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What are your favourite lyrics or songlines?

hey wayne - This one has by far the best voice ;) Katherine Jenkins

you might meet her over there in UK maybe? - she's selling like hot dumplings they say. (and just as well she didn't wave her arms around any wilder than she did). If that's a gypsy dress, then I'm the Duke of Cornwall lol. (You'll be in seventh Devon mate ;)

Don't you love the irony - Katherine Jenkins - singing about someone resisting her , lol


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wayne, why go over there !! look what you've got ahead of you...
Katherine Jenkins - Music Of The Night
I vow to thee my country ,Katherine Jenkins
Katherine Jenkins - A Nightingale Sang - We'll Meet Again

apparently she's the "official force's sweetheart" - and before becoming a singer she was a schoolteacher. - wow - bet there weren't many truants in her class.

PS when she sings (barkley Sq) ... "I may be wrong , I may be right, but I'm perfectly willing to swear" - I wonder what her idea of swearing is? Katherine Jenkins (born 29 June 1980 in Neath, Wales[1]) is an award-winning Welsh mezzo-soprano. Her first album Premiere made her the fastest selling soprano of all time[1] and she later became the first British classical artist to have two number one albums in the same year.[2]

Jenkins has recorded several number one albums which feature arias, popular songs, hymns and classical crossover music and has performed in a large number of concerts around the United Kingdom and other countries, including the United States and Australia.

....and look what you're leaving behind !! sheesh. not too late to change your mind !!

Some bloke doing a lip synch... to John Williamson'e True Blue ( good effort to be honest ;))
I had an introspective moment this evening and with constant 'requests' to do some weird style of lip synching video... I thought why not. So.. here's a collab / lip synch video about my thoughts on my country, our culture and what it means to be a True Blue Australian. Keep Smilin' Damien
hey wayne - This one has by far the best voice ;) Katherine Jenkins

You're not wrong there mate, nice find. A mezzo kicking goals in the popularity stakes! That's one for the books... and a testament to the quality of her voice.

Gotta give it to the bloody Welsh, they can turn out some good singers.
another great song mate - One Fine Day Madame Butterfly ;)
and I include a photo to prove she won some sort of prize (whatever - who cares - who's looking at the award anyway lol. )
Katherine Jenkins - Un Bel Di

Giacomo Puccini, Act II
One fine day we'll notice
A thread of smoke arising on the sea In
the far horizon,
And then the ship appearing;
Then the trim white vessel
Glides into the harbour, thunders forth her cannon.
See you? Now he is coming!
I do not go to meet him. Not I! I stay upon
the brow of the hillock, And wait there... and wait for
a long time, But never weary
of the long waiting.
From out the crowded city There is coming
a man, a little speck in
the distance, climbing the hillock.
Can you guess who it is?
And when he's reached the summit,
Can you guess what he'll say?

He will call: ``Butterfly'' from the distance.
I, without answ'ring, Hold myself
quietly conceal'd,
A bit to teaze him and a bit so as not to die
At our first meeting;

..........and then, a little troubled
He will call, he will call:
``Dear baby wife of mine,
Dear little orange blossom!''
The names he used to call me when he came here.

[to Suzuki]
This will all come to pass as I tell you.
Banish your idle fears, For he will return
I know it.

[Butterfly and Suzuki embrace with emotion]

[Butterfly dismisses Suzuki, who goes out of the door on the left. Butterfly looks after her sadly]

[Goro and Sharpless appear inb the garden: Goro looks into the room, sees Butterfly through a window and says to Sharpless who is following him:]
Sharpless [lights the cigarette, but then puts it down at once and showing her the letter, sits on the stool]
I've a letter
from Mister Pinkerton...

Butterfly [with intense eagerness]
What? really!
How's his hon'rable health?

He's quite well.

Butterfly [jumping up very joyfully]
The I am the happiest
woman in Japan.
[Suzuki is busy getting tea ready]
Would you answer
me a question?


Butterfly [sits down again]
At what time of
the year in America,
Do robins nest?

Sharpless [amazed]
Are you serious?

Sooner or later than here?

Tell me, why?...

