Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

WBT - Weebit Nano

Quarterly out today. Nice to see qualification has begun at DB Hitek. Start the clock. Approximately 30 weeks to complete or 5000 hours. No way to speed that up. Product agreements should follow 😊
Ooofph! $13m in negative OCF! (excluding the gov. grants) Lucky they tapped SH's for $50m or its a dead duck in 12 months.
Its on life support.

$500k revenue for a company capitalised at nearly $500m !!!

A sales to price ratio of 1000x.

Ooofph! $13m in negative OCF! (excluding the gov. grants) Lucky they tapped SH's for $50m or its a dead duck in 12 months.
Its on life support.

$500k revenue for a company capitalised at nearly $500m !!!

A sales to price ratio of 1000x.

You haven’t done a lot of research on this one otherwise you would have known that those lump sum payments are for milestones meet by CEA LETI the research institute in France that they also get the government grants from. It should be viewed as a positive as it means they are progressing the technology. You should stop only reading the financials until they start production as this is still being rolled out. Like I’ve said before come back in 3 years when there’s something there you’ll understand. Just for reference I must be a sucker for punishment as I’m also invested in OPT. Have a look at there past 3 quarters and you will be on the floor laughing about it. Over a 100m spent on development and not a cent in the revenue column 🤣🤣🤣
Those who bought recently will be sitting on a loss but the chart's approaching a level that has seen a bounce previously.

Chart is weekly:
You haven’t done a lot of research on this one otherwise you would have known that those lump sum payments are for milestones meet by CEA LETI the research institute in France that they also get the government grants from. It should be viewed as a positive as it means they are progressing the technology. You should stop only reading the financials until they start production as this is still being rolled out. Like I’ve said before come back in 3 years when there’s something there you’ll understand. Just for reference I must be a sucker for punishment as I’m also invested in OPT. Have a look at there past 3 quarters and you will be on the floor laughing about it. Over a 100m spent on development and not a cent in the revenue column 🤣🤣🤣
I know what the payments are for, not sure how you view that as a positive, its more of a negative than i it had been real revenue!
You are right, if you want to speculate on companies with no actual business, its definitely better not to read the financials!!

I really doubt there is anything to come back to look at in 3 years! The price to revenue at 1000x tells you how improbable it is that speculation of this stonk will come to anything.

Its about a pure an example as you can find of Narrative Speculation.

...or maybe not!! I just had a look at OPT, thats even worse - by multiples!! Mind you, there is nothing like a biotech to empty your wallet - over and over again! In my early days as an investor I made the mistake of investing in a couple of bio techs and lost plenty, I learnt my lesson and I have a hard rule not to touch them now!

The thing with biotechs is the risk is asymmetric in the wrong direction! The downside is huge, nearly all of them fail to make it to market and destroy huge amounts of shareholder capital on the round trip, the upside is tiny, because the odds of picking a winner are so low. People get seduced by the narrative, by how good the product sounds, but an investor is not buying the product, they are buying the business.

Anyway, I sincerely you get lucky, twice, with your speculation and you can rub my nose in your success in a few years when WBT & OPT are successful businesses!
I too have been taught a lesson over the years. I try to have an out for little or no cost/risk mitigation strategy. Free carried on WBT, one parcel to go on OPT for free carried. Just need $1.25 and it’s time to sit back and watch the show. Sometimes even a B grade movie becomes classic
Things are progressing nicely on the technical side. Market totally oblivious to it. Should get kicked out of the asx 300 rebalance next month and the shorters will be licking their lips in anticipation. They would have been disappointed it didn’t happen last rebalance as they have worked so hard to make it happen and sure they’re ready to move on. Good riddance to you and see you next time 🥴
Hells bells that cash burn is insane, you would think a $50m dip into shareholders pockets would last a bit longer!
Things are progressing nicely on the technical side.

That sounds like something straight out of Fred Bart's mouth at AKP!!

As you say, shorters will likely do well.
Hells bells that cash burn is insane, you would think a $50m dip into shareholders pockets would last a bit longer!

That sounds like something straight out of Fred Bart's mouth at AKP!!

As you say, shorters will likely do well.
They have already. This will just be the cherry on top