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Wanna Chat--Post date and time here


No Ordinary Duck
14 October 2004
Wed 5/6/06

Logging on at 8 SA time.
tech/a said:
Wed 5/6/06

Logging on at 8 SA time.
Got a month on ya....Queensland WINS 14/16.....Yipppeeeee!!!!!!!!

No wonder it was quiet!!

Just a suggestion,a few have specialties here and perhaps requests from posters on a specialty can be pre arranged with either members or guests,Nick Radge usually taks part and I'm sure we could find a few more who would be interesting.

Just an Idea.

Topics like.
Fundamantal analysis--Ducati--Bullmarket-there are many others with these skills.
Elliot wave Nick Radge
Options Wayne.


Guest Chat on this forum sounds great as we can have a record of the Q&A session unlike with live chat, we'll have to keep it strictly on topic though to prevent it going crazy, guess that's my job! I know they do it on some other forums so we could start here. Not all topics lend themselves to this type of thing- otherwise we might as well just have a normal thread.
How came theres never anyone chatting,by the way how do you get passwords for locked rooms.
Thursday 7/9 7.10 SA time on chat in 15min if anyone wants to join me.
Ill bring the beers.
I think the reason it is so Quiet is that this is a posting site and not realy a chat site, AND EVRYONE FORGET'S TO LOG ON TO IT WHEN THEY POST........I HAVE FORGOTTEN TO MYSELF %90 %OF THE TIME.....and I notice... some use this site as a chat room instead, not such a bad thing though...

But would like a few more players to chat.....this is a better setup than Hotcopper...all those that said it would be abused were....WRONG
How's twice a day each weekday and say 9am & 9pm AEST, which won't interfere with trading, and give all 2 choices of catchin up with others...????

Maybe something to start with....
Im over there now sat morning 9.45 SA time
Will stick around for 30 mins
I'll be on for the next hour or so if anyone wants to chat.
Well i had a better week this week made a few k (my broker friends should be happy also) would just like to say its been great stumbling on to you guys since googling the web for sen news, certainly makes the day more enjoyable knowing there are others glued to the screen as myself.
Just cracked a can of jim beam black and hoping u all have a great weekend
Are you really a constable?
yes that is my actual surname and believe it or not i have a brother who is a constable constable ( got a write up in the herald sun even !) Speed thru ballarat you might get to meet him !
Its 5 pm Sunday.

Ill visit at 5.45 and chat with anyone on short term trading or longterm trading,Stops etc, for 30 mins if anyone interested.
Have added a 'Members currently in the Chat' modification to the ASF forum index page in between the 'Currently Active Users' and 'Aussie Stock Forums Statistics'.

Now members will be able to see who is in the chatroom without having to go in and look around for themselves.

For those new to ASF, enter the chatroom by clicking on the 'Chat' link in the navigation bar above. It's between 'Quick Links' and 'Log Out'.
Will be in the chat room tonight while trading the ES. Feel free to chat. If I don't respond straight away it's probably because I am having a power nap between signals
Hiya all, I'll be in the ES & CL room tonight if you would like to join me. The password is escl

I was trying out the function and now i don't know how to change!

All welcome, lets see how we go...maybe we can add or change the for joules.


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