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Whale wars

Whale wars

  • Support the protesters activities

    Votes: 33 43.4%
  • Protesters are acting irresponsibly

    Votes: 29 38.2%
  • Mmmm Sushi

    Votes: 14 18.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Hope you're reaching into your pockets to support these idiots Macquack whilst we now have to pay several hundred thousand dollars to rescue them from the Southern Ocean.

Based on the reaction of the skipper of the Sea Shepherd, Paul Watson, on being asked to contribute to the cost of getting the activists back, the government should leave them on board and let the Japanese take care of them as it is their jurisdiction.

Also, surely Watson has lost all credibility when he described the incident (I don't have his exact words) as an armed Japanese ship kidnapping 3 Australians.
Why is it we accept the story about research if their scientific research is so bad they need to go out each year why not find people who can do the job, what are they researching why whales are dying from whaling???

I think the whaling business is just about over the novelty has worn off and they are more worried about glowing in the dark.

Umm, we dont farm whales, however we farm all other animals you mentioned, thus meaning we cant control weather they will become extinct or not.

Any living being that would slaughter another species to extinction in my opinion is not human. To be human is to be humane....

The comercial fishign of SCHOOL fish is greatly different to that of mammal fish..... do some reading.... And a lot of school fish are farmed.
+1 Julia

I had quietly been hoping that the Japanese would "employ" them as deck hands or "research assistants" to earn their food and shelter for the six months before they could run into some port. And if they refused to work: no work, no pay, no food, no warm cabin.

Sadly, our gov'mint got blackmailed into picking them up at our expense and won't even try to recoup the $$$ it costs. And to rub salt into our wounds, that Uber-Moron from Tassie demands the rescue vessel stay with the Japanese ships for as long as they move about in International waters. So, we're also supposed to shout those leeches a six-month holiday, free feed, fare, and lodging, while they're watching Japs watching whales.

The mind boggles

PS to put ColB's mind at ease: I said
All three labels may even apply to the same group of people, depending on who judges.
As Logique said before me, the Japanese went about their legal business, legal by Japanese law, which is the only benchmark on a Japanese vessel in International waters. They could well be forgiven for tarring these trespassers with the terrorist brush.
Any living being that would slaughter another species to extinction in my opinion is not human. To be human is to be humane....

I suggst you research the whaling operations that were in place in the 50s. You will find that there were reasonable sustainable quotas and bans on the taking of "scarce" varieties. These quotas would have kept the taking of whales as a normal business. The quota system was abused by Aristotle Onasis and in less than two years he decimated the herd. The Peruvian Government confiscated the whaling fleet belonging to Onassis.
Whaling was stopped on a voluntary basis by the whaling companies and nations to allow the numbers to return to a point where commercial whaling could again be resumed. That point has now been reached. However we see that animal liberationists and some vested interests like whale watching cruises have campaigned against that resumption.
I suggest that I am "human and humane". I am also a meat eater and intend to stay one. ( Meat eaters make better lovers).
Paul Sheehan sums it up.

Eco pirates deserve a long haul, not a free trip home. January 12, 2012
Read more:

"..So the Gillard government is doing what it does best: wasting taxpayers' dollars while managing to achieve the worst of both worlds - not sending a strong message to Japan and not sending a strong message to law-breaking, grandstanding, moral blackmailers.."
The poll shows the protesters in front the ASF lib brigade can't win nothin
The poll shows the protesters in front the ASF lib brigade can't win nothin
Isn't that a somewhat unconventional interpretation of "in front"?
When I studied Maths, 33 out of 76 did not constitute a majority - unless of course you were a Bolshevik. They redefined "majority" not in terms of votes, but decibels. Look where that's got them

Ones red ones blue
The poll shows the protesters in front the ASF lib brigade can't win nothin

That's because the left wing moderator closed the poll after they stacked the numbers!

No-one would seriously admit to voting Labor......would they??
That's because the left wing moderator closed the poll after they stacked the numbers!

No-one would seriously admit to voting Labor......would they??

Labor stacking? Unheard of.
Speaking of whales anyone seen Joe Hockey
The poll shows the protesters in front the ASF lib brigade can't win nothin
The protestors are used to winning aren't they. And just what is the Occupy movement about, do they even know.

Give the Coalition some credit, cool reason arrested global warming.
Labor stacking? Unheard of.
Speaking of whales anyone seen Joe Hockey

Great white whales are safe apparently...........BTW nice to see the Shepherd back in action go Captain Paul and crew give it to the Japanese whalers......I mean whaling scientists.

See the usual blue blooded Australians on thread lining up to support a former enemy in its endeavor to gain access to plunder another natural resource.
Great white whales are safe apparently...........BTW nice to see the Shepherd back in action go Captain Paul and crew give it to the Japanese whalers......I mean whaling scientists.

According to that ratbag Watson the tsunami that killed hundreds of Japanese was divine wrath. The ravings of a hate filled lunatic.

No doubt he considers that harassing the Japanese is doing God's work. Incidentally, Focus, Watson is a Canadian. The Canadians did not participate in the Pacific war.

Nioka, I worked on the the construction of the Tangalooma Whaling station in 1950 and witnessed those poor harmless creatures being dragged up the flensing deck with big chunks of their bodies missing from shark attacks as they were being brought in by the chasers. There were no mother ships. Whale oil was the main attraction although nothing was wasted.

In the early 50's there were more whales passing Cape Moreton than the allocation of 660 which were allotted during the 11 weeks catch. The minimum length was 38 feet and any size under that length imposed a heavy penalty. As you probably know whales only give birth to one calf per year so the replenishing of the herd could not keep up with the killing. After 11 years of whaling outside Cape Moreton the catch dimished to less than 300 in the 11 weeks. Whaling then not only became unviable but other synthetic products started to come onto the market.

I am against whaling FULL STOP.The Japanese should be condemned for lieing about killing whales for research. They are using whales for food.

Whilst I am not in favour of those three who boarded the Japanese Government ship, they are no doubt doing it for publiscity hoping to attract world attention.
This weak Labor Government of ours could have shown some ticka and bought a bit more pressure on the Japanese IMHO.

1. I've worked on whaling stations (plural) and was Production manager of one. I can talk from experience and not emotion. The catch at Tangalooma, along with the catch of other whalers was controlled and based on whale counts and allowed for the slow reproduction rate which is almost the same as that of cattle. Onassis ended SUSTAINABLE whaling.

2. Synthetic meat ???????. Synthetic edible oil ???????. Synthetic stock food ???????.

The only part of the whale that was replaced with synthetics was the balleen that was used to stiffen womens corsets.

Calliope you always get the thumbs up from me.

I seriously believe people who have a Green agenda are chemically imbalanced. Not a joke. They are seriously twisted souls.

nioka, I can assure you whaling was not sustainable on Moreton Island of the Queensland Coast. The numbers of whales had diminished dreamatically in those 11 years.I think they were 'HUMP BACK' whales.

To the best of my knowledge, whale oil was used in the manufacture of sulphurnated oils for tanning hides. A company named Richard Hogson in Brisbane used whale oil with sulphuric acid, neocine and napthalene + other ingredients (not sure of the correct spelling, but you will know what I mean).

I believe whale oil was also used in the manufacture of some soaps.

You say you worked on several stations. What type of whale were you involved with?
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