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Victorian Fires

Or stop people building in those areas most affected, so that natural buffers can be added.
Only if these can be burnt off or cleared, otherwise, people can probably manage these betters than having them declared state forest or conservation area/wilderness areas
One of the issues we have had is fires burning for months. the RFS role is not to extinguish fires but to protect :
once no property or life is at risk, it is so call contained..meaning let go as noone is on the path, next hot windy day, you got embers flying everywhere and a disaster like last week
so I also think we also need a fleet of water bombing planes to actually stop these in the bud or mop up without having to wait for the rain.CC or not, drought do happen regularily, it will happen again, we know that even before it has finished
Which is what 'tinhat' said more people and resources. Also you should only allow people to build a certain distance away from a State forest, so buffer zones can be easily maintained.
Saying we can't burn it, and you can build houses in the forest is just living in fairy land, why should the taxpayer and insurance premiums have to cover an unavoidable disaster every 10 years, that isn't even including the immeasurable heartache and loss of life.
The World has gone bonkers.
Tricky part of the law ... justifying ... not going to far and each case differs vastly from the rest.

I'd say even if you are charged and are tried in the local community by people whose houses may have been burned down, you are unlikely to be convicted, if you want to take that risk.
I'd say even if you are charged and are tried in the local community by people whose houses may have been burned down, you are unlikely to be convicted, if you want to take that risk.
Well you try it, then we can follow your lead, if it works out.
I'd say even if you are charged and are tried in the local community by people whose houses may have been burned down, you are unlikely to be convicted, if you want to take that risk.

I wish reality was this ... reality is sadly not like this.
Fighting or defending a case is expensive, lawyers are quite often hopeless and even worse generalists with next to zero experience in various fields. Getting a decent criminal lawyer in regional areas, forget it.

Having spent a few years assisting others, complex legal cases verses goverment or even semi goverment funded bodies is exhausting because they just come back, and back ... and back and back.

Advice is never go to court.
Second is to deny and dont speak, tape interviews ... dont offer or answer anything. You are not compelled to do so unless you before a body such as a crime commission where legally you MUST.

People and we humans loose interest in someone being sent to the dogs whether its totally unjustified or not. You may sympathize, and listen but some cases take literally years and then appeals and on and on it goes.

Basically a nightmare. Especially if the person injured is special needs or interests and then the facts, go out the bloody window. Your racist or whatever.

Avoid it like the plague. Even what appear simple cases are long drawn out stressful and not what you might expect. Simple debt recovery of even a small amount a lawyer often not worth the total amount and facing an overworked local magistrate who does not tolerate people representing themselves is scary even if well prepared. Most are not. Most have no idea and the outcome is what one might expect.

Avoid it ... if you can

Seeing a bit of a trend to lead the narrative and push the CC angle.

Someone mentioned that Murdoch was to powerful but truth is Social media is one of the greatest propaganda platforms I've seen. A lot of the memes/videos are coming from funded groups to sway either side.

For the first time in history my wife came and complained about scomo after watching a facebook video. Libs are seriously lagging in this department. The utter lack of media finesse will be the end of this government. And that's probably the least of the problems this government has.
Not good for the P.M to be away on holidays, but o.k for CC activists to stage a demonstration to remove resources, at the height of the problem .

Guess it doesn't matter, if you have right on your side.
It would be great if these kids were getting an education, that actually gave them the ability to understand what they were doing, the times table would probably help them negotiate the issues and reduce their own carbon footprint.
Social media is one of the greatest propaganda platforms I've seen. A lot of the memes/videos are coming from funded groups to sway either side.

Also be aware that most search engines by virtue of the way they work put users in a bubble.

Whichever "side" you read last time, they'll serve up more of the same next time thus entrenching your world view whatever that happens to be.
I just read that relief donations helped by musical and film entertainers donations has passed $140m

One would hope that the media, with all the 'airplay'it has got out of the situation, could at least spend as much time monitoring the distribution of the funds, as it has bagging all and sundry 'missing in action' in the name of a headline.
If they can can apply the same pressure to those who accept the funds, that they applied to the PM, to ensure they are transfer honestly and in total to those that require them, that will be nice.
Just my opinion.
To put things into perspective
The inconvenient truth...
SP, Smurf and those interested in science can read more about how we are using instant top instead of averaging for our temperatures and so have lost ability to compare data since 2011..
Is THAT fake news? It is relevant as this now allow better comparison with past situations..and yes i know our past started in the 1880s.....
I love a conspiracy theory, someone will be making a lot of money by skewing data, that has always happened and always will, be it for personal gain or mischief.
From the article:
He urged people to rely on news from government bodies and trusted media outlets during emergencies.

Online posts featuring misleading images, reports about the scale of the fires and its cause have been spread on social media platforms. On Wednesday the hashtag #ArsonEmergency was trending nationally, with users using it to critique the link between bushfires and climate change, a topic which raised concerns with social media analysts.

Chairman of the ACCC Rod Sims said scams relating to donations for bushfire victims were an example of why a code of conduct needed to be implemented.
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