Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

VRS - Veris Limited

another sad year for VRS, luckily my position is tiny and who knows, one day they might turn it around.

If you were looking for a positive, I guess its the free cash flow which was put to use in reducing debt.
another sad year for VRS, luckily my position is tiny and who knows, one day they might turn it around
Not yet, it would seem .... 4 yrs on.

If you were looking for a positive, I guess its the free cash flow which was put to use in reducing debt.
Almost daily buyback notices. Limited news flow, though I note an upkick on the "small caps webinar" circuit

I've had a look at this a few times - the concern I've got is they're barely profitable during a major infrastructure investment period which appears to be the main revenue source for their business model.

I understand that labour costs have blown out but considering the forecast drop off in infrastructure spend end in the short-medium term in NSW under the current government I can't see this improving.

Also the survey industry has been experiencing disruption for quite a long time due to technology replacing people which will only continue with LIDAR/drone surveys etc
It's awfully cheap for a profitable, debt free business. The problem is as @Tommy Shelby says, it's barely profitable and that is a direct result of the minuscule operating margin. Overall its in as good a shape financially as its ever been, so I would be watching the ROIIC and operating margins - if they show signs of growing consistently it might be worth a look again.

I bought it about 6 years too early if it does come good!!
Good stuff, guys. I'll catch the podcast and hear what they say.