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Thanks usual, a detailed and thoughtful summary. I trust Greg is not just fobbing off any unpleasantness relating to the supposed dissatisfaction of some of the local landowners. I guess if there were any sort of PR unit, these issues could be better addressed, countering some of these supposed "inaccuracies." I guess it's the last thing management want to contend with at present!
Good luck!
Hi all RED club members.

Beatle id just like to thank you for your in-depth and well summarized report of the agm. It was great feed back and I'm sure all of us here on the RED thread appreciated it as much as i did. So why the headache mate ?? lol.

Snsdmonkey you are probably right, re, not going anywhere in a hurry, well maybe not for a few days anyway. I'm still confident ( even though it may be small, ) of a gold pour next week. We are nearing the producer status by the day and soon we will be making GOLD and selling it by the bucket load... Not to mention, making a motza. Which of course will reflect back on to the SP and the shareholders.

Chris, welcome to the consolidation. It takes effect as of tomorrow the 25th. For my own sake i topped up late this arv. (Sorry Beatle, sorry wifey ),lol. In fact i bought some of the 1 000 000 that was dumped on close.

Anyhow, looks like we open tomorrow at $2.05. Crikey that will take some getting use to...

Thanks again Beatle, you covered everything i had concerns about.

Cheers Moit, good luck to all holders.
I`ll second those sentiments moit.

beatle has been very informative over the years as a go between amongst the heirachy and us humble holders. I am very appreciative for his info when there was no info and his belief in this company.

I am heavily overweight in RED and I believe in the upside too. Thanks beatle

Cheers everyone
Seeing you are all so accommodating I will be sure to update the technical view from time to time.

There are some savvy traders amongst the fundamental investors
Slipping in and out for a few cents excellent.

It's a bit of fun during the boring market time and my lack of time to follow other stocks at the moment...have made some good profits with some quick trades in it, if you can time it right...
Thanks moit.

Dumb questions - how do I know how many shares I have now? And how do I calculate what I would refer to now as my buy price?
Hi All, and I'm most thankful for your kind words Moit, Buckfont, Hugh_Jarz. Actually I do it now as I enjoy keeping in touch with you all, and it keeps an old man feeling involved! As for the headache Moit, I had a couple of drinks during the day and it obviously got the better of me (I don't drink much more than the odd RED these days!).

As for your holding ChrisJH, your holding is 1/10 th of what you had, ie if you bought 50,000 shares then you will hold 5,000 shares as of tomorrow (the first day of trading on a consolidated price). And your buy price is therefore the total cost divided by the number of shares you hold post-consolidation, ie if you bought solely at 21 cents then your buy-in price is $2.10 per consolidated share.

I will be looking at the next few trading days with interest, from the point of view of:
1. How will the market act initially;
2. How long will it take for RED management to put out some positive news (I recall some years ago they were very energetic with the news when they sought a rather large capital raising - or is it the cynic in me, lol!);
3. How long will it take before the substantial holders take the shares back up to the share price it last traded at pre-consolidation, ie since it closed at 20.5 cents today assumedly it will fall slightly below that converted to $2.05. Will it trade appreciably below that in the first few days and will it be taken up to that level of $2.05 soon due to insto's involvement or take a news release to get it back up there!

I am thinking of buying a few more in the coming days if it comes off a bit as I am damn sure it won't be down at this level for long! Its even a good trading position if it goes below the $2.00 level IMO as for sure there will be news maybe as soon as Mon or Tues next week of the first gravity pour, and within a week or so later news of the first CIL pour. Thus I'm going to be watching it like a hawke!

From your sign-off Hugh_Jarz I get a feeling you have bailed out completely, is that correct? Maybe you are waiting for a slight dip to get back in if you are out as of now? What's your view?
beatle - thanks for all detail re AGM. The hint on divie surprising so early, not the fact they can afford ...i just thought a buy-back may have been better. Glad they are aware of need to seek new direction beyond Siana and that (perhaps) they being careful. The board meetings are probably very interesting discussing on whether to look beyond Phillipines or not. Mapawa being in back seat ..I thought they got the cap raising so they could ring-fence funds to do more there.

Well, looks like i have been totally wrong to exit most of holding on rebel risk.....RED gone up 10% since & I plunked most funds into PRU which down 22% in 11 trading days. Pretty gutted.
Hi Mgm1a, sorry to hear about your PRU investment, and lets hope your residual RED will make some headway for you soon!

As to the possibility of a RED dividend, CJ made it clear that of course the board needs to look at the financial result in Sept 2012 for the first 6 months of production before making that decision. But he made the point that his feedback from insto's, both the second tier funds that he believed would now have an interest in RED due to the reconstructed price being above pennydreadful price (smoke and mirrors!) is that if they set out early to provide a dividend then that again would separate RED from most gold equities that tend to pour all their surplus funds back into the ground, and forget about the shareholders. If Siana performs at base case forecast then RED has the opportunity to provide a reasonable dividend plus still embark on growth through exploration organically (including Mapawa) plus some additional business development.

RED price continues to remain way below its implied NPV valuation of Siana, thats the reason its not going the same way as most other gold equities at the moment - certainly most seem to be getting hammered despite the aussie gold price remaining very attractive. But the next few days might provide some buy in if the price dips due to the initial consolidation price being strange to some investors! Seems like it could also be a slow time unless Matthews tries to stir the market, but any sane investor surely wouldn't want to tip shares in recklessly at this stage (noting he still is a substantial holder).
Hi reeftip, lol, i would have been sitting here looking at a blank screen till December 9th. But have been in touch with ASX and have been informed that it will stay like this as a deferred settlement until the 9th, and then go back to normal ticker code RED.

Thanks mate.

Cheers Moit.
Hi Moit, so long as few people know how to sell RED due to the change in code we surely won't be going down too soon, lol!

But seriously I'm surprised that few are offering to sell at even the current level around $2.05, perhaps this is a good thing. The only issue is the trading liquidity has dried up and a few trader types might want to exit just to get funds for other purposes, and that could force the price down artificially. I'll get a few more if it goes down below $2.00 but its not going to be a signficant purchase for me now. I'm hoping we get a stream of announcements in the coming weeks confirming the success of commissioning etc. And of course thats likely from what we know now.

Hi Beatle. I cant offer to sell atm because it's showing that i dont hold any Redda to sell. (not that i'm going to sell any at this point in time) Maybe thats why there's so few selling?
Hi jancha, now this may sound silly. But try editing your REDDA portfolio. ( ie, how many shares you hold and your average price. Keeping in mind your new consolidated prices. So if your average price used to be 13 cents, well now it will be $1.30. And of course your shares will now be divided by 10. )

I haven't bought or sold any today, ( in fact never, ever sold a RED share yet, lol, ) but I'm sure if you do the above, you would be able to.

I hope this helps.

Regards Moit.
Cheers for that Moit but as you i have no intentions of selling either yet. Was answering Beatles point about why no ones selling. I'd imagine by the end of the day E-trade would have sorted it out and adjusted my portfolio.
Low volume today. (69k ->690k)

Probably because very little people have figured out how to sell RED or buy RED LOL.

I searched for RED and showed up empty. How would I know to change to REDDA if it wasn't for this thread.
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