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Whale wars

Whale wars

  • Support the protesters activities

    Votes: 33 43.4%
  • Protesters are acting irresponsibly

    Votes: 29 38.2%
  • Mmmm Sushi

    Votes: 14 18.4%

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Rudd is desperately searching for promises that he can appear to be seen keeping.
Re: Bethune. My prediction: there will continue to be a big bruhaha with the Japanese authorities making sure they thoroughly scold him and make him feel like a right naughty man. They will bring all possible charges against him, and tell him that he could be sent up the river for a very long time. He will then be let go. (Of course, I already said that earlier in the bet with IFocus!)

@MacQuack. The crowd you mentioned isnt a rent-a-crowd paid for by anyone. They are a right wing nutjob crew who seize on any opportunity to lambast foreigners, and generally show off just how racist they can be. When I say this group is right wing and racist, I mean they are really on the far raggedy edge of even hardcore right wingers. These guys truly have no screws left to be loose. Thankfully they are small (although disturbingly active for their size) and lack any real power. They usually harass Koreans and Chinese, but given the opportunity to harass a whitey round eye, they're only too eager. They gave Bethune a similar welcome when he first arrived in Japan. No, no body had to pay these guys to show up...they do it because they love it
I never killed a whale
my grandadad did ,I've photo's of him with a chainsaw hip deep in whale....and that was the **** job.. the boy's got to throw the harpoon

I worked as a fisherman off and on the last 10 years....I've had whales wake me up in the morning frolicking about the boat....they are a beautiful creature
I have no arguement

But ok I'm going to sing a song of righteous igdiignation,....

I don't give a F###k abouty whales

Australia WTF are you doing about the Aboriginnes?????

F'n Shame, Shame on everyone that wrote on this forum

What happens 100 yaers from here?

If you don't fix it

Well at least stop talking about whales to me

middle class white politics F"U"

Will really be interesting either way, sounds like I had better start polishing up my Avatar header message

Sounds just like the Liberal front bench.........sorry couldn't help myself
Watch this space Thursday!
Watch it now. But in the spirit of Jimmy Barnes and Port Adelaide GM Factory people everyone should wait till there is clarification on this.

Australia's bid to take Japan to the International Court of Justice over its so-called scientific whaling program may be about to get a boost.

Two former Japanese whalers have told the ABC's Foreign Correspondent program of systemic embezzlement by crewmen onboard the country's whaling ships.

Speaking for the first time, they say that crew members are taking what amounts to hundreds of kilograms of prime cuts of whale meat, either for personal consumption or to sell on to restaurants.

One whistleblower, who asks to be called Kujira San - Japanese for "Mr Whale" - says this practice even extends to the body in charge of the scientific whaling program.

Kujira San, a former crewman on Japan's whaling fleet flagship the Nisshin Maru, says what he is revealing could get him killed because his former shipmates do not tolerate those who break the code of silence.

"First, when the ship returns to Japan and arrives in the port, a transport truck is waiting. The crewmen will then pack the whale meat they stole into a cardboard box. One person carried off 500 to 600 kilograms," he said.

He claimed some crewmen made a fortune from reselling the meat.


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This man is wanted by Interpol for saving whales.

I'm all for anyone being passionate about a whale or any given subject. But really, you lose all credibility when you let your passion distort facts.

I'd rather lose a fight and maintain my honour and dignity than make an outright light to win a battle.

Really mac, how can you think people will believe you in future posts with a comment like that, whether in this thread or others.
I'd rather lose a fight and maintain my honour and dignity than make an outright light to win a battle.


Honor and dignity like killing whales in the Southern Ocean for science?

Actually throw spin in there as

Lets get back to honor........charge and lock up any one who tells the truth about Japanese whaling and the corruption rife among the whalers.

Mac is absolutely correct "wanted by Interpol for saving whales" falls into place with the other corruption taking place around Japanese whaling.
Nice try at spin. He is wanted by interpool for harming people and breaking international laws.

Gordon, read the full story. Watson is actually not "wanted" at all by Interpol.

Interpol has issued a so-called blue notice (at the request of Japan), asking national police forces to pass on information about Mr Watson's whereabouts and activities.

But it has not issued a notice requesting his arrest.

This is a politically motivated "beat up" charge brought against Watson by the Japanese aimed at disrupting the Sea Shepherd's highly successful interruption of the Japanese whaling fleet's illegal commercial whaling activities in the Southern Ocean.

Watson is not that easily scared off. Watch out for some fireworks next time those Japanese scum head down to the Southern Ocean.

In retrospect, the Japanese are lucky that the rest of the world adhered to the 1986 moratorium on commercial whaling otherwise those little f***ers would have no whales to hunt at all. The hide of the Japanese is unbelievable.

Watson will be lucky if he doesn't end up with a harpoon up his......... no he will send one of his supporters int the front line and keep safe himself.

Another point.. It was the whalers themselves that called a moratorium to allow the stocks to recover. It is the annimal liberators that took over. The stocks have recovered for some species. I was out fishing at daylight this morning and there were humpbacks everywhere you looked. Enough to give me an itchy trigger finger.
Watson will be lucky if he doesn't end up with a harpoon up his.........

Bring it on.

Another point.. It was the whalers themselves that called a moratorium to allow the stocks to recover. It is the annimal liberators that took over. The stocks have recovered for some species.

Recovery of whale stocks, no thanks to Japan.

They're ocean rapers and have had successive nationalistic expansionist governments in the past. Don't confine your views to the whale-hunt alone.
They're ocean rapers and have had successive nationalistic expansionist governments in the past. Don't confine your views to the whale-hunt alone.

What are you talking about? My comments were about that ratbag Paul Watson.
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