[Goro, who is sauntering round the garden, comes up on to the terrace and listens, unseen, to Butterfly]

My husband gave his promise
He would return in the joyous season,
When robin red-breasts rebuild their nests.
Here they have built them thrice already, But
I thought that over there,
They might do so more rarely.
[Goro appears and bursts out laughing]
[turning round]
Who's laughing?
[seeing Goro]
Oh, the nakodo.
[softly, to Sharpless]
A wicked fellow.
Butterfly [to Suzuki]
Bring me now my wedding garment.
Bring it hither quickly.
[while Butterfly dons her garment, Suzuki dresses the baby in the other one, wrapping him up almost entirely in the ample and light draperies]
I would have him see me in it
As on my wedding day.
[to Suzuki, who has finished dressing the baby]
In my hair we will put a
scarlet poppy...
[Suzuki places the flower in Butterfly's hair. The latter is pleased with the effect]
Like this.
[with childlike grace she signs to Suzuki to close the shosi]
In the shosi we'll make three little holes,
That we can look out
And still as little mice we will stay here
To watch and wait.
[Suzuki closes the shosi at the back]

[the night grows darker]
[Butterfly leads the baby to the shosi]
Butterfly makes three holes in the shosi: one high up for herself, one lower down for Suzuki and a third lower still for the child whom she seats on a cushion, signing to him to look through his hole. Suzuki crouches down and also gazes out. Butterfly stands in front of the highest hole and gazes through it, remaining rigid and motionless as a statue: the baby, who is between his mother and Suzuki, peeps out curiously.

[It is night, the rays of the moon light up the shosi from without]

Chorus (ST) [within, from far off] [humming]

[The baby falls asleep, sinking down on his cushion; Suzuki still in her crouching position, falls asleep too: Butterfly alone remains rigid and motionless].

[The curtain falls slowly] End of Act II First Part.


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Gee that's good isn't it ;)
might be better to listen to her without the video - lol, you get to hear it better.
By the way , here's the barstard who killed the bull :)o) lets hope it's temporary lol

Votre Toast (Toreador Song) - Dmitri Hvorostovsky
Gino Bechi in the "Toreador Song" from Carmen
Sir, that toast; I’m pleased to give you one.
Because Señors, it’s for these gallant knights
And the Toréros, both understand
For sheer pleasure, for sheer pleasure
Both love to fight.
The ring is full, this is a holiday.
The arena’s packed with woman, man and child;
All of the crowd’s losing their heads,
The spectators won’t stop fighting; they’re going wild!
Screams and insults, they make an awful noise.
Now their fury, now their fury starts.
Now we separate the men from

Here’s the day meant for men of heart.
Come on, en garde! Come on! Come on! Ah!
Toréador, en garde!
Toréador, Toréador!
Refrain: You must remember, dream this as you fight,
One dark eye is watching you,
And love awaits for you,
Toréador, love waits, love waits for you!
Repeat Refrain.
All at once, there’s not a sound to hear
There’s not a sound to hear.
Hey! What is happening?
Quiet! The time is now! (2X)
The bull is here
He dashes headlong into the ring!
Here he is! He enters
And he strikes!
The blow knocks down a horse,
Dragging down a picador,
“Ah, Bravo! Toro!”
The crowd, it roars!
The bull withdraws and charges,
Charges back in for more!
Now he shakes his banderillos,
Full of fury, runs!
The ground is turning red!
Everyone runs away from Toro.
It’s his turn to claim a head!
Come on, en garde!
Come on! Come on! Ah!
Toréador, en garde!
Toréador, Toréador!
Repeat Refrain 2X.
Love waits. (3X)
Toréador (2X)
Love waits….for you!
"A little lump of coal that's about turn into a diamond"

The bloody Welsh can sing! This is an audition for "Britain Has Talent", another Idol castoff show.

But check this guy out... and the effect it has on the judges. Classic!

A mobile phone salesman sings Nessun Dorma. Bearing in mind he is a completely untrained amateur.

The bloody Welsh can sing! This is an audition for "Britain Has Talent", another Idol castoff show. But check this guy out... and the effect it has on the judges. Classic! A mobile phone salesman sings Nessun Dorma. Bearing in mind he is a completely untrained amateur.
wow - I can only sing like that when there's noone around to hear lol. (even the dog clears out!) ;)


No man will sleep! No man will sleep! (elsewhere "no one must sleep")
No man will sleep! No man will sleep!
You too, o Princess,
in your virginal room, (elsewhere "cold room"?)
watch the stars
trembling with love and hope!

But my secret lies hidden within me,
no one shall discover my name!
Oh no, I will reveal it only on your lips
when daylight shines forth!
And my kiss shall break
the silence that makes you mine!

Nobody will discover his name
And we shall have to die, alas! Die!

Depart, o night! Set, you stars!
Set, you stars! At dawn I shall win! (elsewhere "I shall conquer")
Hey !! - so can the bloody Irish sing mate (ok - been here a coupla years - but probably prefers "Danny Boy" to "Life is great in the sunshine state" or "Click Go the Shears" lol
Damien Leith - Nessun Dorma at Sydney Opera House

Damien Leith - Crying
- even Roy Orbison's folks said this was "exceptional" !! - I'd say it's better than bigO mate :2twocents !!

