Can we talk detail?
Do you have a Super Fund which allows direct ETF exposure you can suggest? I had one suggested to me but there's an admin fee of $400 a year which on smaller balances is quite influential. How bad is it to use an industry super fund which objective is to track to the ASX300 until the balance is large enough to move into a different option?
I had a look into the only superfund that I am familiar with.
They charge $65pa + 0.10% assets as an administration fee.
You also pay a management fee based on what investment option you pick.
They have an indexed growth option with a management fee of 0.17%. To me this option is not ideal because it has some weighting to fixed interest duration assets and they neglect to tell you what the duration is. But I think it’s the best option they have.
They also have a roughly equivalent actively managed growth options with a management fee of 0.69%.
They also have a direct investment option which costs an extra administration fee of $4.75 per week but would allow you to access ASX traded ETF’s. The brokerage is a bit on the expensive side.
My SMSF costs are:
ATO supervisory levy $259
Audit Fee $300
Administration software annual subscription $198.
Total $757.00
Using VAS MER of 0.14%
Break even to make SMSF viable against Index option = ($757-65)/(.0027-.0014) = $532K
Break even against Active managed option = ($757-65)/(.0079-.0014) = $106K
Break even against Direct Investment option = ($757-65-(52*4.75))/.010 = $445K less difference in variable brokerage fees.
So why the fuss about costs when they are seemingly insignificant?
The plan I put forward which had a 0.50% expense assumption and resulted in a theoretical outcome in today’s purchasing power of $1,142,003.
If I adjust nothing else but that expense assumption down to reflect the index option of 0.027% (I’ll forget about the $65 for simplicity) the result is $1,206,510.
If I adjust it up to reflect the active managed growth option of 0.079% the outcome is $1,066,240.
The seeminlgly small difference in fees results in an outcome difference of $140,269 – almost two years’ worth of wages. Whats easier - having to work another two years when your old and cranky or changing your superannuation option to the most efficient you can find - maybe half a days digging, thinking and forms.
Thanks, xr06t and Sir Burr for the links you provided on some options for accessing ETF’s in super.
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