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Wenatex Free Dinner for 2?

Might just try the free dinner - no chance of me signing up for a $250 pillowcase, let alone any more of their stuff at those prices. So pretty safe.

What's the $50 worth of "free gifts" you get if you hand over your info ??
The dinner and so-called free gift is the bait.

They obviously don't expect to catch everything that takes a bite at the baited hook, but then no one taking the bait expects to be caught.

They obviously catch enough to make the business model worthwhile with the cost of those who take the bait without being caught is obviously passed on to those who are caught (purchase the product(s)).

Being in a partnership (free dinner for 2) makes it even more problematic in that one partner can hooked by the product even if the other is not and then that has to be resolved.

If you are going with no intention of buying the product then in my view going to the dinner is not worth the stress the marketing pitch one (or two) would be subjected to.

At the end of the day, there's no such thing as a free lunch or dinner.
Just got invited!
Perhaps I'll keep the invite incase I dont make any profit that week and need a free meal
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