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Seriously, could not get back in at 0.21..

Last trade was 0.212! What a cheat! I was locked in for around 4 hours.. god

That came up as cancelled, not really sure what that's all about.

I picked up some for 0.2 at yesterday's close, and now it's just about at the head of the 0.215 sell orders. Not sure whether to let it lapse tomorrow though, there is such high volume in the last 4 trading days, and I see buyer interest is up to 17m shares today - I haven't seen that in a long time, since RED's rise to 0.23ish in recent months.

I'll sleep on it
Dougs Antiques

That was a short term hourly chart with a short term 1-2 day target, (turned out to be 1)

Daily chart 28c target could take 1-2 months, (the duration of the triangle)

View attachment 45108

Hi Chalea,

I'm still very new to this, and keen to learn. Would you mind explaining the target of 28c and the expectation of 1-2 months?

Such a dilemma Starcraftmazter, lol! On the negative (or positive for you selling them tomorrow!) side I can't see Matthews stopping his selling for the next couple of weeks, and surely it won't keep moving up without a slight retracement. On the positive side I can't recall such a strong, high volume day for a while, and seems to me that someone is building up a large booty at the moment, not sure if it would be Baker Steel or a new player. But I feel quite certain its someone who wants to build up more than what was available today!

(Gee I'm glad I don't want to sell out in the hope of it falling back to buy them back - I would hate to chase them up without a RED share in my pocket!).
So this Matthews person, is he just some random guy who bought a lot of shares and is now selling them for god knows which reason?
No he's not an individual investor, he's a fund manager, in recent years his funds under management have been very successful, amongst the best performed in Australia. He took a strategic hold in RED a few years ago & built it close to 20% before the other insto's got on board. He was invaluable early on, it's hard to understand his position now, selling out just as he has gone through some hard times when RED failed to meet it's timelines with the development a few years ago.
Woopsy, back in at 0.215 lol. There goes brokerage!

Even tho RED probably flat today, my MML and NST shares are rocking hard!
Welcome back home Chasero, lol (you probably bought Starcraftmazters shares!).

I assume Matthews has made a stand and is happy to sell at 21.5 cents. I really can't work his strategy out! (I ASSUME its him that hit the 21.5 cents on the Bid earlier).
Youve really got to get over this Matthews hypothesis.

This idea has been around for nearly a month.(on this thread)

Get over it.
You cant explain away everyting in life and nor do you have to.
If there was a capping of price it wouldnt be going up it would be CAPPED.

I agree, who cares what this Matthews bloke is doing. If he is a fund manager there are a 100 reasons he might be selling at this level that have nothing to do with what he thinks RED share price will do in the long term, especially if he is carrying a substantial profit.

These threads that are the flavour of the month make me laugh, always guaranteed to get some irrational theories about why the price does or doesn't move.
Thanks for the advice Tech/a and Nomore4s, but whilst I have got more than $1 million riding on this I think I can decide whether its relevant to the share pricing or not!

I have watched this share for a number of years, and whilst I can't interpret a chart for nuts, I have found certain trading styles that have developed over that period. In fact I have considered Matthews selldown well before 1 month ago, and whilst of course he has any and every reason to exit, its an important consideration for those looking for the best time to enter and exit. I would imagine we will "feel" his departure once the dumps stop happening so frequently.

As we have agreed before, there is more than 1 view and my view suits me. I will post accordingly, provided it doesn't contravene ASF guidelines.
You have $1 million worth of RED Shares?

So when you get a vertical price rise he will be gone?
If it goes up slowly like it is then its his fault?

and my view suits me

Fine but you present it like a mormon preacher to any who will listen.
Im happy for you to pray for me but do it in silence.

You have really got off the topic of RED! But I will continue to post in RED, as I consider it to be a worthwhile investment, and I'm happy to provide anyone with information, to those who seek information about the company, as much as I can bearing in mind my knowledge is limited to market releases, or my speculation of what I think might happen/develop related to its mining business.

If you want to be on this RED thread I suggest you have to put up with all my rants - after all I have been posting on here for a couple of years at least and I think you started to chip in about 1 month ago! And you still suggest you wouldn't consider investing in RED. So how does that work. I will continue to post as I have done.

With Nomore4s' comment about flavour of the month thread I wonder who you are referring to. RED (and its predecessor GNR) has been my flavour of the month now for 14 years, lol, and I have been posting such about RED on ASF for as long as I have been a member! (Over several hundred posts!).
And you still suggest you wouldn't consider investing in RED. So how does that work

Not at this time
As Ive stated I either want to see a pull back or low risk breakout.

