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Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at The Bull

Voting is underway at THE BULL and we failed to hear the starting pistol ...

...and then it was all over... Fortunately this year ASF was carried over the finishing line more by the efforts and good work of Joe Blow, the Moderators and excellent posters at ASF. The third year in a row as winners is a remarkable effort for the forum that sounds its own trumpets these days:
The Bull allows multiple votes to be cast. I've voted again, but HC has a fair lead (~1.5%) over ASF.
The Bull allows multiple votes to be cast. I've voted again, but HC has a fair lead (~1.5%) over ASF.

All the double votes etc are edited out by 'The Bull' so there is no point in voting twice. Votes have to be made from an IP address in Australia.

At the moment we are only trotting along so we need to get into a canter over the weekend. May have to open up a few of the old websites!

Voting is at

We may have to bring up the big guns :shoot: whilst flying :aus: and get a :car: to the voting zone. Thank you

Seem to be well ahead, but I've learned from previous occasions that it always pays to push on hard. Never look back, dilly dally, or stop for a chat.

ASF needs you very much indeed at the voting zone above. :luigi: and on we go :luigi:
Looking at the results this morning: ASF 49%, HotCopper 23%, TopStocks 14%. All the rest <5%

The gap at the top has opened up more than I'd thought. One possible scenario is that some double/triple votes have been culled.
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