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Wenatex Free Dinner for 2?

BernieBoy, how can we ever thank you.

To find this forum and present your first two posts in such an enlightening and informative manner is just what is needed, some intelligent entertainment on a dull day
BernieBoy, how can we ever thank you.

To find this forum and present your first two posts in such an enlightening and informative manner is just what is needed, some intelligent entertainment on a dull day

I found the sforum, by Googling Wenatex, as I was interested in finding out more information on the company, as I would gladly recommend their product

There is nothing wrong with going for the Free Dinner, as that is exactly what was offered - A Free Meal, Free Gifts and NO strings attached. It is possible that the 2 (different) people that did the presentations which I attended were more professional than some mentioned here (although I doubt it as they are such a professional company to deal with {from my point of view})
At no time was I pressured or "conned", in fact I had to ask for my order to be taken. I was not sold, but I bought - and that is a huge difference. At the conclusion of both Seminars the Presenters asked "Can I be of assistance to any body or are there any further questions".

Sure enough the Seminars are conducted to promote and sell their products, but it is up the individual to make their own assessment and judgement - as with any purchase - and like a pair of shoes they give the opportunity to try before you buy.

Some of the contributors to this blog say "There is no such thing as a Free Meal" - I wonder whether they are enticed to increase their spending from $22 to $30 in the supermarket, so they get their 4c fuel discount.

Well I suppose it takes all sorts to contribute to a forum.


I have been to their dinner meetings at the local club and although their beds are expensive, they are the real thing and worth the money paid for them. It is an Austrian company and not a scam.
They have been to Perth as well, we have had two free feeds, had to take a guest with us each time, meal was OK, we did not buy any thing.
They have been to Perth as well, we have had two free feeds, had to take a guest with us each time, meal was OK, we did not buy any thing.

I'm not sure of they are the same company, but about 18 months ago we were invited to a meal for some promotion or other (it wasn't mattresses) and we were allowed invite two others. The venue was Vino's Restaurant in Northbridge, near the Perth CBD.

It turned out that they had decided not to proceed with the event, but didn't inform the invitees of this. We only found out when we arrived at the restaurant. Having invited friends to come along, we had really no choice but to have a meal at the restaurant all at our expense.

A very expensive free dinner.
I have had two invitations to these in the past but have never been. What I want to know is how they got my address details
the cost was around $6,500 which I found very competitive as I had done my homework before I went (yes I was in the marked for a new mattress)
$6500 for a mattress is "competitive"?

We had better let the Reserve Bank know about this one I think. Inflation must really have increased a lot since the last furniture catalogue turned up in the letterbox a week or two ago.

I'd better go fill the car up with fuel too, at a competitive $10 a litre of course. And I might get some milk while I'm there - $20 a bottle sounds about right doesn't it?

I suppose you could say that spending $6500 on a mattress is cheaper than staying in a 5 star hotel every night in order to sleep in a bed. But personally I'd just head into a furniture store, any one will do, and I'm sure I could buy a decent mattress cheaper than that.
Being new to the forum and looking for things I know about the name wenatex caught my eye. I went for the meal listened to the spruiker and I got one, he just made sense. I spend more on a set of tyres and impliments and they don't last for ten years. The boys down the local called me cushion head for spending that money trying to cushion my bum. But the bride is happy and I am happy what else can I say.
Ha ha,
Sounds just like time share. "You can only get this special offer on the day". We just take the free accomodation and run.
One time when they used the sales tatic that implies you must be stupid not to see how good a deal you are passing up I came out loudly and said "Mate I am not gay,can you stop hitting on me!" Didn't that put him in his place, and ended our little pressure session. We very politly recieved or little resort certificate and left.

We got one of the Wenatex invites in the mail today, just need to off load the kids and we're there. $6000 for a bed, obviously some customer will be subsidising our feed

Hi, I don't get strange mail, I get just mail. I'm net savvy too & checked out the company website & found it's just not "some bed", but an Oeko-tex certified and other certifications Orthopedic bed and sleep systems. I liked the 2% medical grade silver technology which to my health investment helped my once in blue moon asthma, (I had a 100% goose down quilt - a no no for asthma). So grateful and joyful I became a Sleep Consultant. Yes they PAID for my accommodation in my own private unit & gave our team a van to drive in to H.D for duration of training. Yes they cared about our sleep, although training was 9-5pm full on! (thanks Mal). I did the maths (numbers not my thing, so I don't sell) & found the demo price for a year is exceptional. I have great sleep, cos I don't sweat the small stuff. I now have a show room in Strathfield Sydney 5 mins from trains, for all open-minded folks who value their OWN health.

