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websman said:Yes there is. Check my profile or send me a private message for the link. We'd love to see you there dude!
Hey Snake.... We're not allowed by your forum adminstration to post a link to another "stock trading" forum.... Or at least that's how it was when Webs first posted the link over here.... Seems that setting up a load of restrictive regulations and rules sorta runs in the blood of all kinds of Aussie's in positions of power "down under".... huh? .... Hell, some don't trust you with your guns.... Others don't trust you to make a decision to visit another stock forum.Snake Pliskin said:Websman,
Could you post the link here for us all?
Snake :goodnight
Hey Snake.... We're not allowed by your forum adminstration to post a link to another "stock trading" forum.... Or at least that's how it was when Webs first posted the link over here.... Seems that setting up a load of restrictive regulations and rules sorta runs in the blood of all kinds of Aussie's in positions of power "down under".... huh? .... Hell, some don't trust you with your guns.... Others don't trust you to make a decision to visit another stock forum.
The site we post our stock stuff is.... mrmarketishuge.com .....
Milk Man said:Maybe some form of cross-advertising would be good. We dont want our members leaving for greener pastures though (not that they are or arent). Some american big buck advertisers would be good huh joe?
RichKid said:Yes, you can advertise your site officially if you like- contact Joe Blow by PM. You can also pm links to those who request it but no spamming etc. But you cannot poach members, if you are here to genuinely interact that's fine but if it's just to attract attention to poach members then it's not on.
I haven't seen much detailed stock discussion yet by the vulcans and their US buddies in the other threads so maybe you just want ASF members to go to your site? Just be careful vulcans- we do ban people for this but prefer to have you gusy on board as I like the sense of humour.
RichKid said:Yes, you can advertise your site officially if you like- contact Joe Blow by PM. You can also pm links to those who request it but no spamming etc. But you cannot poach members, if you are here to genuinely interact that's fine but if it's just to attract attention to poach members then it's not on.
I haven't seen much detailed stock discussion yet by the vulcans and their US buddies in the other threads so maybe you just want ASF members to go to your site? Just be careful vulcans- we do ban people for this but prefer to have you gusy on board as I like the sense of humour.
websman said:I'll place the following limit orders to buy these stocks...
AIRM @ $14.02
ARRS @ $9.35
TRLG @ $14.00
(All prices are in U.S. Dollars)
What do y'all think? Would you buy these?
Dan_ said:websman, as many of us (especially me) are still, or always learning about the markets and methodologies can you maybe highlight why you selected these stocks?
Thanks in advance if it's not to much trouble
websman said:These are companies that have experienced strong growth and are starting to break out. I subscribe to a couple of services to get my picks, being I don't have a lot of time myself. I usually buy the picks that have the best looking charts. I especially like pullback buys.
Also, I'm not beyond shorting a stock if it looks weak.
Lyehopper said:Hey fellas.... I'd like to pick a few Aussie stocks and see how they do.... But I have NO CLUE where to find your listed stocks.... or where to find charts on them (free charting hopefully) or any other info to research ASX stocks. Somebody give me a quick education on your system. How many stocks are listed on your exchange. Do you have only one exchange or several like we do? Do you have something similar to http://finance.yahoo.com/ ?
That's great Wayne.... What stocks are you buying right now?.... Are you a small cap investor or do you like the large cap stuff? Do you "trade" much or are you a buy and hold long term guy? Do you trade just your money.... or do you manage others portfolios for a fee? Do you sell short when the market dictates?wayneL said:BTW I trade US stocks/futures/options for a living, so looking forward to you guys input.
Lyehopper said:That's great Wayne.... What stocks are you buying right now?.... Are you a small cap investor or do you like the large cap stuff? Do you "trade" much or are you a buy and hold long term guy? Do you trade just your money.... or do you manage others portfolios for a fee? Do you sell short when the market dictates?
Here are some movers (long) in my portfolio right now....
Lyehopper said:Hey fellas.... I'd like to pick a few Aussie stocks and see how they do.... But I have NO CLUE where to find your listed stocks.... or where to find charts on them (free charting hopefully) or any other info to research ASX stocks. Somebody give me a quick education on your system. How many stocks are listed on your exchange. Do you have only one exchange or several like we do? Do you have something similar to http://finance.yahoo.com/ ?
btw Rich and Joe.... I'm here because I've never been "Down Under" guys. This might be as close as I'll ever get too. But already I can see If I came over there I'd get along fine with you fellas and we'd have some things in common..... Webs and me have no mal intent over here... we just love to trade stocks and shoot the bull.
Hey I just remembered something interesting. In the area of Bedford County VA that surrounds my farm (I own 470 acres) There is rumored to be a burried treasure worth untold $ millions somewhere. It's called the "Beale Treasure".... http://www.unmuseum.org/beal.htm There's this Aussie dude who comes here every winter and searches for it. His name is Kell.... he's a loner type and a crazy-eyed sort of cat too. Three years ago he came to my barn while I was working some fall bull calves and asked me to borrow a gas powered pump.... said he had rented a backhoe and was digging in a creek bottom on another nearby farmers land.... water was running into the hole (ground water) as he dug and he wanted to keep it pumped down. I let him borrow the pump but I asked him "how T.J. Beale kept the water out of the hole in 1819 when he burried the gold there", I said "I wonder what kind of pump he brought along with him anyhow?" He just gave me this blank stare and said "he'd return the pump tomorrow"..... Needless to say.... he hasn't found the gold yet.... Several fellows have contacted me over the years and want to dig on my land. I tell them. No need.... they ask why? I just answer "cause it ain't there.... I've already found it". hehehe.
We always mix business with pleasure Rich.... Makes both more interesting. We might get off topic a bit.... but if someone is interested in the thread they will follow it reguardless.RichKid said:Okays visitors, my apologies, glad to see you folk are here to have fun and enjoy the company but I have to be careful and nip things in the bud or it takes forever to sort it out, hope you understand, maybe I went too far.
One request if I may, could the stock stuff posts be made in the Vulcan's stock thread in the InternationalForum and the fun stuff stay in this thread? Or do you always mix business with pleasure?It would be helpful if you could and I'd be grateful.
Check out our ASF joke thread for some good Aussie humour, feel free to ask for explanations of our lingo.
Also Joe Blow our forum Boss has a site on Aussie sites (www.downunderindex.com) which you might like to visit. www.crikey.com.au is funny too for business news, you might recognise some of the news on Rupert Murdoch.
There's also free charting of Aussie stocks at www.morrisonsecurities.com.au, great platform and lots of info on stocks. Also browse through the tipsheets thread and beginners forum threads to find lots of resources, there is also a search tool.
Have a great stay downunder!
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