But you have me interested.

Now you stated you have a $ 1 million (not me) on RED
At around 14c average. Thats 6 million of them.
Not that its relevant, much earlier I had 8 million shares. But of course you are wrong with my entry price too!

But regardless, I have no doubt that there is a buyer standing in the market at the moment who is mopping up the shares slowly, thus my hope that we will see a new or exisiting substantial shareholder put in a notice! I have tried to catch up with the Chairman the past days on other matters and he seems to be absent, first time for a while there is silence to my calls, thus I have a sneaking idea that he is trying to lay low at the moment (perhaps there is something in the wind - its about time!).
Not that its relevant

Why did you mention it.

but whilst I have got more than $1 million riding on this

My personal view is outlandish remarks like holding $1 million in a single stock
are based more around pumping credibility than fact.

On with the show.
These threads that are the flavour of the month make me laugh, always guaranteed to get some irrational theories about why the price does or doesn't move.

It's interesting to have some insight to price movements, whether accurate or not. This thread has turned a little negative..
Hi all true RED club members.

Tech/a, seriously mate i cant believe i attempted to apologize to you. YOU are the negativity on the this thread, as some are now becoming aware of. As Chasero has just commented on. I picked this guy out a mile away and you guys continue to praise him for his pathetic analysis of a stock he truly knows nothing about. Let him go guys. Fancy asking, how many shares a person has, and to top it off, what price he paid. Tech/a, why don't you just ask the bloke, how much money he has in his account.
Get a bit fair dinkum mate, you are seriously crossing boundaries.

Why don't you just stick to your futures. You seem mature being in you 50's and all, but seriously ,you are not coming across that way.

Forget the tick, your a dick!!

This thread doesn't need you. Especially if you cant even put your money where mouth is. Oh thats right, you want to get in where most of us, long term, committed, true RED shareholders got in. At 11c and below. Bad luck buddy, you missed out. So much for your charting strategy. Back to the books my friend. Most of us are up 40 to 50%. Where are you. ZERO. Stick to your futures and please mate, do all of us a favor and hop off.

I may be out of line with ASF rules and regulations. But at the end of the day, lets look at the instigator. Not the bloke who truly believes in a company, that will shine and prosper. But, gets offended when people with so much negativity, who don't even hold, can abuse the hell out of a company that is just getting off the ground, and get away with it. Surely ASF can note that. If they are smart, they will know who to kick off !!

Between my father and i we have got a heap of RED shares and i have been on this thread since it virtually started. My father is currently pre-retired, cruising the country in a Winnebago. But i vouch for him as well. And to be honest, he is sick to death of the @#*holes trying to bring this stock down, on this forum...

Beatle (preacher, buddy, good mate, all he was trying to do was to elaborate, in a round a bout way, how much time, money and research he had given this particular stock ). ( 14 odd years to be exact ). Why try and nut him out to his very last dollar with RED. Some would assume that YOU were actually Mathews??

Beatle i am going to try my best to catch up with you and the likes of others at the infamous and inevitable gold pour. I think its time to meet and discuss our prosperities and indiscretions.

Guys , us on the RED thread don't need this monkey. Obviously its his way of relating to the world and clinging to every forum. I feel sorry for him and his 20 odd slave-drivers. Time to wake up and to who is destoying this thread...

Lets move on to a very merry X- MAS...
Should've waited till tomorrow. The DOW is coming off nicely

EDIT: Gold just dropped $5 in 15 minutes.


Oh well! Too late now! (Was actually hoping for an announcement this week)

^ Yes Moit, considering I posted I sold shares at 21.5c and received a response "You must've only held less than 65k" har har was not the most welcoming response..

I mean really? We're here because we're interested in the stock. Opposing views are welcome but some have gone a bit extreme at taking a dig rather than making any real contribution to the thread.
Time to all take a deep breath and relax.

Tech is quite within his rights to post his thoughts on this stock in this thread whether he holds RED or not.

I also have no idea why any of you are getting upset, the nature of the markets mean there will be opposing views which is why one person sells at a certain price and another buys. Tech hasn't said anything negative about the stock, just that it is in a trading range atm and he wouldn't be looking to buy until it breaks out of the range or revisits support.

Like I said before let it all play out and if RED can produce and be profitable I have no doubt there will be a re-rating at some stage but I'm in techs camp that it could take a while.
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