And those bludy critics said at his first audition "not bad singing, but you're irish and you're butt-ugly , you're wasting your time " (paraphrasing) ) gee I hate critics lol - epecially the ones that can't sing themselves !! ;)

This young welsh bloke will no doubt be told to get dentures before he gets to the grand finals.
FOUNd em lol

suggestion (wayne or anyone else interested lol) - turn the volume up, put the headphones , get on a watking machine, and do a couple of km to these blokes ;) (ok ok bit of a variable pace, whatever) 1970's disco music
Les Humphries Singers
old as the hills but what the heck - lol.
before the days of youtube you had to stumble onto groups on the radio etc.
THIS mob ? - I found an old record at the dump, took it home - loved the damed thing ;)
another example of early 70's ..
The New Seekers - Beg Steal or Borrow 1972 Euro Song contest

PS woodchip... wasn't there a song once .? (gene mcdaniels)... as follows..

From-a one little kiss and a lotta lovin' you build a big mansion of love
High on a hill of happiness with some-a-one that you've been dreamin' of
You build a wall around with a lotta lovin', all around your mansion of love
Then one day you hear a strange little sound tryin' to tear your mansion down

Whoa oh oh oh chip, chip you tell a little lie
Chip, chip, you make your baby cry
Chip, chip, you cheat a little bit
Chip, chip, you quarrel over it
Oh oh oh one day you're gonna discover
One little wrong leads to another
Chip, chip, a-chippin' away, chippin' at your mansion of love

< brief instrumental interlude—chiefly trumpets>

ah-one little spark when it start to glowin' can warm a big mansion of love
One little wrong brings on the gloom, puts a chill in-a every room

Whoa oh oh oh chip, chip you tell a little lie
Chip, chip, you make your baby cry
Chip, chip, you cheat a little bit
Chip, chip, you quarrel over it
Oh oh oh one day you're gonna discover
One little wrong leads to another
Chip, chip, a-chippin' away, chippin' at your mansion of love

Chip, chip, a-chippin' away, chippin' at your mansion of love
Chip, chip, a-chippin' away
ABBA thank you for the music
hell they were good (imo) ;)

ABBA thank you for the music

Im nothing special, in fact Im a bit of a bore
If I tell a joke, youve probably heard it before
But I have a talent, a wonderful thing
cause everyone listens when I start to sing
Im so grateful and proud
All I want is to sing it out loud

So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs Im singing
Thanks for all the joy theyre bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me

Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk
She says I began to sing long before I could talk
And Ive often wondered, how did it all start?
Who found out that nothing can capture a heart
Like a melody can?
Well, whoever it was, Im a fan

So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs Im singing
Thanks for all the joy theyre bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me

Ive been so lucky, I am the girl with golden hair
I wanna sing it out to everybody
What a joy, what a life, what a chance!

So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs Im singing
Thanks for all the joy theyre bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me
Just heard this on Qantas flight - top song ! ;) (good ole youtube )
A video about apartheid in South Africa set to the song Weeping by the amazing Josh Groban & Lady Smith Mombasa
Josh Groban- Weeping (3/28/07)
Josh performing Weeping at HP Pavilion in San Jose (3/28/07)

Weeping Josh Groban lyrics
Artist: Josh Groban
Album: Awake
Year: 2006
Title: Weeping Print

(feat. Ladysmith Black Mambazo)

I knew a man who lived in fear
It was huge, it was angry,
It was drawing near.
Behind his house a secret place
Was the shadow of the demon
He could never face.

He built a wall of steel and flame
And men with guns to keep it tame
Then standing back he made it plain
That the nightmare would never ever rise again
But the fear and the fire and the guns remain.

It doesn't matter now it's over anyhow
He tells the world that it's sleeping
But as the night came round I heard
It slowly sound
It wasn't roaring, it was weeping
It wasn't roaring, it was weeping.

And then one day the neighbours came
They were curious to know about the smoke and flame
They stood around outside the wall
But of course there was nothing to be heard at all
"My friends," he said, "We've reached our goal
The threat is under firm control
As long as peace and order reign
I'll be damned if I can see a reason to explain
Why the fear and the fire and the guns remain."

It doesn't matter now it's over anyhow
He tells the world that it's sleeping
But as the night came round I heard
It slowly sound
It wasn't roaring, it was weeping
It wasn't roaring, it was weeping.

Say ah, say ah, say ah
Say ah, say ah, say ah

[Ladysmith's solo]

It doesn't matter now it's over anyhow
It doesn't matter now it's over anyhow

It doesn't matter now it's over anyhow
He tells the world that it's sleeping
But as the night came round I heard
It slowly sound
It wasn't roaring, it was weeping
It wasn't roaring, it was weeping.

Say ah, say ah, say ah
Say ah, say ah, say ah [to end]
One of my fav. songs. The voice of Sarah Brightman, the original Christine


Two versions of this , Shirley Bassey sings it to a lover,
Janis Ian sings it to a cat ( as she originally wrote it )

Shirley Bassey - JESSE
Janis Ian "Jesse"
Phil Collins one of my all-time favorite artists....not only a great song, but a great message to the world....

