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Wall Street Warriors (New TV Show)

Hey Guys

Found a place where you can download season 1 and season 2 for free and its 'legit'.
Go to each of the 2 links below, the first one is for Season 1 and second one for Season 2.
Each episode is in 4 parts (around 44Mb each), and you can only download 1 at a time, so it is a bit time consuming as you have to what 15 minutes between each download.
oh the files are in .rar format so make sure you have winzip or winrar, and you can only extract it fully when you have downloaded all 4 parts of an episode, and they are in the same folder.



Good info thanks AV.

Any idea how to download it for viewing later?

for off line viewing get a program called Replay Media Catcher, this downloads and saves the live feed via the browser, and continues to download even if you close the browser once it completes you can then view the file. i have tested it and works.
Well, now we know they held SNDK, and have been encouraging their now at loss clients to "grab hold of their balls" and average down. I see it, but can barely believe it ...
for off line viewing get a program called Replay Media Catcher, this downloads and saves the live feed via the browser, and continues to download even if you close the browser once it completes you can then view the file. i have tested it and works.

Thanks xyze - haven't looked at this thread for a while so missed your tip - got it now - cheers!
Had a watch of the first few episodes of season 1 yesterday, looks interesting.

Is Tim Sykes still hanging around in season 2, or does he have his blow out and shut down his fund before then?
he closes his fund after a 35% loss.

He has a new website up where he is basically selling his story and his ideas on trading, you can find it here

He also has a book "An American Hedge Fund" and DVD "Penny Stocking" out.
Cheers, I will check it out.

Looks interesting. Like a dodgy, low profiled television version of 'Market Wizards'.
ive been struggling to find a torrent for season 2, if anyone can find one give us the heads up...
I've got season 2 on DVD and am looking to sell. White, send me a PM if you're interested.

Mod's hope this is okay - happy for you to send to the 'For Sale' thread if need be.
There is no torrent of season two , that's why I bought it. Not on USENET either.

Season two was very disappointing though.

For those that have seen season 1, I was hoping they would continue with Tim Sykes, the Girl trading the Schatz(most likely the best trader of the lot), the Russian day Trader and more of the futures Trader at Comex.

Sadly with Season Two they have chosen ALL new people so we are left wondering what happened to all the people out of Season One!

The only part worth watching on Season Two is when they show a Guy trading OJ futures.
The rest is filled with some pretentious High Flyer investment manager and these two wankers floggin Sandisk over the phone to whomever that will listen.

That part really made my stomach churn, it was like a higher class version of the movie "Boiler Room". At the time Sandisk was worth $50-$60 --> I checked the other day and it was $8

These guys didn't care it was going down though, they continued to ram the stock down the throats of as many as they could just so they could get the commish.

I heard their firm went bust or they both got fired, I can't remember which one.
Cheers, I will check it out.

Looks interesting. Like a dodgy, low profiled television version of 'Market Wizards'.

MRC...check out the screens in the pits, they are all using MD Trader!
Great stuff RH, thanks for the link.


PS...Am I addicted to trading if watching that clip gives me goosebumps? :
MRC...check out the screens in the pits, they are all using MD Trader!

Only saw the first episode. Where that chick made $1200 catching the entire move after a big announcement, ha ha.

BentRod, are the two guys you talk of the same two flogging off some stock in the first episode of season 1? They are a real piece of work hey!

Yeh, TT moves 50% of global volume. Most big instos and prop use it.
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