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Vulcans who trade for fun

websman said:
Lye, I just added OSUR to my watchlist. Thanks for the info.
IIC played it in the POTW about 2-3 weeks back.... Hit my radar then. That's the beauty of being the score keeper. You get to chart everyones picks!
Re: Vulcan's who trade for fun

Lyehopper and Websman,

Welcome to the forum,

Most people short sell using CFD's. I don't at the moment but it is part of my warchest so to speak. A bullish market as you say is not good for going short.

Enjoy the forum.

I prefer the 30/06 for pigs and roos. The 222 is a bit to light for big southern grey roos. I used to bowhunt goats and pigs but don't do it anymore.

We sell em though, so we have to head shoot. My brother does have a 30-06 but he uses a 243 for pigs, again he head shoots em. He mainly uses dogs and a knife though (with a 357 magnum for backup since one chased him up a tree ). I mainly shoot ducks, but my favorite was when we had a cat plague. That was when we still had a semi-auto 22, mwahahaha.

What kind of bow; long or cross? My bro has a crossbow but dunno if he uses it much.

Lyehopper: Yeah im in dairy but my brothers are in beef and so were my parents for a while. One of my bros used to ride bulls for a while too but then switched to bb bronc- less dangerous. Hey I thought the SKS was chinese; we used to have an SKK (put a match under the sight seer and it was an SKS ).

Nice chart by the way. So you trade breakouts? How did you get the price target, elliot or fib or something?

Have you read the conspiracy theory on the Port Aurther massacre? It seems the gunman was an expert marksman.

There are too many unanswered questions.

Definitely very sus.

Dang you guys are more like us than I ever imagined. :22_yikes:
Europeans, especially the French, are afraid of any kind of weapon.

I read a story the other day about French military training program. They say their training takes only 5 minutes. That's all it takes to learn how to waive your arms and yell, "I SURRENDER!".

Theyve run out of stuff to shoot. Doesnt stop them from nuclear testing in the Pacific though; must still be a Napolean complex still in there somewhere.

I just want a pump action 12 gauge- 10 ducks instead of 2.

What kind of bow; long or cross? My bro has a crossbow but dunno if he uses it much.

I used compund bows. They allow you to draw longer as the drawn weight is reduced by a pully system. The cables take up the weight instead of your arms.

Hey Snake, Yeah I fired one of those a long long time ago. They are really tensioned to begin with then the pulleys do their business and reduce the effort to draw the string. It still an art in my opinion to fire one of those, but they do have excellent range from what I have seen. A year ago got my cat firearm a & b licence, really only to compete in .22 benchrest competitions. Ive started pistol coaching (6 months of coaching and range attendance required before you can even apply!). I more interested in air pistol comps.
It an expensive hobby I may not pursue that and the fact you need to have a certain amount of range attendances to keep the licence(all classes these days I think).

pete152 said:
Mate do't you know old beattie has banned duck hunting? Not many ducks left, apparently. I think he must look for them out his window in Brisbane!!

Good Austrlain hunting site is

I wish he was a duck! We have scare guns anyway but thats no fun.

The SKS is a ten round simi auto.... Introduced by the Russians after WWII in answer to the US M-1 Garrand. I have two.... One manufactured in 1951 and one in 1954. They are fine rifles.

I also own six Chinese SKS's, and two AK-47's (simi version) one Regular infantry issue and one paratrooper issue. I like guns, was raised shooting. I have a special room in my basement with a safe and multiple alarms and a steel door just for my collection.... which is probibly over 100 firearms by now.... Can't beleive they took your 22 auto. My Dad gave me a Remington 22 Auto when I was 10 years old. I suppose I've shot a thousand squirrels with that thing.... a few cats too.hehehe

Milkman.... I trade breakouts, I bottom fish (DCAI for example) I short sell. I mostly use fibonacci retracements for my short targets (also watch gaps).... As I post charts here you'll see my MO.... My target is based on a special formula I use.... I don't share it with many folks, but since you're a farmer and all..... Here it is.