Phil Collins one of my all-time favorite artists....not only a great song, but a great message to the world....

Damazz, great songs thanks. Mind you I make a much better Phantom than Michael Ball - even scare away the dog.

just a comment on your "logo", lol
Theory: Buy at the bottom and sell at the top.
Reality: Buy at the top and sell at the bottom.
since the majority of the time I hold a stack of shares - until recently about 90% of my portfolio, I need to get your quote into my head - but in the reserve order if you follow..... ;)
Sell at the top and buy at the bottom.
The bloody Welsh can sing! This is an audition for "Britain Has Talent", another Idol castoff show.

But check this guy out... and the effect it has on the judges. Classic!

A mobile phone salesman sings Nessun Dorma. Bearing in mind he is a completely untrained amateur

“A little lump of coal that's about turn into a diamond"
she also says (last quote} "a frog that will turn into a prince" lol
back handed compliment or what lol.

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become. - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
.. for the next contestant the world of show biz seems a million miles away
it’s Paul, a mobile phone salesman from south Wales
Paul: by day I sell mobile phones, my dream is to spend my life doing what I feel that I was born to do
Paul walks to stage, yawns written over everyones faces…
Lady: (first photo) paul what are you here for today paul !?
I mean - what's he gonna say? - started to rain outside, and just thought I'd have a go at this while waiting for my bus!
Paul: to sing opera
I’ve always wanted to sing as a career
confidence has always been a sort of difficult thing for me
I’ve always found it a little bit difficult to be completely confident in myself
Man: ok – ready when you are (takes deep breath – not another one written all over his face lol)
Paul: Nessum Dorma etc etc .
Lady: “phew, hew” just keeps control of herself lol, eyes dilating, lol
Man: “so you work at Car Phone Warehouse
and you did that !! I wasn’t expecting that Paul
Lady: neither was I he he
Man: this was a complete breath of fresh air
I thought you were absolutely fantastic…
Lady: I think that we’ve got a case of a little lump of coal here that is going to turn into a diamond ………
(yes yes yes) Paul you are going to the next round
Lady: (as he leaves the stage) unbelievable, I have goose pimples!!
and as Paul heads home happy
the judges think they might have found something special in Cardiff
Man: I like shows where somebody isn’t a professional , has a talent, isn’t aware of it, has a normal job, and then you see something else, I like that , and that’s what that guy had
Lady: and you discover a little gem , a frog that will turn into a prince
The effect he has on the judges - !!? - the lady has goosepimples ! - Don't know about you Wayne, but the only way I could give a lady goosepimples singing would be to pour a bucket of cold water over her lol -
........... speaking of which , looks like she could do with one lol

fantastic - and interesting study in human behaviour. (as you said) - top post m8


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...the lady has goosepimples ! - Don't know about you Wayne, but the only way I could give a lady goosepimples singing would be to pour a bucket of cold water over her lol

A bucket of cold water over Amanda Holden? No way! I have other ideas; I would.... eerr... let's just say it wouldn't involve cold water. :eek: LOL
check out the 2 minute mark - I swear she's at least having breathing problems lol

Maybe she understands Italian m8.....
Don't you love that "Tramontate stars!!!" - "stars, piss off over to Switzerland!! - you're getting in the way here !!" - nah doesn't quite translate into okker does it ;)

and the final "I shall conquer (/ win her)"

[Choir:] Il nome suo nessun saprà!
E noi dovrem ahimè morir, morir!
Dilegua o notte!
Tramontate, stelle!
Tramontate, stelle!
All' alba vincerò!
Vincerò! Vincerò!
But my secret lies hidden within me,
no one shall discover my name!
Oh no, I will reveal it only on your lips
when daylight shines forth!
And my kiss shall break
the silence that makes you mine

Nobody will discover his name
And we shall have to die, alas! Die!

Depart, o night! Set, you stars!
Set, you stars! At dawn I shall conquer!

In my next life I'm gonna ask for a decent set of vocal chords !

PS gives no help for "tramontate", BUT
"transmontane". means :-
1. being or situated beyond the mountains.
2. beyond the Alps as viewed from Italy; transalpine.

like the Aussie version, the prince driving around in the early morning in his Kingwood with Claxons fitted ...

"piss off stars, and with the rising sun, I'll conquer, honk her, and bonquer "....

PS Various Aussie adaptations of the original Latin ....
Veni vidi velcro. .. I came, I saw, I got stuck.
Veni vidi visa. ..I came, I saw, I bought.
Veni, vidi, vegi. ..I came, I saw, I had a salad.
Veni vidi concreti .. I came, I saw, I concreted?