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Victorian Fires

Fuel reduction burns...I hope that we get some experts involved in these ,with some balance.The understory contains,different flora and fuana- animals that do not reside further up the trees.
mosaic burning or whatever is the latest term, you burn areas in a kind of rotational way to allow fire prevention but also food production/germination and ensure cover protection is still available in nearby areas for displaced fauna
It is a very productive management (for wildlife as we do not really hunt anymore) and a way which has been suited to natives (I mean fauna/flora) over the last 30000y; and over multiple climate change events
Very nice article, dodge the anti Morrison, CC crap interseeded but the article itself is perfect.
We know what we to do, but we need the will and budget to do that
The submarine program bill is at 80 billions,.
in Qld, while we were burning, our Premier was in Switzerland as we want to host Olympics game..not kidding ...
and i am sure other states have the money, a matter of priorities
Where i differ is that realistically, we will need another 100 millions wasted on another royal Commission, same outcome and recommendations but hopefully more leverage to actually act this time
Heavy rain here. Hope it hits the fires
Same here in SE qld, tanks now overflowing and creeks started running again, more more more

Otherwise the usual story
Complete disconnection between people on the ground living in an area and the power to be
If my property had burnt, i i cou cut and paste 2001 last burns, a token one since, enormous fuel load..making it now very difficult to even try hazard reduction
Hopefully this rain will stop all fires but sadly the problems remain
2nd day of decent rain. Hope it's hitting the dams as well.
All this will wash away scomo's sins.
And once again bushfire hazards and preventative measures can be forgotten. Let the token effort of carbon reduction begin....

Topsoil washing away will be a problem as well if the rain keeps up.
How do you read this?
Not insured....
People have to take some responsibility for themselves, in this case insuring your home.

I am happy to help those who have made the effort to help themselves but are still suffering due to what's happened. I feel far less generous to those who haven't bothered with insurance, haven't paid the associated fire levies etc.
Where i differ is that realistically, we will need another 100 millions wasted on another royal Commission, same outcome and recommendations but hopefully more leverage to actually act this time
The potential benefit of a Royal Commission is that of cutting through the political BS.

It shouldn't be necessary to do that but it's a way around the obstacles potentially.

I would be less generous to people who can afford insurance and haven't paid it, but with the way premiums are going it will become less affordable for more people.

Talking about insurance whats it going to cost per year now NW of WA gets absolutely hammered now, I wonder if it will move people out of bushfire risk areas or even insurance wont be available if the insurers rate the risk to high, interesting times ahead.
The potential benefit of a Royal Commission is that of cutting through the political BS.

It shouldn't be necessary to do that but it's a way around the obstacles potentially.
The problem that I experienced with the last RC, is that local government took eight years to implement the recommendations and then, very promptly, initiated a review, with the express intention of (amongst other things) seeking the removal of the (very recently applied) Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO).
Over 50 reports and enquiries in the last 80 years, all same the same thing, no fuel no fire, but not really practical. How about reduce fuel reduce fire, that we can do, do it !!

Over the past 20 years in particular, the green influence in the local councils has all but stopped any hazard reduction, now we reap what we sow.

Unfortunately it is the general populace that bear the brunt, I do think with these fires being SO bad we will see a lot more hazard reduction where needed
I would be less generous to people who can afford insurance and haven't paid it, but with the way premiums are going it will become less affordable for more people.
They have a kid, I do not know about you but we waited to be able to afford a kid to have one:
no subsidized childcare or baby bonus 20y ago, or maternity leave and we needed a buffer so that the lady could have a few months off around the birth
The way I see it;
you do not have a house or a car if you can not insure it is , you downgrade, you rent
that is probably why we are on opposite sides election day
Anyway, that is why all my donations went to WIRES and not the Salvos..which is bsad, because I am sure some people deserve help (if only to bridge before insurances payments) but I would hate to see my money, on top of taxes going that way
We probably need a proper recovery assistance system, well thought about, in cases of catastrophes fires or others.not just adhoc emergency speeches

I think it will get to the stage where the insurance companies will price themselves out of the market and the government will have to step in and offer affordable insurance.
I think it will get to the stage where the insurance companies will price themselves out of the market and the government will have to step in and offer affordable insurance.

Or they could insist that people clear 50m around their houses and the council has to enforce it rather than stop it
Or they could insist that people clear 50m around their houses and the council has to enforce it rather than stop it
or the insurance could vary the premium based on actual site inspection:
I pay the same premium as a neighbour for a same house yet the fact I have a fire pump, extra tanks, potentially things like a roof sprinkler, generator, own water supply etc etc does not matter one asks even the type of vegetation around, the slope etc etc

That would be too hard wouldn't it ?
That would be too hard wouldn't it ?
Some basic check would be easily doable you do not pay one insurance premium for all cars..
There is not even a check on the quality of the building insured.that would be easy to do
And remember we are talking premium in the $4k a year range..this could justify a one hour on site inspection per customer
Anyway..not directly relevant to the fires
Hope the rain is helping people there

Insurance premiums for cars are usually based on the number of claims in your area, although you may get a discount if you have a car alarm installed and keep the car in a garage, but you are still paying for other people's accidents.
Insurance premiums for cars are usually based on the number of claims in your area, although you may get a discount if you have a car alarm installed and keep the car in a garage, but you are still paying for other people's accidents.
True but even in a cleared area, if the gutters are overflowing with leaves, will make a big difference
I am sure we can agree that a more individualised pricing might make sense, and might actually be mandated if globalised pricing goes over the roof...
Hopefully, government will not interfere and market will be able to fix that: look at pensioner pricing, youi ads about car insurance for people NOT driving to work etc..
Anyway, there is much to be done..sweet rain is breaking my sat internet and overflowing the gutters at last...
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