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Whale wars

Whale wars

  • Support the protesters activities

    Votes: 33 43.4%
  • Protesters are acting irresponsibly

    Votes: 29 38.2%
  • Mmmm Sushi

    Votes: 14 18.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Shock horror

Japan admits whale meat scam

Japan's Fisheries Agency has admitted its officials accepted gifts of whale meat from the body that runs the country's so-called scientific whaling program.

Basket weavers quote
It's astonishing, just how financially black-mailed or whipped we must be in relation to Japan.
To let this absolute out-right bullsh!t lie, to go unchecked, often in our teritorial waters!

Don't think the Japanese would be so accomodating, if we did something so outragiously offensive in their corner.

Maybe we should get some D-9 bulldozers, write "RESEARCH" on their sides, then proceed to 'doze some of the forests on the Japanese home Islands, that they think of as 'sacred'....Then sit 'round & count the rings inside the tree-trunks, to determine for our 'research' how old the trees might have been?...Then sell the lumber for a modest profit!

Good on you sea-sheppards!!! [can't wait for the next series of whale-wars]..

Sink the murdering bastards, before they make another species extinct.

Has been quite in the whaling thread surely we haven't exhausted all the arguments yet.

Having said that I will be wheeling out my finest cask of Merlot and drinking a toast to the courageous, daring and good Captain of the Sea Shepherd Paul Watson and his crew.

For it appears to been a highly successful campaign in the southern ocean as the Japanese run for home

"Japanese whalers suspend Antarctic hunt"

Japanese whalers have suspended their Antarctic hunt, citing harassment by environmentalists, and are considering ending their annual mission early, a fisheries agency official says.

Paul Watson remains cautious

Mr Watson was reluctant to claim a victory over the whalers, but said: "Every whale saved is a victory to us, so we've gotten a lot of victories down here this year."

Economics maybe starting to bite

Hopefully the Shepard will pull into Fremantle for a very warm welcome.
In case anyone hasn't seen it, watch Season 13 - Episode 11 (Whale *****s) of South Park. Absolutely hilarious take on the Japanese whaling situation.
The bit where the japanese prime minister says 'f!*ck you whallle!' had me on the floor.
I love the whale wars. The Japanese should feed this obnoxious scruffy trio on whale meat. I heard Paul Watson trying to defend them on ABC this morning. What a ratbag. He admits it was done to try to force the Government to do something to stop the Japanese tailing him for a change.

Calliope, are you trying to rock the boat or bait the whale lovers?

I don't think storming the Jap boat is a very good idea and the activists may well get more than they bargained for. The government has been threatening the Japanese with international court action for over three years to appease the whale lovers but we all know that will never happen. Wouldn't want to upset any of our trading partners would we.

I don't think anyone should lose any sleep over this riff raff. I doubt if these tree huggers give a stuff about whales. I suppose being a paid activist beats working for a living.
I don't think anyone should lose any sleep over this riff raff. I doubt if these tree huggers give a stuff about whales. I suppose being a paid activist beats working for a living.

Bwahaha too true. I can't stand these losers. Stop mooching off my taxpayer dollars.
For people with supposed 'balls', they seem to act in fairly cowardly ways. Ganging up to harass and intimidate honest workers, in an industry which does not threaten long term whale species numbers. And then spreading propaganda and half truths through the media, trying to win public sympathy.

Here on the east coast there are more migrating humpbacks with every passing year.

Activists is a kind description for them. They're little better than high seas pirates, breaking international laws. Be careful they don't decide that your industry is offensive and turn up to harass you, while filming themselves for the nightly news.
The difference between these activists any you Calliope, is they have balls.

I doubt they would have one set between them, but obviously you know their anatomical details better than me.



  • ipad-art-wide-600528863-420x0.jpg
    44.7 KB · Views: 36
Will they still get centre link payments while they are on the Jap boat, THEY DID NOT HAVE TO GET ON THAT BOAT, they made the bed, now they have to sleep in it, I hope the Japs take them back to japan and lock them up.
Will they still get centre link payments while they are on the Jap boat, THEY DID NOT HAVE TO GET ON THAT BOAT, they made the bed, now they have to sleep in it, I hope the Japs take them back to japan and lock them up.
There's only a very fine line between "Activists", "Freedom Fighters", and "Terrorists".
All three labels may even apply to the same group of people, depending on who judges.
IMHO, the bottom line is that Laws must be respected. Breaking the law simply to make a point and then expecting "The Government" to act is akin to blackmail. It's also stupid.

As far as Centrelink goes, I hope they never got any at all. As they're obviously not unable to work hard and dangerously, let them find an "employer" who volunteers to fund their silly antics. But not force the taxpayer to cover their R's so they can chase their dream. That's simply more blackmail.

And I DON'T AGREE WITH ANY WHALING either. That's why I don't buy whale meat. Nor any other products where the manufacturer is linked to something I find objectionable.

Come on Pixel, you can't seriously compare 'activists' with 'terrorists'. The vast majority of activists don't go around blowing up people, buildings or planes as terrorists do.

Most activists are law abiding but feel compelled at times to demonstrate to get their message across. Most are peaceful and would resent the terrorist tag quite strongly.

There are exceptions where the radical element will cause damage or disruption to business or property but you could hardly put them into the terrorist basket. IE G20 riots etc

The activities of Sea Shepherd whilst not peaceful are hardly terrorists.

I do agree with the rest of your post though
The difference between these activists any you Calliope, is they have balls.

Hope you're reaching into your pockets to support these idiots Macquack whilst we now have to pay several hundred thousand dollars to rescue them from the Southern Ocean.

Why couldn't the Japanese simply drop them overboard and say they tried to escape
Why couldn't the Japanese simply drop them overboard and say they tried to escape
What a thoroughly sensible suggestion.
I'm completely opposed to the whaling but am equally opposed to a bunch of self indulgent idjits who will jump at any excuse to "protest" about anything at all.

I'm disappointed the Japanese have been so lenient with them. They have already said they will do it all again.
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