I pull it straight out of my A$$..HAHAHAHA.... Seriously it's my best guess based on experience and the company's growth rate.
Thanks Lye. Im pretty sure the SKK we had was chinese but could be russian. I collect knives myself. Not many yet though. Best ones are 1891 prussian dress bayonet (real purty etching, half of it gone though), italian WW2 bayonet, KA-BAR USMC and assorted folders.

Pete: I do like rabbit hunting but havent been in a while. That 22 semi-auto was a cracker for that! The previous owner had a pet white one that got away and im not supposed to kill it. I may need that fur to fix my hat though one day. Best hunting moment was 2 cats getting busy then getting a rude disturbance. With a 243 slug hahahahaha.


Yes the bow and arrow is an art that cannot be learned easily. It takes time and determination to get to the stage where you can almost hit anything within 20 metres. It's a lot like throwing a ball, but more difficult. I could pick up a bow without sights and hit anything about 20cms in diameter, with a couple of warm up shots beforehand - this tests the curve of the projected arrow and wind etc.

Admin Note: This thread started out as a US stock thread but has become real social so all that happy non-trading stuff can go in this thread. The thread on US stocks by the Vulcans is in the International Markets forum.

RichKid said:
Admin Note: This thread started out as a US stock thread but has become real social so all that happy non-trading stuff can go in this thread. The thread on US stocks by the Vulcans is in the International Markets forum.

Howdy Rich.... Trading stocks IS a "social" event over here dude. We're just geting to know each other a bit :bier: The Stock trading stuff will ramp up shortly I'm sure....

Yo Webs! Them "Noles" spanked my Hokies last night didn't they?.... Bunch of disapointed VT fans up here this morning dude. :swear:

Now Back to US stocks.... Here's a chart and a general info link for the other ticker I mentioned in my last post. DCAI....
Hey MilkMan.... I'm not sure about the SKK might be Chinese.... don't have one of those.... yet.

We rabbit hunt with begals. We'll run about 6 dogs in a little pack with about four hunters. the begals sniff around in the brush and briers till they jump that cotton tail up and then the chase is ON. That rabbit might run back and forth through the woods and brush for 30 minutes or more and cover 50 acres before someone gets a shot at him, and he'll be moving about 40mph so you'd better be quick.... I use an autoloading Franchi lightweight (aluminum receiver) 20 ga shotgun.... It's awesome fun. We'll start in Janurary as soon as whitetail (deer) season ends. I'll post some pictures of our hunts when we start.

I signed up on the "hunters-hut".... cool bunch of dudes over there huh?. I noticed some fellas hunt rabbits with ferrits!? never heard of that! This Aussie experience might be REALLY worth while afterall... hehehe


Do you know any bowhunters who hunt whitetails and when is the whitetail season?

What else do you hunt over there?

I'd like to escape from some of that brush over there, too. Preferably with a big nasty boar chasing me.

Yes we use ferrets over here to hunt the rabbits out of their holes and they run into nets covering the holes. They are nasty little things - chew your finger to the bone not a problem.

Snake.... I used to be an avid bow hunter and archer myself. My last bow was a "Mathews (solocam) Z-Light" .... Awsome bow and very fast. I was shooting carbon arrows too. My shoulder has BAD problems so I had to stop shooting.... In the early 90's I was shooting a thousand arrows a week. I shot using a "kisser button" and sight pins (and no peep sight).... After much practice over the years I became a good instinctive shooter. I've killed groundhogs @ 40 yards with my bow shooting instinctivly (just draw and shoot). I've killed many, many whitetails.

Here's a link to the VA hunting and trapping regulations.

Scroll about half way down the page and you'll see "Bear" below that is a list of all the game we hunt in Virginia.... every state's regulations and available game is different..... Go out west and you can hunt Moose and Grizzly Bear.

Thanks for the info over there. You guys have it sorted out with preserving game and hunting. Over here everyone wants to ban everything and practise political correctness and all that crap.

Grizzly bear I would definately have to escape....but maybe I could use ferrets to help me out.

Oh... and I was shooting a PSE - can't remember the model though. A nice machine with fastflight. I used cedar shafts with glue on steel heads manufactured here in Aus.

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