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Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at The Bull

Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

We are trying to get to 40% which appears a difficult target without a lot of support.
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

Quite longways from achieving 40%, with just a week left to vote it has to be, all systems go. ASF very much needs your vote - cheers
Another busy day ahead on markets and hardly a minute to spare. If you have one, one of those minutes I mean, click-on this link to vote for Aussie Stock Forums:

Thank you, cheers
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

Another busy day ahead on markets and hardly a minute to spare. If you have one, one of those minutes I mean, click-on this link to vote for Aussie Stock Forums:

Thank you, cheers
Must not rest on our laurels with just 6 days to go in this forum contest, 38% great, now looking for 39%, can it be done. Voting for Aussie Stock Forums at
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

ASF seems to be doing quite well.

Closes on 5 Dec, so still time for any of the others to make a late charge.

Don't get beaten in time on, team...
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

That 39% has just been edged "fantastic", remembering that if it had come up once I would have won on the lotto. Still, ASF has managed it. Time to lodge your vote with a tad under 5 days left.
The highest expected target of "40%" is now a possibility. Must not start counting until the final bell. Aussie Stock Forums very much needs your votes.
Re: Vote for Aussie Stock Forums at Compareshares

The last 5 days are going to be an uphill run as ASF must not let up in the final run in. Aussie Stock Forums needs your vote at

You have done a fantastic job here Noirua - you have been tireless in your efforts for ASF

I did my bit some time ago - hopefully all who appreciate ASF have done/will do likewise...
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