"Man sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived." Dalai Lama

xyzedarteerf I still love you, you just don't know it
I went to a Wenatex intro night. I warn people to to fall for the hard sell. If a produce is good enough, it sells itself. It doesn't need a free dinner or a gift to make you feel guilty or obligated. My experience was that I asked a very basic question about "what so called natural chemicals were used in the bedding?" the presenter could not answer the question. She said it was a secret. So called "natural chemical" is used to make you fell that it is a safe product but in actual fact we have many natural occurring chemicals in nature that are very harmful to humans. Take for instance pyrithrum, it can and has been proven to cause Rhuimatoid Athritis and we are led to believe that these plant based sprays are safe. Pillows- $500 Mattresses - $10,000-- do your homework and don't fall for the hard sell. Something that is 'free' always comes at a cost.

I think you have been brain washed into thinking that Wenatex products are worth the money. They seem to have convinced you since you are making money out of selling their products. If a product is as good as what they say, they would not need to lure people in and saying "free dinner and gift with no obligation". Having just attended a seminar, I believe that if it is as they state the rep has no right to make you feel obligated and say to me "a lot of people come just for the meal!". My answer to that is "don't provide the dinner". Sell the product based on it's own merits. I believe that Wenatex products have a huge profit margin and are not worth the money that they are charging. I say all this with experience behind me. I have had various marketing and sales companies over the years and have trained many sales people. If the product is not worth what you are asking, you need to use gimmicks to sell it. If they halved the price, it would still be too much!

This is the real deal for the meal but the catch is,it is a marketing strategy and you get to test their bed out and bedding items however unless you have a lot of money to spare,you need to be very careful wether or not to purchase as it is expensive.I am waiting for a response from them as regards their guarantee for their mattresses because as a result of speaking with some friends,their mattresses may or may not be as presented as having a 20yr guarantee.My friends indicated there may be fine print that actually says there mattresses are guaranteed only for 5yrs here in Australia however the results from this question to them is pending at this time.But be prepared as I said before their products are quite expensive,just for a pillow and quilt over $2000 as a set.That is before you even consider one of their mattresses.

- - - Updated - - -

This is the real deal for the meal but the catch is,it is a marketing strategy and you get to test their bed out and bedding items however unless you have a lot of money to spare,you need to be very careful wether or not to purchase as it is expensive.I am waiting for a response from them as regards their guarantee for their mattresses because as a result of speaking with some friends,their mattresses may or may not be as presented as having a 20yr guarantee.My friends indicated there may be fine print that actually says there mattresses are guaranteed only for 5yrs here in Australia however the results from this question to them is pending at this time.But be prepared as I said before their products are quite expensive,just for a pillow and quilt cover $2000 as a set.That is before you even consider one of their mattresses.
My wife and I went for one of their meals offers,it is the real deal but here is the catch.It is a marketing strategy to interest people in their products but the only problem is that they are quite expensive.A couple of pillows and a quilt can cost over $2000 and that's without even buying a mattress.Their mattress cut is unique as presented but upon speaking to my friends it has been said that the mattress may not keep it's integrity for as long as is presented for Australian conditions.I have asked them to send me written details regarding their guarantee so I cannot comment on this at this stage too much as the result is pending at this stage.However it was said to me the fine print only guarantees 5yrs but they say 20yrs so I will comment again later so as to inform others once I receive the results of my requested information.If their products are as good as they present I would consider recommending them but also let people know that it is costly.Around $8000 there abouts for a singe bed setup.

This is the exact kind of thing that happened to my friends now that I saw this quote.

This exact same thing happened to some friends of mine now that I recall it.
There's no such thing as a free lunch... or in this case, a free dinner.

I too went along to a free dinner with $50 free gifts. A $30 gift voucher was part of my gifts too but as I went in Dec 2013 and the voucher expired Sep 2013 it was useless. Wouldn't buy the product. Alot of what they say is contradictory and there was no suggestion as to how to enable me to sleep cool as opposed to hot. The 2% silver content is NOT going to get rid of bed bugs etc. Very expensive and I gave it a miss. The dinner is legit and there is no pressure to buy.

The salesperson told us the system would last at least 60 years but in the booklet we were given they only come with a 5 year guarantee. Be aware. Don't buy one.
Just got this invite.

Wasn't addressed, just came in an envelope with "Complimentary Dinner Invitation..." in the window. Prob Aust Post delivered as no junk mail taken here!

Might just try the free dinner - no chance of me signing up for a $250 pillowcase, let alone any more of their stuff at those prices. So pretty safe.

What's the $50 worth of "free gifts" you get if you hand over your info ??
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