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Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at The Bull

I can't believe it :holysheep:, slipped back again, we have to go carefully now and take to the :bowser:

The link above is our saviour and ASF needs you now :bier:
VOTE for AUSSIE Stock Forums - ASF - at 'The Bull' VOTING ZONE

We have quite a voting struggle on our hands guys and I'm sure you are up for it.

ASF have set high standards of posting which are the World's best amongst stock forums. It is very worthwhile to see these standards recognised - no sign, as on some forums, of clicking away to make it seem thousands have read a post - one post just said 'G'day guys' and thousands of visits to read this important information.

Please vote at

Errr, G'day guys - thousands of votes we hope.

Support Joe Blow :aus:
Re: VOTE for AUSSIE Stock Forums - ASF - at 'The Bull' VOTING ZONE

ASF needs your support ASF supporters at the above links. It's a tough uphill struggle but we must not let it put us off at all -- all the very best
Re: VOTE for AUSSIE Stock Forums - ASF - at 'The Bull' VOTING ZONE

Just keep on voting guys right the way to the end. Link above ... never never never give up.
Re: VOTE for AUSSIE Stock Forums - ASF - at 'The Bull' VOTING ZONE

Just keep on voting guys right the way to the end. Link above ... never never never give up.

I am of the opposite view, of the 13% we probably (should with all the info on here) make up 10% of all the voters that are buying and selling at the right time.
You need at least 75% of the market to be mug punters who think that their ramping and silly posts can drive a stock or turn it around.
They are the ones we are buying off and selling to.

We saw that on the PEN thread when they turned up here (and on numerous other sites) in their dozens, made no difference and then disappeared when they failed dismally.

Let's just be that 13% who quietly go about the business of making a profit without all the nonsense.

Just my
HC has raced ahead to 76.72% and ASF back to 13%...
Sure, it's quality over quantity.
I thought there was a way to vote more than once, but they apparently use more sophisticated methods than cookies. Ahh - it's the computer: Cranked up the old steamer and had the Missus cast her vote.


Some improvement, and at this rate we should catch up on the last day of voting.

Needs everyone, yes everyone, to put out the word and vote for Aussie Stock Forums, the extreme underdog. Vote always, tell them, from a different IP address in Australia.

Can David beat Goliath once again.

Vote at
Re: Vote for ASF

I see there is a forum poll out there - not sure if this is the same one as run by The Bull, but thought I would post it anyway to give support to ASF:


Please come forward and go for ASF.
Currently Hot Copper is at the top and surely it is because many ASF participants have overlooked to vote for ASF

Thanks Sails
What is surprising there was no reaction seen from any corner in ASF about the abnormal high ratings for HC against ASF.
It suggests few things to me :
1. HC truly earned the ratings and there was no poll rigging !!!
2. ASF truly earned the ratings after ranked top in previous rating !!!
3. ASF forum supporters just do not care of this Bull Rating and considered this was a another Bull S but still consider the sponsorship from Bull Newsletter to support ASF !!!
4.That I am wasting my time too thinking very high of ASF . But my issue, I just do not feel comfortable in participating in HC !!
5. Joe got other priorities than to lift ASF immage and ready to be acquired by HC so that he can spend some holidays in Hawai!!!!
Re: ASF - Aussie Stock Forums - The BULL ; vote for ASF

I had a Dream, I had a dream, that all the Moderators came together and won the competition at THE BULL against great odds, yes, 'I HAD A DREAM', but, 'was it to become reality?'

Hopefully ASF can still win despite the thread being put to the bottom on 'General Chat', still, maybe the difficulty ratio can be overcome.
Good morning everyone!

We're currently in third place for Best Stock Forum at The Bull's Stockies Awards, but second place isn't far away.

If you haven't cast your vote yet, please consider supporting ASF so we can get a silver medal, instead of bronze:

Your support is sincerely appreciated.
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