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Wall Street Warriors (New TV Show)

what platforms do pro traders use?

also with Tim Sykes latest i heard he closed down his hedge fund which was short biased on micro stocks (good year to close aye) and now hes writing books etc and giving up professional trading in a sense... supposedly his strategy that worked in the beginning no longer worked and he didnt adapt (hearsay i read on internet forums).

Those two stock brokers in season 2 ep. 1 reminds me exactly of boiler room and pump and dump type methods. Cant beleive people that are wealthy and successful fall for that type of sales call...

also heard the casting for season 3...

The two guys I am talking about are in Season Two only.
The same season as that girl your talking about.

X-Trader is the platform we are referring to.

Regarding Tim Sykes, I'm not sure of the full story but his fund closing down had something to do with a loan. It is covered in his book apparently.

He has a blog now where he is trying to replicate what he did during the dotcom boom($12,000 into over a million).

He is going well so far(up over 2000%), his trading account is connected to Covester.
I only got into the first season, never really cared about the rest. I learnt a fload from it, espically when i watched the episodes more then once.
Douchebag "hedge fund" manager Tim Skyes was kind enough to give me his book, I havent yet got around to reading it. I dont know if i will

He lost 30% of his account on some insider trading that went wrong. One thing to remember, he didnt just make money from the tech boom, but he also made a mil by shorting it most of the way down.

He did get into publishing for a bit, as far as I know he has got rid of Bullship press.

He now makes all his money off his blog, and selling his trading courses. Currently he isnt really trading enough to make peanuts. He also likes to spam facebook with advertisments to his crap blog.
just found a torrent on all of season 2,(currently dl'ing so dont know if its 100% working)

pm me for link
Nice one WG.

Can you PM to me pls, know someone else who wants it.
Douchebag "hedge fund" manager Tim Skyes was kind enough to give me his book, I havent yet got around to reading it. I dont know if i will

Send it to me if you like, I am going to buy it!
Heres a bit where he admits that he lost money, and that he didn't know anything about risk management. Thank god for mom now hey!

I've just been watching the first season now thanks to Bent....and i must say that the bit where all the guys are at dinner nearly made me physically ill. If i had watched that live, or could have been there, i think i would have started selling stocks on the very next day! What a disgusting display of greed and over indulgence....

Anyway its entertaining none the less, and the blonde is hot, i'll give her that.


It's funny, the shows give a depiction of this arrogant world of extreme personalities and greed.

Whereas most of the traders I know are some of the most humble people you will ever meet and are a LOT better than the prop junk off that show.

There was one person in that group who seemed to have the right ideas. the rest....well...

BentRod: I will PM you
sorry turned out to be a bust

No worries, thanks anyway.

yeah it was hard to watch, not hard to imagine how the subprime got started is it.
It's funny, the shows give a depiction of this arrogant world of extreme personalities and greed.

Whereas most of the traders I know are some of the most humble people you will ever meet and are a LOT better than the prop junk off that show.

that's because its a show, people don't want to watch boring humble personalities they want to be entertained by crazy arrogant idiots, lets face it most of this so called reality show's are scripted anyway.
that's because its a show, people don't want to watch boring humble personalities they want to be entertained by crazy arrogant idiots, lets face it most of this so called reality show's are scripted anyway.

Since when was humble boring?

I guess in the US it is. But plenty of celebrities and famous athletes worldwide are pretty damn humble. Try Ronaldinho, Zidane, Beckham, three of the biggest names in world football (yes biggest sport on the globe) over the past decade +.

Humble + personality can go hand in hand, just the same as arrogant + personality.

that's so true i find those tryhard wannabee tend to be the most arrogant and full of themselves yet those who are at the top of there league tend to be the most humble.
A series of Wall Street Warriors (not sure which one) starts on SBS on Friday night 5th Dec.
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