best tip for acquiring not have are very expensive, nor have expensive can do all those things later in life after you have made your money...then you can afford and hobbies
my little tip for those just starting in the workforce...put away about $500 pm for savings...not to be used for anything other than you future wealth...
now if you find you cannot save...always a temptation...then buy a little unit to rent it out that after rental income it will cost you no more than $500 pm...or whatever...I call this one the forced saving make a hold it for 20 years or more....make a promise to yourself...
then later down the track...decide to start your own business and need a loan...the bank will lend to you...they use the resi as security....
or you can use the prop as security for any other venture...
friend recently sold his place...he bought a little unit to live in..back in the
80's..cost 65,000
it was in a 'not so' popular suburb..but was what he felt he could afford...
now married he decided to use the profit to reduce the loan on his big smart house...thought it would sell for 220k's...went to auction and got 330k's...jun 07...
so now he has a tiny loan, against the lovely big dream home.....
my little tip for those just starting in the workforce...put away about $500 pm for savings...not to be used for anything other than you future wealth...
now if you find you cannot save...always a temptation...then buy a little unit to rent it out that after rental income it will cost you no more than $500 pm...or whatever...I call this one the forced saving make a hold it for 20 years or more....make a promise to yourself...
then later down the track...decide to start your own business and need a loan...the bank will lend to you...they use the resi as security....
or you can use the prop as security for any other venture...
friend recently sold his place...he bought a little unit to live in..back in the
80's..cost 65,000
it was in a 'not so' popular suburb..but was what he felt he could afford...
now married he decided to use the profit to reduce the loan on his big smart house...thought it would sell for 220k's...went to auction and got 330k's...jun 07...
so now he has a tiny loan, against the lovely big dream home.....