
PI Parris Island
PI Particular Integral
PI Partner Institution
PI Pass Interference (football)
PI Passes Intercepted (soccer)
PI Passive Intercept
PI Patente de Invenção (Patent, Brazil)
PI Paternity Index
PI Payload Integrator
PI Pearl Islands (Hawaii)
PI Penile Implant
PI Pentium I (Intel)
PI Per Inch
PI Perception Immédiate (French)
PI Perceptually Impaired
PI Perforated Initials (philately)
PI Performance Improvement
PI Performance Index
PI Performance Indicator
PI Performance Insight (Oracle)
PI Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PI Periodic Inspection
PI Peripheral Iridotomy
PI Perlite Institute (Staten Island, NY)
PI Perpetual Inventory
PI Personal Identifier
PI Personal Injury (legal)
PI Personal Investigator (less common)
PI Petroleum Institute
PI Phase I (clinical studies)
PI Philippine Islands (slang)
PI Phosphate (Inorganic)
PI Phosphorus Index
PI Photo Interpretation
PI Photo Interpreter
PI PhotoImpact (digital imaging software)
PI Physical Inventory
PI Physically Impaired
PI Physician Information
PI Physicist Interface
PI Physics International
PI Physik Instrumente
PI Piaui (Brazil)
PI Pinellas (plant; Florida)
PI Pinneberg (auto license plate)
PI Pisa (Tuscany, Italy)
PI Planet Internet
PI Plant Industry (CSIRO)
PI Plant Information (real-time software products such as SCADA)
PI Plant Integrity
PI Plasticity Index
PI Platform Initialization (Specification)
PI Please Inquire
PI Pleasure Island (Disney World)
PI Plouffe's Inverter
PI Plug In
PI Point Initiating
PI Point of Impact
PI Point of Inflection (engineering)
PI Point of Intersection
PI Poison Ivy
PI Police Interceptor
PI Policy and International Affairs
PI Policy Issuance (insurance)
PI Polyisocyanurate (rigid foam contruction material)
PI Polynomial Identity (mathematics)
PI Ponderal Index
PI Population Institute
PI Portable Interceptors
PI Position Indicator
PI Post Inoculation
PI Post Intelligencer (newspaper, Seattle, Washington)
PI Postinjection
PI Power Integrations
PI Power Interface
PI Precision Instrument
PI Précompte Immobilier (French: tax on real estate)
PI Predictive Index
PI Preliminary Injunction
PI Presque Isle (Michigan)
PI Pressure Indicator (industrial control description)
PI Price Integrity
PI Primary Investigations
PI Prime Implicant
PI Principal Insured
PI Principal Investigator
PI PrintImage International
PI Priority Inheritance
PI Privacy International (human rights group)
PI Private Idaho
PI Process & Instrumentation
PI Process Improvement
PI Process Industries
PI Processing Instruction
PI Procurement Instruction
PI Product Improvement
PI Product Information
PI Product Integration
PI Product Integrity
PI Productivity Increase
PI Professional Indemnity (insurance coverage)
PI Professional Informant
PI Profil Infirmier
PI Profitability Index
PI Proforma Invoice
PI Program Identification
PI Program Index
PI Program Information
PI Program Instructions
PI Program Integrity
PI Program Interruption
PI Program Isolation (IBM)
PI Programmed Instruction
PI Project Identification (number)
PI Projector Infantry
PI Projets Individuels
PI Propidium Iodide
PI Proportional-Integral (controller)
PI Propriedade Intelectual (Intellectual Property, Brazil)
PI Prospective Internationale
PI Protease Inhibitor
PI Protocol Interpreter
PI Psicología Integrada (Portugese)
PI Psykoterapiinstitut (Stockholm, Sweden)
PI Public Information
PI Public Intoxication (law enforcement)
PI Pulsatility Index
PI Pulse Inverter
PI Punto Informatico
PI Purchasing Instruction
PI Pursuit Inc.
PI Pusat Informasi (Indonesian: Information Center)
pi [not an acronym] name for Greek symbol representing the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter; approximately 3.1416
pI Isoelectric Point (chemistry)
BTL Backplane Transceiver Logic
BTL BACnet Testing Laboratories
BTL Baltimore Tank Lines, Inc. (trucking company)
BTL Basic Termination Liability
BTL Bataillon (German: Battalion)
BTL Batlagundu (parish)
BTL Battle
BTL Battle Loss
BTL Begining TAPR Label
BTL Bell Telephone Laboratories
BTL Below The Line (advertising)
BTL Between the Legs
BTL Between the Lines
BTL Between the Lions (PBS children's TV show)
BTL Bilateral Tubal Ligation
BTL Billing Term Liability (Sprint)
BTL Biomass-to-Liquids
BTL Bipolar-Transistor Logic
BTL Birla Technologies Limited
BTL Blue Trunk Library
BTL Bottle
BTL Bowel Tolerance Level
BTL Branching Temporal Logic
BTL Brian Thomas Littrell (singer)
BTL Bridge-Tied Load (amplifier)
BTL British Telecommunications Laboratories
BTL Build-Transfer-Lease
BTL Buy To Let
Acronym is a word or phrase the letters of which each stand for another word.
GOLFER - Groing Old Looking For Early Retirement
LOMBARD - Lots Of Money But A Right Dipstick
DIY Do It Yourself
GMI Get Man In
• WOOF - Well Off Older Folk (good if either the bride or groom has a dog)
• SITCOM - Single Income Two Children Oppressive Mortgage
• HUSBAND - Huge Ugly Squat Bogeyman Acquires Nubile Damsel
• BRIDE - Best Ruddy Idea Dave'S Envisaged
• TAFFY - Totally Affable Financially Fantastic Yuppie
• BRUMMIE - Big Robust Unassuming Midland Man Into Escapology (useful if Groom has a history of being locked in places)
• JOCK - Jolly Old Can Of Kippers
• GROOM - Grimy Richard Organises Opportunistic Marriage
Once again, brainstorming is the starting point. Fill a page or two with notes about the couple - names, interests, personal histories. Spend some time creating acronyms from them. etc
I Just saw these in another thread:
BTL any ideas what they mean?
http://www.2001halslegacy.com/AAR Alter At Random
AIB Attack Innocent Bystanders
BPO Branch on Power Off
BRO Branch and Overheat
CMD Compare Meaningless Data
DDC Dally During Calculations
DFA Disable Fans
DIF Disable Fuses
DIG Disable Gravity
DIE Disable Everything
DMP Destroy Memory Protect Key
EAL Enable AC to Logic Rack
EAO Enable AC to Operator
EJD Eject Hard Disk
ENA Enable Everything
ENF Emit Noxious Fumes
ENG Enable Gravity
ESP Enable Sprinkler System
EXE Execute Engineer
EXO Execute Operator
EXP Execute Programmer
FLI Flash Lights Impressively
HCF Halt and Catch Fire
ING Inquire and Ignore
ISC Insert Sarcastic Comments
LAP Laugh At Programmer
LTS Loop Till Smokes
LUM Lubricate Memory
MLR Move and Lose Record
MMF Melt Main Frame
RPM Read Programmer's Mind
SAI Skip All Instructions
VMA Violate Maintenance Agreement
WNAM We Need A Miracle
OPCODES for the new "Walrus 158000" Microprocessor.
hey what about
too easy
I've had to become a linguistics prof. raising teenagers and still have more to come
Too right Scub ,
the last month has given the old snowboarder saying " catching some air " a whole new definition . hey but .
" fooness to the austerity of it all " , something for the 21st century ........
in the days when ..... it just meant " check a dollar ".
that's the same as the 80's " KaaaChing " .
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